Quitting is not an option

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Though we experience every kind of pressure, we’re not crushed. At times we don’t know what to do, but quitting is not an option.” [ 2 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ‭TPT‬‬ ]

Everyday, we are pressured by the world’s systems and we have learned quickly that the world is not on our side, as believers. Many times, we wonder what we ought to do or not do as the line between the ways of the world and the Word are very thin. So thin that we cannot tell where the difference lies. But in the midst of all these challenges and confusion, we know one thing—no quitting. We cannot quit for any reasons, personal or corporate. You might have been so overwhelmed by the frustrations and pressure of the world to such an extent you want to give up on everything you believed and stood for. But the word of God for us today is not to give up. We are encouraged by the Spirit of God to stand firm, to hope in God, to trust the surety of God’s word, His faithfulness. In every line of work, there is a code of conduct. In our walk with God, our code of conduct is that quitting is not an option. The Lord Jesus portrayed this truth with His life. He came face to face with sin and death; the punishment for our sins. The burden of sin which was the weight of our disobedience and the guilt of our iniquities hanged on him like a dress. In the garden of Gethsemane, he prayed to the Father, to let the cup of suffering pass over Him. But even in the heat of that pressure, He added, not my will but thine be done (Matthew 26:39). He wasn’t giving up on humanity. He wasn’t letting go of His commitment and love for humanity. And so, even with His last breath, He dragged Himself to Golgotha—the transaction place for our redemption. And He did not give up the ghost until He saw to it that the divine Justice was fully met. Jesus did not quit on us. He left us a legacy; a template. That we should not quit no matter the pressure of the world. Even when we don’t know what to do, we will learn, if we don’t quit that God is guiding us all the way until we come into the center of His will for us.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for your compassion and love. Thank you for not giving up on me. Let your name be glorified.

Wisdom_Quote: Quitting is not an option in our walk with God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Treasured Jars of Clay

[The Glory Unveiled]

“We are like common clay jars that carry this glorious treasure within, so that this immeasurable power will be seen as God’s, not ours.” [ 2 Corinthians‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬ ‭TPT‬‬ ]

Many times, we judge things from an outward perspective, an unreliable angle. But the things that make the difference are not always visible from the exterior view. One of such mysteries to the angelic realm and the rulers and authorities in the world beyond our world is humanity. Angels are fascinated with God’s mercy shown us. They long to peer into the mystery of God’s grace. The angelic realm has always been mystified by God’s special creation—us (see Ephesians 3:10; 1 Peter 1:12). But unfortunately, many of us do not know who we really are; a precious jewel that does not know its value and worth. As a result, some of us, like the prodigal son have sold ourselves out to the basal things of this world. Stories are told of how, the people in the then Gold Coast exchanged gold for mirrors, sugar, cigarettes, and other items that did not measure up to the worth of the gold they gave. At the time, they didn’t know the worth of the mineral [gold] they had. Today, the case is not the same. Nobody, even outside their right minds will exchange gold for cigarettes or sugar, irrespective of the size of the gold. Now, they know the worth of the gold and will trade it for what it’s worth. As believers, our true worth is not on the outside. It is hidden within us—a glorious treasure. This treasure is also the foundation of our confidence. We are as bold as a lion because we know what we carry on the inside. We know the immeasurable power of who we have in us. Hence, the results of our lives have no attributions to ourselves. Everything we are, is because of the glorious treasure in us. What we are made of on the outside (clay) does not define who we are. So, don’t look on the outside, look to the inside and release God’s glorious power!

Prayer_Bead: Almighty God, thank you for putting your glorious treasure in me. Help me to display your power and glory.

Wisdom_Quote: Your true identity is beyond the camouflage of your clay-self.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Freedom from condemnation

[The Glory Unveiled]

For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. [ 1 John 3:20 KJV ]

Condemnation is a very powerful nation with a tyrant who oppresses its victims and rules perpetually over those caught in its boundaries. The spirit of condemnation has kept half the world in prison and the other half wondering whether they are in prison or not. It pitches its tent in the hearts of its victims and spreads its cancer through the soul. But there is a higher courtroom for the human heart: it is where grace is enthroned. The very worst that is in us is known by God and He still showers mercy, love, and acceptance upon us—as if our worst was deleted or swallowed up by another person. This is the greatness of God’s grace. He sees beyond the sin of a moment and sees the holy affections of love in those who refuse to turn away from Him. God through His Son has made it possible for us to come into a time when we are set free from the dungeon of condemnation. In Romans 8:1, the Bible says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Freedom from the tyranny of condemnation is possible only when we walk after the leading of the Holy Spirt. Yes, we begin to live in a state of no condemnation when we come into Christ by surrendering to His lordship and submitting to the leading of His Spirit. And then, even if our hearts condemn us, God who knows all things and is greater than our hearts helps us by giving us boldness to speak to God. So, let’s break free from condemnation. Let’s not walk any longer in the patterns of the flesh as we used to. Instead, let us walk in the path of the Spirit of God.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for the freedom from the bondage of condemnation. Help me to walk in step with your Spirit.

Wisdom_Quote: There is no condemnation for those who are in the new nation called Christ.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The making of a champion

[The Glory Unveiled]

If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. [ Proverbs 24:10 KJV ]

There is a day of adversity that visits everyone, one way or the other. Adversities are not always the signposts of curses or punishment from God. Adversities sometimes come just to test our ability and strength. The human world is a place full of different kinds of currencies, among which is strength. But just as all currencies can be spent, strength is exhaustive too. Currencies are spent when there is a need; they are meant to meet our needs. But if a need arises and a particular currency couldn’t meet it, then it means we don’t have enough of the currency needed to meet that need. Strength is developed when we remain faithful under pressure and spent or needed in times of adversity. But when we faint where we should be strong, it means we are bankrupt of strength. Adversity is an indicative need for strength, even when that adversity is not knocking at our own doors but that of others. There’s a saying that if you fail to help others in their time of need, you will grow too weak to help yourself. Helping people is not a burden, it’s an opportunity. It offers the privilege to grow strong from practicing with other people’s challenges. So that when our own challenges arise, we already know how to handle them. While strength is spent on adversities, it is replenished when we remain faithful under pressure. The daily challenges and confrontations we face refine and define us. You see, confrontations are not bad, they are the raw materials that make us who we ought to be. Everyday, the world throws challenges at us. But strength, forged from resilience and remaining faithful under pressure is the key that frees our souls from weary.

Prayer_Bead: Almighty Father, thank you for the strength to help others and to stand through adversity. May your name be glorified through my life. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: Helping people is not a burden, it’s a privilege.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

King slayers

[The Glory Unveiled]

“So keep yourself sexually pure from the promiscuous, wayward woman. Don’t waste the strength of your anointing on those who ruin kings— you’ll live to regret it!” [ Proverbs‬ ‭31‬:‭3‬ ‭TPT‬‬ ]

The world around us has in it, so many distractions and forces that aim for our souls. Most of them look innocent and unsuspecting, but they are death in disguise. Interestingly, paying attention to advice and listening to wisdom speak, is all that is needed to escape the world’s lofty traps. Unfortunately, it seems that we are in a generation that does not heed advice. And as regret becomes the clothing of those who refuse to heed advice, many are regretting their past actions everyday. Today’s text is an advice given by the mother of Solomon [referred to as Lemuel, a name believed to be a Pseudonym for king Solomon according to Jewish legend]. The same advice is suited for every young person today, and hence the reason for our study. The strength of the young person’s anointing is wasted by sexual promiscuities. Sexual immorality is a bed of grave that has swallowed many innocent young people who slept in her arms. The promiscuous woman is referred to as “those who ruin kings” because many a king were destroyed by the promiscuous woman—sexual immorality. Even in secular history, there are countless number of people whose destinies are altered or even destroyed, because of sexual promiscuity. Solomon’s mother advised him to stay away from sexual promiscuities, but in the end Solomon married many women including wayward promiscuous ones who eventually led him astray and wasted the strength of his anointing. We are royalty too—we are a royal priesthood—and if we don’t heed the same advice given to the then young would-be king, we may end up with regrets like he did. But if you are already regretting, may God extend His mercy and help to you.

Prayer_Bead: Holy God, thank you for the opportunity to hear your advice through your word. Please help me to stay away from sexual immorality in every form.

Wisdom_Quote: Regret becomes the clothing of the man who refused to heed advice.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.