Always pray and not give up

[The Glory Unveiled]

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. ( Luke 18:1 )

Anytime we are asked not to do something, it means there is a possibility of doing that anyway. When God told Adam and by extension, Eve not to eat from the forbidden tree, they did, because they could. It was within their means to do that which they were asked not to. Here in this chapter, Jesus tells his disciples a parable to show them that they should not give up on praying. But like we have established, this means that it is very possible to give up on prayer. There may be times when our spiritual atmosphere feels dry and our prayer altars become empty too, sometimes as a result of the frustrations and the stress of everyday life activities. Challenges may come our way, unforseen events may veer our way bringing unanswered questions. But the surety of God’s word convinces us that whatever happens, in the end, God will prove Himself as God. And if God would always prove Himself to be God because of His sovereignty and might, then we cannot give up on prayer. Because prayer is the avenue through which we connect to heaven and heavenly provisions and supplies. Whatever prayer cannot change or do, does not exist because everything exists as a result of words equivalent to prayers. Let us not give up on prayers no matter what goes on around us.

Prayer_Bead: Loving Father, merciful God, thank you for the opportunity to commune with you through prayer. Help me to be steadfast in it.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

You are well placed

[The Glory Unveiled]

But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. ( 1 Corinthians 12:18 )

Highly esteemed friend, you are well placed wherever you find yourself. It is difficult for many people to accept themselves for who they are and the physical attributes they have been created with. The thought and feeling of not being “beautiful” enough, tall enough, fair enough, or having enough of one thing or the other has created in many people a dislike for themselves. It has developed in them low self esteem, inferiority complex and timidity. Low self esteem has reduced well meaning dreams to just daydreams, turned mountain movers to very timid wind chasers. In the chapter for our meditation, the apostle Paul talks about the various ministries by comparing them to the parts of the human body and their respective roles and importance. He asserted that, every part of the body and their individual contribution amount to a wholistic body. And without one part of the body, the other parts are inadequate. It goes to mean that our worth and importance is tied to the supporting of other members in the body. As believers, our worth and importance is in our place of operation. We see our worth when we identify our position and role in the body of Christ. Irrespective of how small or seemingly insignificant it may be, it is that one thing that would make us confident and self-assured. So beloved, wherever you have been placed by God as a calling, is the best place you could be. Adam was placed in the garden of Eden as his place of domain. That was the best place he could have been. You have been placed well too in the body of Christ with your gifts, potentials, calling and visions. Many people depend on your gift and calling to fully function in theirs. Keep being awesome, love your gifts and calling.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, Head and sustainer of the body, thank you for the illumination through your Word. Help me by the Holy Spirit to love where I have been placed in you.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.