[The Glory Unveiled]
Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. [ John 6:68 KJV ]
In this life, people are driven by and lured to the things that appeal most to them. What appeals to people differ from one person to another. For one person, it may be food; for another, it may be clothes; and for others, it may be power. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, many people followed Him. However, from our anchor scripture and other verses, we discover that not all of Jesus’ followers were drawn to Him because of the word of life. In fact, the Bible mentions that some followed Him because of the bread and fish He multiplied for them to eat until they were satisfied. These people stopped following Jesus when He stopped multiplying bread. As a result, He turned to those who continued to follow Him and asked if they, too, would leave. But Peter responded with the words recorded in our anchor scripture. Peter’s response revealed what truly motivated their pursuit of Jesus—the desire for the words of eternal life. This desire kept them committed. It implies that if Jesus had stopped providing the words of eternal life, they might have also stopped following Him. Reflect on what drives you to the things you pursue with dedication. What keeps you attached to something will likely be the same reason you let go of it. The question to ask yourself is: Does what I am chasing offer eternal life? Only something of eternal worth can endure beyond our temporary needs and desires. Pursue what lasts beyond your name and fame.
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for your words that gave me eternal life. Help me to follow you in all things and at all times.
Wisdom_Quote: Your desires and needs drive your focus.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.