[The Glory Unveiled]
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. ( 1 Corinthians13 : 8)
The verse of Scripture for devotion today is shrouded with certainty. There are those things in life as time and seasons and their derivatives that constantly change. They are not stable no matter what you bet on them. There are so many things around us that have the appearance of permanence but in reality they are as unstable as water. The same is true of gifts. Whatever spiritual gifts we are privileged to have is not an immovable mountain, the Bible says it will pass away or cease. As fantastic as they are and almost as glorious as they appear, they will not remain forever, they will change in time. The gifts of the Spirit, including the examples mentioned in the verse are just like mist or smoke, they will pass away. The changing tides of life will alter them. But the fruit of the Spirit which is love cannot fail. This is because Jesus said His fruit abides forever. (see John15:16). Love, like other fruit of the Spirit does not fail and cannot fail. It abides in and through every circumstances. Cling to love, the fruit of the Spirit not the gifts of the Spirit.
Prayer_Bead: Thank you Jesus, lover of my soul, thank you for teaching me the infallible nature of the fruit of your Spirit, that is producing in me abiding results.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.