The work of perseverance

[The Glory Unveiled]

Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. [ James 1:4 NIV ]

The raw material for creating an enduring disposition to life is trials and challenges. Unfortunately, we have been made to believe that trials and challenges are a sign that God is not with us. Meanwhile, every great person who ever walked the earth faced many trials. The Lord Jesus, our example and mentor, suffered the same things when He walked the earth. He faced many trials, and after perseverance had finished its work in Him, He was “complete”. The testing of our faith is meant to produce perseverance. Trials have a way of releasing in us the grace to persevere. This is why the apostle James admonishes us to count it a good thing when we face trials of many kinds, knowing that their end product is an ability to persevere. The reality is that perseverance has a definite work to do in us. When its work is done, we are made mature and complete. But then, on the contrary, many of us try to skip classes. We do not allow perseverance to finish its work in us. While perseverance is working on us, we run out of patience and leave the class of trials that are meant to mature us. And so, we come out “incomplete” and immature, unable to handle situations that are meant to reveal God’s glory if we persevere. The world is misleading so many who would not gracefully endure the trials that come their way, knowing that God is with them, even through the fires. Don’t be one of those who are deceived. Allow perseverance to finish its work in you.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for the grace to go through the trials that are apportioned to me for my maturity. Help me not to skip classes. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Maturity is the working of perseverance.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Remember and Wait

But they soon forgot what he had done
and did not wait for his plan to unfold. [ Psalms 106:13 NIV ]

Humans are prone to forgetfulness. People often forget the changes in their seasons and the kindness shown to them during difficult times. The Israelites experienced a similar phenomenon. The anchor scripture states, “But the Israelites forgot what God had done, and they did not wait for God’s plan to unfold.” They took the lead and moved ahead of God because they had forgotten what He had done for them. Remembering God’s past deeds is crucial for maintaining fresh and stable trust in Him. It’s challenging to trust someone without a proven track record, but easier when there’s a history of trustworthiness. The Israelites forgot the things God had done for them, leaving them with nothing to base their trust on when they needed it most. Consequently, God’s plan couldn’t unfold in their lives. They delayed the plan through their own forgetfulness. His plan for them included a waiting period, necessitating trust. God desired their trust to be firm, grounded in His past actions. Many people’s lives lack the unfolding of God’s plan due to forgetfulness. Forgetting what God has done leads to actions that hinder His plan from coming to fruition. Keeping an active memory of God’s past deeds enables us to trust Him for what He has yet to do. Therefore, it’s essential to patiently await the unfolding of God’s plan for our lives.

Prayer_Bead: Lord who wraps Himself with light as with a garment, makes the clouds His chariot and rides on the wings of the wind, thank you for Your works of old. Repeat them in my life. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: A forgetful person delays their future.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God

A good and perfect gift

[The Glory Unveiled ]

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. [ James‬ ‭1‬‬:‭17 NKJV‬‬ ]

Whatever God does is good and perfect because His attributes reveal His ability to see the end from the beginning and to know what is to come from ancient times (Isaiah 46:10). As a result, He considers every possibility before initiating anything. Therefore, if it originates from God, it is good and perfect. As humans, we typically deem something good or perfect when it meets a need or fits a situation. However, in God’s perspective, something is good or perfect because it originates from Him. Thus, perfection or goodness is not situation-dependent but rather God-dependent. Essentially, our measurement system differs from God’s. To attain peace and avoid battling with uncertainties and unstable emotions, we must embrace God’s measurement system instead of ours. By doing so, we can expect consistency in results because with God, there is no shadow of turning—no uncertain aim. God remains faithful and consistently adheres to His ways. If a gift comes from the Father of lights, we can be certain it is good and perfect, even if it initially appears inadequate or unsuitable for the present need. For instance, Joseph’s gift of dreaming initially led him to the pit where he was sold. At that moment, it seemed like his gift was far from good and perfect. Yet, in due time, that same gift elevated him to the highest office in Egypt. Whatever God provides is sufficient to meet every need we face. However, we must realize that God’s good and perfect gift may not seem ideal in our human situations, yet it reveals God’s faithfulness. Hold onto what God has given you, be content with it, and witness the goodness of God.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning, let your name be glorified in my life through your good and perfect gifts.

Wisdom_Quote: A good and perfect gift is any gift from God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Keep your sensitivity lens

[The Glory Unveiled]

Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed. [ Ephesians 4:19 NIV ]

The end time world is educating us in the curriculum of ungodliness. The aim is to darken our understanding by making us ignorant of the things of God. Everything around us is feeding us with sensualities as opposed to the intention of God for us to walk by faith and not by sight. Consequently, many of us have strayed off the path of God unawares. You can tell you have gone far from the life of God when your appetite for sensuality becomes insatiable. When you begin to desire the things your eyes see and your flesh desires more than the things God wants. When the present emphasis of God does not appeal to you more than the present trending fashions. You see, your sensitivity to the things of God is your powerhouse, guiding beacon and control tower, without it, you are on a journey to nowhere, a mission to embrace destruction. Your sensitivity is your torch in the dark, the tracking device that helps you to locate God and His present agenda. It is the nose with which we catch the scent of God. But when sensuality supplants sensitivity, you know destruction is in your neighbourhood with impurity as your next dance tune. And at this stage the conscience is seared with hot iron, unresponsive to the prompting of God’s Spirit. Instead of this, let us embrace the way of life we received when we heard about Christ and were taught in Him in accordance with the truth. It must be a conscious, deliberate effort.

Prayer_Bead: Father God, deliver me from the evil wind of destruction aimed at me. Help me to embrace your truth and walk in it at all times. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Your appetite for sensuality is the gauge that shows you how far you’ve gone from the things of God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Actions and Words

[The Glory Unveiled]

Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? [ Luke 6:46 NIV ]

In God’s hierarchy, obedience is more valuable than making sacrifices. God isn’t deceived by mere words or lip service; He discerns the heart of every individual, making it impossible to deceive or confuse Him. It is a fruitless labour to attempt deceiving God with our words when our motives and actions communicate something different from our words. The word, “Lord” means master and owner, indicating that acknowledging Jesus as our Lord means recognizing Him as our master and owner. If He indeed holds authority over us, why do we not obey Him? Failure to obey God, demonstrates that He isn’t truly our master. Many of us resemble the individuals Jesus questioned in the text above, loudly proclaiming Jesus as our Lord in public yet disobeying Him in private. We disregard His instructions, choosing our own paths as if we were our own masters. Jesus isn’t swayed by empty words; He sees our hearts. We may deceive those who judge by appearances temporarily, but we cannot fool God. If we claim God as master, we must make clear commitments in submission to Him. Our actions must align with our words; otherwise, our words hold no meaning. Jesus is more concerned with our actions than our spoken words. Let your actions bring glory and honour to the Lord.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, I submit to you as my Lord in all my actions. Help me to bring you honour and glory. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Words that disagree with a person’s actions are empty.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.