There’s a third option

[The Glory Unveiled]

Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. [ Matthew 1:19 NIV]

Many times, when faced with challenges and situations of life, we usually, out of desperation look for shortcuts and exits rather than true solutions. We tend to avoid making careful decisions by thinking through our options to make good decisions. Just like every other person usually does, Joseph, Mary’s husband to be came to that point where he had to make a very important decision of his life. Unfortunately, out of desperation and the limitations of his options as he thought, he could only come up with two options. Now, he was engaged to be married to Mary but before they could finish the processes involved, he discovered that his wife to be was pregnant. And in their culture, the woman must not be with child before her proper marriage rituals. At this point, after Joseph discovered that Mary was pregnant, he thought he could either inform the authorities for Mary to be publicly disgraced and humiliated or he would divorce her secretly—his two options. But because he loved Mary, he wouldn’t side with his first option but rather fall on the second one. As he contemplated on what to do, the messenger of God came with a third option. And the third option was for him to go ahead and marry Mary. There’s always a third option in every seemingly two way situation. The third option is always with God. So, instead of whining and complaining, let’s consult God from the beginning for His options and opinion on every stressful matter.

Prayer_Bead: Omnipotent Father, Omniscient King, thank you for always making a way where there seem to be no way. Thank you for being my best option in the stress and troubles of life.

GNews: Unveiling the glory of God

A tangible fellowship

[The Glory Unveiled]

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; [ 1 John 1:1 KJV]

We have become used to hearing and telling stories so much that we assume that every experience in the word of God is a fable. Religion has created a big gulf between the supernatural and the natural, a gulf that suggests that humanity cannot connect with God. And this gulf remains in the understanding of many religious believers who think that what is written in the word is the experience of spirits and humanity has no share in it. But in reality, their experience are for our learning. “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope”—Romans 15:4. But the disciples continued to enjoy the fellowship of God that they enjoyed physically with Jesus, even after Jesus went to heaven. It is that same fellowship the apostle John calls us to. He invites us to a tangible fellowship with Jesus. The word of life is a person we can relate with. Every verse of scripture is a communication that can lead us to the heart of the father. Whenever we read or meditate on the scriptures or pray, we must do it with the understanding that we are interacting with a living person. Let’s approach the word of God now with this understanding and we will always find ourselves in a living fellowship.

Prayer_Bead: Loving Father, Holy Spirit, thank you for what you have begun unveiling to me through the word of God. As I study and explore the word, help me to come into deeper intimacy with you.

GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

It’s always “Yes, Lord”

[The Glory Unveiled]

But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean. [ Acts 10:14 KJV]

A few verses down from our anchor verse are these words, “Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry for Simon’s house, and stood before the gate” (Acts 10:17). Peter’s doubt of the vision was because he thought it was a test. He had just fasted. The sheets came thrice, and for three times he had denied the Lord; three times Jesus asked if he loved him. All these in the background of his mind, might have made him say “not so Lord”. Even though he acknowledged Him as Lord, he wasn’t ready to disappoint the Him again. He wouldn’t want to fail if it was a test. His actions, were as a result of his past but Jesus had forgiven His past. In fact, Jesus left his past in the past. This time, the Lord had need of him for a different purpose and assignment but Peter’s past will imprison him and interfere with his carrying out that mandate. Many times, in trying to avoid our past from repeating itself, we give it opportunity to hold us back from entering into our future. Peter allowed the past to pierce into his future and that voice of his past became louder in his conscience than the voice of His Lord. He could barely tell if what He saw was actually from the Lord, or whether it was a test or an instruction. But if the Lord is our Lord indeed, we must always say “yes” to Him. Once we are sure it is the Lord, our response should always be “yes, Lord!”

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for the great privilege to submit to you. Help me to discern your voice and your works in my life. And teach me to always say yes to you.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Seeds are not for the stomach

[The Glory Unveiled]

As surely as the LORD your God lives,” she replied, “I don’t have any bread—only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die.” [ 1 Kings 17:12 NIV]

The Zarephath widow, identified as “she” in our verse of scripture, would do as any person would do—eat her last meal. But you see, there’s something about our last substance. Usually, they are not for us. I mean, they’re not for our stomachs. The last is always a seed and seeds are for the soil. Whenever seeds are eaten, death follows. The widow knew that once she eats the seed, death will knock next on her door. Fortunately, the man of God, Elijah was near by and instructed her on what to do to extend the longevity of her bread and by extension, the continuance of her life. Many people like the widow, in hard times turn to eat [use up] their seed—last item, property or substance they have. But the kingdom principle to follow is to sow it. In the kingdom, little becomes much when little is sown. God, the father had only one son. But he wanted many sons, so he gave away His only son [sow]. And through his death [loss] He got many sons back. Except a seed of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it abides alone but if it dies, it produces many seeds ( John 12:24). When Elijah asked this widow to sow her last meal into his life, it may seem like a wicked thing to ask of a widow but principles have no sentiments. If this widow, had sown the seed into her stomach instead of sowing to God or someone who had the power to allow abundance into her life, she would have had nothing after that last meal. Don’t eat your seed. Sow it.

Prayer_Bead: Mighty God, the Ancient of Days, the great monarch of Zion, thank you for showing me what to do to attract increase of my little substance. Help me not to cling to my seed but to sow it.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The devil’s two edged agenda

[The Glory Unveiled]

And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: [ Luke 22:31 KJV]

When the devil wants to attack an individual, he targets a group but when he wants to attack a group, he usually focuses on an individual. The devil may aim at an elephant by targeting an ant and then target an ant by aiming at an elephant. He had being doing this throughout the history of the earth. When he wanted to attack Moses, he killed all the newly born babies at the time of Moses’ birth just to get Moses. And he repeated that strategy when he wanted to kill Jesus as well; sacrificing innocent babies. On the other hand, when he wanted to attack humanity (a group), he targeted one human, Eve. When he wanted to attack Israel, he went in for Achan. And then when he wanted to attack the disciples, he handpicked Simon, the lead disciple. But the Lord Jesus was not ignorant of the devices and schemes of the devil. So in the next verse of scripture [verse Luke 22:32], when he prayed for Simon, he mentioned that he should strengthen the rest of the disciples. This was because Jesus knew that the strength of the disciples would be affected and their faith may fail as the devil would have wanted to do to Simon himself. Maybe the devil is aiming at your family or a group you’re part of, but he’s using you as his target—the bullseye. If you see the attack on your prayer life as a mere thing, you may jeopardize the safety and faith of a larger group. Don’t be deceived, rise and fight for the people tied to you. Pray without ceasing.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, deliver us from the double edged schemes of the devil. Help our faith not to fail. Empower us to strengthen our brothers and sisters in the faith. Amen._

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The urgency of time

[The Glory Unveiled]

I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. [ John 9:4 KJV]

Over two thousand years ago, Jesus walked the earth on an assignment to deliver a message to a lost and dying world. Somehow, throughout his ministration, he ministered as if he didn’t have enough time and indeed he didn’t. On several occasions, he would encourage his disciples to do something urgently (Mark 6:45). The statement at the center of it all is the one in our anchor verse of scripture. Jesus knew that there would come a time when we cannot do the work of the one who sent us and so while we have the time, it is wise to work. At one time, he had to forgo food just to minister to the woman at the well. And when his disciples asked him, he said he had food they didn’t know of—doing the will of the father ( John 4:32;34 ). In the epistles, the apostles carried on that need and urgency to be busy about the work of God because the time is far spent ( Romans 13:11). Have you been called to a work of God? Have you been sent to a group of people with a message? A time comes when you cannot carry out that assignment. Now is the best time to carry it out. Don’t waste another minute. The world is racing to hell, the word of God like a signpost is with you, why don’t you stand by the way to direct souls into the Ark of God instead of allowing them enter hell? It’s not too late, wake up and make good use of the time!

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, Lover of my soul and my soon coming King, thank you for your deliverance and my salvation. I embrace everything you did for me and I go out to share with others what you did for them. Help me make good use of the time and not waste it on frivolities.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.


[The Glory Unveiled]

Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; [ Hebrews 5:7 KJV]

Any thudding sound from the house of a neighbour who likes pounding fufu can be mistaken for fufu even if it’s not. In the same manner, the scriptures can be made to say anything or imply things the original inspired authors did not intend to communicate. Usually this happens when we lift a scripture out of a book without consideration for the chapter or the theme and background of the scripture. Our anchor scripture can be easily misinterpreted if we swoop down on scriptures with no references or supporting scriptures. In order to reach the intended message the original author intended to communicate, we must locate the preset that is set upon another and the line of truth lying on another. There are those who interpret our anchor scripture to mean Jesus did not die because He prayed that he would not die and God answered his prayer. But if we look to another scripture, Acts 2:24, “But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.” Looking at the anchor scripture, Hebrews 5:7 from the lens [angle of] Acts 2:24, we can understand that Jesus did not pray not to die but that God freed Him from the agony of death. That freedom from the agony of death came from the joy set before Him. “For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”—Hebrews 12:2b. So Jesus died because He was raised from death according to the scriptures. And according to the scriptures, death could not keep its hold over the Resurrection and the Life. Our liberty is in the knowledge of the truth that Jesus dies and resurrected for us.

Prayer_Bead: Lord and Saviour Jesus, thank you for dying in my place and taking upon yourself the shame of death on the cross and giving me a place with you in glory.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.