Super ordinary life

[ The Glory Unveiled ]

The sun will no more be your light by day,
nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the LORD will be your everlasting light,
and your God will be your glory.( Isaiah 60:19 )

The Believer is called to extraordinary life. Everything about and around the Believer is supposed to scream “out of ordinary “. Ordinarily, the sun is the giver of light by day and the moon supplies light at night. So that ordinarily, whenever these entities refuse to give light at their designated times, the ordinary man or woman experiences darkness. But here, in this verse of scripture, we see an entirely different situation, one that is not in line with the normal way of things. God says in effect, what used to be our norm will cease to be the norm hence forth. God is using us to break the status quo and to usher in a new order; the order of super ordinary manifestations. Instead of the world or its systems giving us light almost to our detriment, God is now our everlasting light and glory. God does not disappoint, He does not change like the weather. But all these can only be a reality if or when God becomes our Lord and partner. If you have not permitted Him to be Lord over you, please do that today.

Prayer_Bead: Father in heaven, thank you for reconciling me unto yourself through Christ Jesus. I accept the Lordship of Jesus over my life. Forgive me my transgressions and sins. Be my Lord and Saviour, and shine your light in my heart, in Jesus name.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Know your spiritual tribe

[The Glory Unveiled]

No inheritance may pass from one tribe to another, for each Israelite tribe is to keep the land it inherits.” ( Numbers 36:9 )

Spiritual heritage is very important especially in our day and age. Finding and knowing one’s spiritual ancestry is crucial to the core mandate of our call. The instructions given by God, through Moses to Joshua to be carried out was that, the inheritance (land) should be shared according to tribes and among tribes. There was no other way by which anyone in Israel could have a land allotted to them. Once you belong to a particular ancestry, you can be sure of your share of an inheritance. The problem arises when you don’t know your tribe or you have none, as a result of not knowing your source or not belonging to that lineage. But whatever the case may be, without a connection to a tribe, there is no inheritance and hence there is no legacy to be left. Likewise, our spiritual tribes determine what ripple effects we will leave on the earth and how effective that impact could be. The scripture above says, no inheritance should pass from one tribe to another, but each should keep what they have. Spiritually too, no one can partake in the inheritance of another tribe no matter how hard they try. The best they could do is to pretend or fake the inheritance of that tribe. Unfortunately many of us think we can just stand alone, without spiritual tribes and covering. This is probably the reason for many of the errors and ineffectiveness we see in ministry all around. Are you a prophet, quit acting like a teacher. Are you an evangelist, quit acting like a prophet. Remain in your tribe and you will be relevant.

Prayer_Bead: God of the universe and all its resulting effects, thank you for bringing me up in a particular tribe. Guide me to recognize my tribe and to remain committed to that lineage. Make me a partake of the inheritance of my tribe.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Behavioral red flags

Before a downfall the heart is haughty,
but humility comes before honor. ( Proverbs 18:12 )

If ever anyone of us will be cautioned just right before we step into trouble there would have been half the problems in the world today. Fortunately for the Believer, the Lord, because of His love for us has not left us in the dark concerning these matters. Instead through his word, God exposes the red flags on our way to greatness and recognition. So that when we pay heed, we will be decorated with honour after the order of God’s ordination and institution. Our anchor scripture says the heart always becomes haughty before any downfall. This means that nobody enters or stumbles into a downfall, a difficult situation without the heart going ahead of them into haughtiness. And on the other hand, humility always precedes honour and glory. In that same vein, the life of a person can be predicted to end in honour if they walk in constant humility. The ball is therefore in our court; the onus lies with us. What becomes of us depends on what we make of this verse of scripture, should we choose the path of humility or the path of haughtiness.

Prayer_Bead: Merciful and everlasting King, prince of peace, thank you for the power of your word. Give me a discerning heart and an understanding mind. And teach me to walk in humility and love.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Is anything too hard for God?

[ The Glory Unveiled ]

“I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? ( Jeremiah 32:27 )

In the dark world, there are specialized spirits, demons and gods. There are gods who specialize in specific fields and so whenever they are confronted with situations outside their main line of operations, they become redundant. People who have been exposed to the activities of such gods find it difficult to accept the testimony of God expressed through Jesus. To many of these people, God is specialized in only specific areas and so when confronted with challenges in other areas, they want to handle it themselves. But before God would ask whether anything is too hard for him, he defines Himself; to distinct Himself from the rest of the gods. God Almighty is God over all humanity. But then the response to the question, “Is there anything too hard for me” determines what outcome we experience. Whatever we think is too hard for God to do, we cannot trust God to do it. This is why our response to the question is quite integral to our overall outlook on life.

Prayer_Bead: Father, I thank you for who you are and who you are to me. Thank you for what you will do and what you have done already because there is nothing too hard for you.

#GNews: Unveiling the Glory of God.

Whose report will you believe?

[The Glory Unveiled]

Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? ( Isaiah 53:1 )

In today’s world, we are confronted with so many messages and doctrines. The world is saying so much. Everyday we are bombarded with thousand and millions of sounds and texts. So much and so many things come at us at the same time. But in the midst of all the noise and the distractions, we are asked a very subtle, yet powerful question. Whose report will we believe? We are free to listen to anything but what we believe is what defines us. The things we believe make up our ideologies and our belief system. What we believe determines what we experience. The arm of the Lord is revealed to anyone who believes the report of the Lord. The arm of the Lord is not just revealed to anyone just for nothing. It is triggered by the things we believe in. Also, our thinking and actions are premised by the things we believe as truth. So decide the trajectory of your life by deciding whose report you will believe.

Prayer_Bead: Gracious Lord, thank you for showing me mercy and extending your love to me to receive your report as the truth. Thank you Daddy for revealing your arm in my situations.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Personalized graces

[The Glory Unveiled]

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” ( Acts 3:6 )

Apostles Peter and John were out one day going about their normal daily life when they came across a man who was lame from birth. Peter and John had been team mates, colleagues in the school of Christ and friends for quite some time until then. They probably knew the likes and dislikes of one another and a couple more things they shared in common. But interestingly, at this juncture, Peter, instead of using the first person plural form of the pronoun [he used], he used the “singular” denoting he was speaking for himself and himself alone. One of the challenges of many of today’s Believers is that, we try to role play and act out for other people and even ourselves. We try to act for people and pretend to be like them whereas we may have been far from them in experience. You could be friends with someone but what they carry on the inside is different from what you carry. You could graduate from the same Bible school but have different ministries and grace. It is for this reason we must enter the secret place as individuals and exercise the power and grace willed to us as such. We can only give what we have as individuals not as a group. No man can give what they do not have and no one can know what another person has or hasn’t unless they tell them. So beloved, let us give what we have been given of God; freely we were given, freely we should give.

Prayer_Bead: Omniscient King, Omnipotent God, thank you for the grace of your benevolence. Help we to give out to a needy world even as you gave to my needy soul.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Obey the source

[The Glory Unveiled]

As he went on his way, a lion met him on the road and killed him, and his body was left lying on the road, with both the donkey and the lion standing beside it. ( 1 Kings 13:24 )

The events that led to the scene of this verse of scripture is one that is unimaginable yet full of lessons. A prophet was sent by God from Judah with specific instructions to be carried out in Bethel. He did well to execute his mission but upon his return, he let out some secrets he should have kept for himself or at worst to a selected few. This prophet had announced the secret that sustained him until then to a large gathering so that the children of an old prophet even heard it. They came home to tell their father all that the prophet from Judah had done, and the secret that sustained him. This old prophet, decided to go and deceive the prophet from Judah. He urged him to do the opposite of what God told him to do in the name of “God’s new instruction to him.” The result of his disobedience to God and obeying the words of a man is what we read in the verse above. Now, our lesson: there are certain secrets that must remain secrets between us and God. Whatever God told us in our closet is still valid until, we are convinced otherwise by His Spirit; not by another man, prophet or whoever they may be without first having a witness within us. Let’s stick to God’s word.

Prayer_Bead: Merciful God, Loving Father, thank you for showing us through your word to hold unto your word and to keep secret what needs to be kept secret.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The end in the beginning

[The Glory Unveiled]

I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’ ( Isaiah 46:10 )

It is a natural instinct to want to know the end of a thing from the beginning. Business men and women venture into their business deals with the hope and anticipation of making a lot of returns. This is the reason why many people, even some Believers patronize new age astrology and witchcraft. Prophecy is one of the channels through which the mind of God is made known to us. God speaks to his people and unbelievers through the word of prophecy. In the verse of scripture above, we see that God is able and willing to make known to us the end from the very beginning. And God will fulfill His purpose for our lives when we align with that revealed plan for us. For this reason, we have no reason or whatsoever to fail in life. Once we subscribe to the pattern laid out for us in scriptures, everything will work out perfectly. God is not a man to lie nor promise and fail. Once the word has gone out, God will honour it. The secret is to acknowledge God in all we do and He will fulfill His desires for us.

Prayer_Bead: Ancient of days, the wind in my wings, the life in our lives, thank you for your provisions for us. Thank you for showing us the end from the beginning. Let your purpose for us stand.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Alert and Sober

[The Glory Unveiled]

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. ( 1 Peter 2:8 )

The enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. But the thing with the devil that is very different from the animal it is compared to is that, the devil will not scream out loud that he is the enemy and that he is coming for you; no! He comes disguised as an Angel of light; a friend, a brother, a spouse, a family friend or member etc. As such the scripture cautions us to be alert and sober minded. Otherwise we will be overtaken with evil and before we could say jack, we are in the ditch. In the verse nine (9) of this same chapter, the word of God shows us how to deal with the enemy. He says we should “resist” him. The enemy will always come at us through our desires…always. This is why we need to be alert and sober minded so that we can resist him. And we become alert by the word of God. It opens our eyes to the schemes of the enemy so that we are not ignorant of his devices. Study the word of God to be sober and alert!

Prayer_Bead: Saviour, Redeemer, Healer, Friend, Source and Origin of all things. Thank you for the anointing to know your word and to stand firmly in it, resisting the enemy. Help me to be alert and sober minded in you.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Chosen to reveal Christ

[The Glory Unveiled]

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. ( 1 Peter 2:9 )

The love of God for humans is so vast and complex. Before the foundations of the earth, God chose us in Christ to be unto Him His precious possession. And then in the fullness of time, God sent grace to save and take those He had chosen. This is why our salvation is not accidental. God is intentional about us getting into His ark, like in the days of Noah. It is just like how God instructed Noah to take particular animals with him into the ark. So we have been chosen; for a purpose. What is the purpose of our calling? We were called and chosen to declare the praise (glory) of He who called us from darkness into His marvelous light. How do we declare his praise? We do, like Moses, by showing ourselves to the world after we have been with the Lord for long. So let us live in the word of God so that the world can see the word of God through us.

Prayer_Bead: Awesome, Magnificent King, thank you for choosing me in Christ to reveal your praise and glory to the world. Keep me in the word of Your grace.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.