Your Confidence

[The Glory Unveiled]

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.( Hebrews 10:35 KJV )

The Bible, among many things, is a book of instructions. The Bible instructs us to do many things because, as it were, our way of life deviates significantly from how God originally intended for us to live. We read about many people in the Old Testament whom God wanted to use, but they lacked the confidence to allow Him to work through them. In other instances, we see how God instructs those He calls to be strong and courageous. He tells them to be confident. Men like Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Elijah, King Jehoshaphat, and Jeremiah—just to mention a few—were all encouraged by God to trust in His promises and His ability to fulfill them. God wanted them to anchor their faith in Him and trust Him to work through them. This understanding—that God could work through them—is what gave them the confidence to fulfill their calling. Confidence gives us the energy to venture into and attempt things we would otherwise have been unable to. It serves as a shield around us, enabling us to take on challenges that seem humanly impossible. If there is anything you should discard as a person, confidence is not one of them. Confidence gives us both the attitude and the aptitude to accomplish what God instructs us to do. As a matter of fact, without the enabling power of confidence, we cannot do anything God asks of us. Usually, when God calls us to do something, it is humanly difficult—if not impossible. It takes confidence even to consider it. So, don’t cast away your confidence, because it will reward you with fruits beyond what you ever imagined you could bear.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for the grace to embrace confidence. I confront humanly impossible things through Christ Jesus, who empowers me.

Wisdom_Quote: Confidence is the licence for supernatural exploits.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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