Divine trusts

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”
[ Luke 16:10 NIV ]

In every field, particularly in areas of design and creative works, before the final work is released, countless trials are carried out on inferior canvases or materials. Rough works are done on materials other than the final surface. In school, nobody gives pens to preschool and kindergarten students to write with. They are first given pencils so that mistakes can be corrected. They are not given permanent writing aids because they will make the same mistakes with ink that they make with pencils. In our text above, the Lord Jesus said whoever can be trusted with little can equally be trusted with much. There is that attitude or effect that is carried around us. Naturally, we translate our inner convictions and true personality to different situations. And so, whatever we do in one situation is a prediction of what we could do in another situation. This is why many times, apprentices are not tested with the real deal. Whatever we do with the little exposes what we could do with much. If we want to be assigned to much, we must be faithful in the little already entrusted to us. Sometimes, we hear irresponsible people say that they will begin to take responsibilities when they have much. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. The little sets the table for great things. Until we know how to handle and manage little things, great things will be far from us.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for the things you have entrusted to my hands. Help me to faithfully carry them out.

Wisdom_Quote: Little responsibilities expose great commitments.

GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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