Where have you always been?

[The Glory Unveiled]

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD. ( Exodus 34:29 )

Anyone who has been with the word of God long enough becomes identical with the nature of God which is the glory of God. When we behold him, we become like him. Anytime we speak with the LORD, in the fellowship of prayer or the study of the word, we become radiant like God. The word of God that we collide with in the place of intimate fellowship cleanses us and makes us radiant (Ephesians 5:26). Moses became glorious because he had been with the King of glory. We become identical to whatever we associate with for a long time. So the reason why we don’t look like what we want is probably because we don’t stay too long with what we want. Do you want to be a journalist, for example? Stay with scripts, events and the news. Read more, learn about the rules of language and communication. You cannot be watching how to do makeups or fishing everyday if you want to become a journalist or a preacher or some other profession. Your passion must reflect skills and activities that has bearing on what you stay with most of the time. Every great man was once in the secret place of his or her greatness and calling. Nothing just happens. Another lesson we could squeeze out from the verse above is the fact that Moses didn’t know himself that he was radiant. This describes humility and commitment. If we would become glorious in the area of our calling and purposes, we need to be committed and humble too.

Prayer_Bead: King of glory, thank you for the opportunity to be committed to my calling and purpose. Teach me the secret to the secret place of light and illumination.

#GNews : Unveiling the glory of God.

Where have you always been?

[The Glory Unveiled]

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD. ( Exodus 34:29)
Anyone who has been with the word of God long enough becomes identical with the nature of God which is the glory of God. When we behold him, we become like him. Anytime we speak with the LORD, in the fellowship of prayer or the study of the word, we become radiant like God. The word of God that we collide with in the place of intimate fellowship cleanses us and makes us radiant (Ephesians 5:26). Moses became glorious because he had been with the King of glory. We become identical to whatever we associate with for a long time. So the reason why we don’t look like what we want is probably because we don’t stay too long with what we want. Do you want to be a journalist, for example? Stay with scripts, events and the news. Read more, learn about the rules of language and communication. You cannot be watching how to do makeups or fishing everyday if you want to become a journalist or a preacher or some other profession. Your passion must reflect skills and activities that has bearing on what you stay with most of the time. Every great man was once in the secret place of his or her greatness and calling. Nothing just happens. Another lesson we could squeeze out from the verse above is the fact that Moses didn’t know himself that he was radiant. This describes humility and commitment. If we would become glorious in the area of our calling and purposes, we need to be committed and humble too.

Prayer_Bead: King of glory, thank you for the opportunity to be committed to my calling and purpose. Teach me the secret to the secret place of light and illumination.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Cling to God

[The Glory Unveiled]

8 “When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you, LORD, and my prayer rose to you, to your holy temple.
9 “Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs. ( Jonah 2:8-9 )

God’s grace, mercy and loving kindness is available to as many people as would depend on Him. The Bible speaks of the grace God said was sufficient [available] for apostle Paul during his trying times. Apostle Paul wouldn’t have know that grace was available and sufficient for what he was going through if he didn’t depend on God for help. If he had turned to a [worthless] idols for comfort he would have forsaken the grace that would have been given to him. Even in times when it seem our very lives are slipping out of our very souls, we need to still raise prayer to God as Jonah did. This shows that he depended on God ultimately, problems and crisis notwithstanding. In good times, it is just too easy to say “I love God”. The true test of our allegiance and love for God is seen when we are faced with a life threatening predicament. God’s grace is available to each one of us as humans but our ability to enjoy it lies in the disposition of our will. God’s grace cannot run out but it is possible to forfeit it. We forfeit the grace of God upon our lives or available to us when we cling to anything other than God and make more time for them than God. The time to run to God is when we are faced with challenges. It is unwise to run away from God when troubles come our way. Because real trouble is any place away from God. So let us run to God instead of running away from Him when challenges knock on our doors.

Prayer_Bead: Gracious Lord, Everlasting Father, thank you for the grace to trust in you at all times and to cling to you in all situations.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

God’s word, the perfect filter

[The Glory Unveiled]

But Naaman went away angry and said, “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the LORD his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy. ( 2Kings 5:11)

Perceptions control our general outlook on life. It is like a lens through which we see the world; a filter through which all our life’s realities are viewed. So that what we see through the lens of perception is not or may not really be what really exists. So we could say its a realty distorter because perception alters reality. Naaman had been suffering from leprosy and when the time came for him to be healed, his perception of how the healing and deliverance should be carried out robbed him of the healing he would have instantly enjoyed. In that moment, if he had just taken the man of God’s instruction without filtering it through the lens of his perception, he would have been immediately healed. Like Naaman, we all have invisible filters that translate what we see as reality. Unfortunately, like Naaman’s filter, our views are distorted through the warped lens of our perception. But there is another filter; the word of God which is able to show the true nature and appearance of what we see. It portrays things the way they are supposed to be. Whenever God speaks a word to us, two things happens which determine what outcome we experience. When we hear the word and allow the desires of the flesh and the world’s systems to filter it through our perception we would not experience what God’s word promises. But on the other hand, when we filter the things of God with the word of God, then we would see clearly God’s love and plans for us.

Prayer_Bead: My Father and my God, perforate my thoughts with your word and filter through my beliefs, that I may perceive things as you would.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Be constantly alert

[The Glory Unveiled]

Be on your guard [constantly alert], and watch and pray; for you do not know when the time will come. ( Mark 13:33 )

This year, 2020 has taught us a lot of lessons. One of the major lessons of this year is the fact that we should be on our guard; we should be constantly alert. We do not ‘know’ when the “time” will be. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 29:29 that the secret things belong to God, but those He revealed are for us and our children so that we may follow all the words of the law. Also Proverbs 25:2, says that the glory of God is to conceal a matter and to search it out is the glory of Kings. Because we do not naturally know all things, we need to search them out. The word of God itself in its entity is like a precious treasure concealed in a field [Matthew 13:44]. It takes unearthing the field to find it. Most of the words are concealed mysteries that take more than just casually reading through the pages of the Bible to unravel them. The physical world we see around us is only a shadow of a bigger world beyond the reach of the physical eyes. So being alert and on our guard means being perceptible to the things around us especially the ones that are not seen by the ordinary eyes. When Jesus asked his disciples to watch and pray in Mark 14:38, he Himself was alert. And so his spiritual senses were open to what was going to happen to him. Elijah was also so spiritually alert that when he was surrounded by an army, he didn’t panic because he saw beyond the human enemy army to angelic beings that were ready to fight for him. In times like these when the devil roams about seeking to devour ignorant people, we need the antennae of our spiritual pinnacles heightened. And this can only be achieved in prayer; in continuous persistent prayer because the culture of prayer, makes us alert.

Prayer_Bead: God of the night watches, protector and defender of the defenseless, thank you for the grace to constantly be on my guard through persistent prayer.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.