A worthy example

[The Glory Unveiled]

This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. [ John 15:12 KJV ]

The Lord Jesus always taught His disciples, and by extension us, by example. He would only command us to do what He had first demonstrated. By showing us what He asks us to do, we are empowered to follow His commands. He does not require anything of us that He is not willing to do or give Himself. Before God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, God had sacrificed His only begotten Son [Jesus was slain before the foundation of the earth]. God gave to humanity before He required humanity to give. A parable is told of a king who forgave one of his servants who owed him a huge debt. That servant then went and imprisoned another servant who owed him a small debt. When the king heard about his cruel dealings with his fellow servant, he called him, rebuked him, and handed him over to the jailers to be tortured as well (Matthew 18:23-35). This parable illustrates how God wants us to relate to our neighbours. Just as He treats us, God expects us to treat our neighbours, just like the king did with the servant who owed him. If we are forgiven, it is so that we can extend the same kindness to others. If we are loved, it is so that we can love others. Before the Lord Jesus ascended into glory, He gave His disciples a commandment to love one another as He had loved them. This is why it is a commandment; He knows we are able to carry it out, which is why He commanded it. Hence, we cannot afford to disobey, as disobedience would not be due to inability but to wickedness or rebellion.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me the ability to love my neighbours as you love me. Help me to practice this culture of love, thereby honouring your commandment.

Wisdom_Quote: Imitators of Jesus are co-heirs of Jesus.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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