A stubborn conviction

[The Glory Unveiled]

But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up. [ Daniel 3:18 NIV ]

The depth of a person’s convictions are brought to bare when they come before authorities. People may claim to hold a certain position until they come face to face with power, money or their desires. What they do in the face of these things is their true position and conviction. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were Hebrew boys who had their godly convictions formed and molded by their religion and culture. But while in Jerusalem, their convictions were not tested because they were always surrounded by people who believed in the same things as they did. But here, they found themselves in a foreign land, among a people who do not believe in their God nor regarded their beliefs. In the face of these people, their true beliefs and convictions are tested. They were asked to worship an idol. Meanwhile, their faith taught them to worship no other god but Yahweh. Will they compromise because their families are not around to supervise them? Will they compromise because their church leaders are not around? Whatever choice they made exposed their truest beliefs and convictions. These young men made a very profound statement, that their God will save them from the wrath of the king as they have chosen not to worship his god. But then, even if their God who is Almighty does not save them, they still wouldn’t worship the god of Babylon. This reveals how stubbornly firm their convictions are. They had become so determined to live for God to such a point that they weren’t doing it for the benefit they get from God. They have had their convictions formed by their constant exposure to God. What convictions are you forming? What are you constantly exposing yourself to?

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the privilege to live for you. Guide me to stay within the boundaries of my convictions. In Jesus name.

Wisdom_Quote: Your convictions are tested outside the boundaries of their root.

GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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