[The Glory Unveiled]
If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself. (2 Timothy 2:13 NIV )
God created us in His image and after His likeness. This means God is our reference point in everything that makes us who we are. It would be very unwise to refer to other people or seek societal approval when we want to understand the original template of humanity. Whenever we discover that something is happening that does not reflect the image and glory of God, it is time to look back at an attribute of God that sets things right. The Scripture says that if we are faithless, God remains faithful because He cannot disown Himself. This is why God is the surest reference. He is not affected by changes around Him. He is God and holds the same attributes yesterday, today, and forever. So, if we are lacking in any area—such as faith, character, self-control, patience, or tolerance—an understanding and appreciation of God and His attributes replenish what is missing. Usually, we do not lack the nature itself; we already have it because we were created in the image of God. What may be lacking is the knowledge of what we possess and the skills to access it. God’s nature does not change, no matter what changes occur in our lives. Therefore, we can always refer to Him to determine whether a character or attribute is godly. Are you afraid? Do you struggle with lying, stealing, or treating people improperly? God has all the qualities you need, and He has deposited them in you. Turn to Him to activate them so that they overpower the soulish life.
Prayer_Bead: Almighty God, thank you for your glorious life in me. I submit to your ways so that your life can find expression in me.
Wisdom_Quote: God is not affected by man’s frailties and inconsistencies.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.