Attaining the image of God

[The Glory Unveiled]

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: [ Ephesians 4:13 KJV ]

The mystery of the wisdom of God and His grace is shaping us into the stature of the fullness of Christ. God always builds according to a predetermined pattern and plan. When He called Noah to build the ark, He gave him specifications. When Moses was supposed to build the ark of the covenant, specific measurements were given. In the creation of man, God said, “Let us make man in our own image and likeness.” God always builds with a predefined template—Himself. He is the measuring rod for creation. A few verses before our anchor verse, the apostle Paul writes that God gives gifts of ministries to men with specific purposes or assignments. These gifts, the apostle teaches, have proportionate grace for their operations and functionalities. So, the grace for the prophet is different from the grace for the teacher. But ultimately, they are all meant to build the believer into the image of Christ. Different ministries and ministrations are required for carving and shaping the believer until they attain the perfect stature of Christ. In our anchor scripture, he mentions so many things we need to look alike in; unity of faith, knowledge of the Son of God, coming unto a perfect man even unto the stature of the fullness of Christ. But you know what, we attain the stature of the fullness of Christ when we come to the unity of faith, when we come to the true knowledge of the Son of God who is the image of perfection. It starts with a relationship with the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, accepting Him as your Saviour and Lord. And then, the ministry of the Holy Spirit begins, carving out the excesses, the world out of us until the perfect image of God is revealed in us.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for the grace that is made available to me. Help me to build others by the Holy Spirit through me. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: The end goal of the believer’s journey is to look like Christ.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The word made flesh

[The Glory Unveiled ]

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [ John 1:1 NIV ]

When you keep a glow-in-the-dark material around a source of light, after some time, that phosphorescent plastic begins to glow as if it were light, taking on the properties of the light. As we behold Christ, we are changed into His glorious image (2 Corinthians 3:18). Whatever we keep looking at, we begin to look like it. The Word was with God [as an independent entity] but later became God through prolonged stay with God. “In the beginning was the Word” means the Word had stayed with God from the beginning for a long time. The result was that the Word became exactly like God. Moses was a man who went to meet the Lord on the mountain for forty days and nights. When he came down, he looked radiant like God, not merely a man. The reason was that he had stayed in the presence of God for a long time and absorbed the radiant essence of God; just as a phosphorescent material placed before a light source radiates the light it absorbs. Evidently, we become what we consistently behold. As we behold the Son of God, we are changed into His very image, the image of the only begotten Son, our Lord and Saviour. If we become what we keep beholding, you can tell what you are becoming by what you constantly give your attention to. It doesn’t matter who you are; if you consistently give your heart and thoughts to anything, that thing begins to capture your attention and affection. Whatever you stick with for long, you mirror its properties consciously or unconsciously.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for the privilege to stay in your presence and the grace to mirror your nature and glory. Hallelujah.

Wisdom_Quote: The word that stays with God becomes God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

A canvas for God’s name

[The Glory Unveiled]

I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name the LORD I did not make myself fully known to them. [ Exodus 6:3 NIV ]

If there was anything that stood out in people’s relationship with God throughout scripture, it is the fact that it was progressive. This means God makes Himself known progressively. The experiential knowledge of God is in phases and layers. To Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God made Himself fully known as God Almighty. Hence, in their walk with God, they saw the parts of God that demonstrated His Almightiness. God used circumstances and situations to reveal that part of Himself. To Abraham again, He made Himself known as the God who provides (Genesis 22:14). In verse 2, the verse before our anchor verse, God revealed Himself as the Lord to Moses; an identity He didn’t reveal to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Later in Exodus 34:5-7, God shows Moses the multifaceted nature of His identity as the Lord. He proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion, and sin.” Later on, we see Moses’ life demonstrate these attributes in his walk with God. God indeed revealed Himself to Moses as the Lord. When God reveals a dimension of Himself to us, we begin to mirror attributes of that dimension. So that through us, others can see that attribute of God. We would want the Lord to be fully known to us by His special names, so that our lives will be a canvas for His names and attributes.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for revealing your multifaceted nature through my life. Let the world see your glory in me. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: The knowledge of God is progressive.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The abiding presence

[The Glory Unveiled]

How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” [ Exodus 33:16 NIV ]

Everything and anything that is unique has a distinguishing characteristic that sets it apart from others of the same kind. For humans, the presence of God in our lives makes all the difference, setting us apart from others. If God’s presence is with you, only then will others know that God is pleased with you. When Samson declared he would rise again as he had before, and shake himself as on previous occasions, after revealing to Delilah what could weaken him, the Bible states that he did not realize that the Spirit of God had left him (Judges 16:20). This indicates that God was not pleased with his actions, resulting in His presence departing from Samson. Moses asserted that people would only recognize that God was pleased with them because of His abiding presence. The presence of God bestows upon us a ribbon of glory that distinguishes us from every other person—it is the sole mark of distinction. Moses questioned what else would distinguish him and God’s people from all others on the face of the earth, and there was not an answer, signifying that nothing else could set them apart except God’s abiding presence. While Samson experienced the presence of God, it was not enduring. If God is pleased with a person, His presence abides with them, accompanying them wherever they go. God is pleased with those who yield to Him in all things, adhere to His word, and follow His instructions. If you are that person, then you bear the ribbon of God’s glory.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for your abiding presence. Help me to walk continuously in total submission to your will and purposes. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: God’s abiding presence is the mark of His interest in a man.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Do you believe?

[The Glory Unveiled]

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” [ John 11:25-26 NIV ]

The Lord Jesus made the statement above to Martha and asked her if she believed. Now, this Martha was the niece of Lazarus, who had died four days earlier. The question Jesus asked Martha suggests that it was possible for Martha’s faith to make anything possible for her. Lazarus had to believe to give the power of God an excuse to release a miracle, but he was dead. Martha, however, was alive and could direct her faith to anything she desired, including raising her uncle back to life. Every possibility in God is available for and accessible to the believer, but it is possible that all the possibilities will remain unaccessed due to unbelief. Unbelief chokes faith. Its full form is the absence of love, impatience, lack of understanding, and a bad conscience, which means the opposite is necessary for faith. And so, Jesus tried to give Martha a small lecture to awaken faith in her by understanding. Unbelief has robbed many of us of good things. Meanwhile, unbelief or doubt is not a strange feeling or a weird phenomenon. It can be right there with someone, and they will still think they believe. This is why even though a person thinks they believe, if they do not have understanding in the matter, if they lack love, if they are impatient, or lack a good conscience, their faith is just a mirage. Unfortunately, many believers are stuck in that class of people who think they have faith yet manifest the symptoms of doubt and unbelief. If you have faith, your love for other people and God will announce it. If you have faith, your patience will scream it out loud. And certainly, if you have faith, you will demonstrate understanding. Now, the question that underlies our expectations is, “Do you believe?”

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for the privilege to believe. Thank you for understanding, love, patience and a good conscience. I believe in you, Jesus.

Wisdom_Quote: Doubt hides in a lack of understanding, impatience and bad conscience.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The age old mystery.

[The Glory Unveiled]

None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. [ 1 Corinthians 2:8 NIV ]

There is something that ignorance and knowledge have in common: they both move people to action. One person acts in a certain manner because of ignorance, while another acts based on something they know. Before our anchor scripture, the apostle Paul argues that all his preachings were not with human wisdom and eloquence. He firmly affirms that a mystery that was hidden from ages has, in this time, been revealed to the chosen vessels of God. He explains that this mystery is the wisdom of God. Then he concludes that none of the rulers of this age understood the mystery [of God’s wisdom]. This wisdom compelled the apostle Paul to preach the gospel without the persuasive words of man’s wisdom, while the ignorance of the rulers of this age moved them to crucify Christ, the embodiment of this ancient mystery. If they had known Christ was this mystery hidden from them for many ages, they would not have crucified Him. Knowledge of this mystery moved the apostle to preach Christ by the Spirit’s power, while the ignorance of the princes of this age also moved them to kill Jesus. They did not know that what they had been searching for was within their grasp, and so they killed Him. May we come into the knowledge of this mystery, the wisdom of God. And may we be compelled by this wisdom to act in accordance with it, so that our faith may rest on God’s power. The crucifixion of Jesus was a move made by ignorant men, but to us, it has become the reason for which we have access to the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of God’s being—the fullness of the Godhead in bodily form. So that through our lives, this mystery is made known to our world by us.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for revealing the age old mystery of your wisdom through me. Let the world see it, in Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: The wisdom of God is the mystery of the age now revealed.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

What was His crime?

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate. But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!” [ Mark 15:14 NIV ]

Usually, before a person is incarcerated or punished, they must have committed a crime first. It is abnormal, absurd, and unheard of to punish someone without a crime. In the scripture above, Pilate, the governor, asks what crime Jesus had committed to warrant His crucifixion. To find the true crime of Christ that led Him to the cross, we will have to visit the first book of the Bible, Genesis. The true crime that Jesus is accused of is a crime humanity had committed through Adam. The disobedience of Adam was the offense that was supposed to be punished by death, for God did say, “for when you eat from it—disobey—you will certainly die” (Genesis 2:17). In the command God had given Adam was the punishment for disobedience proclaimed. But since Adam represented the whole human race, his punishment meant that all of humanity had to face that same punishment. But God, being rich in mercy and abounding in compassion, decided to take the place of man in the punishment for the crime of disobedience. So that, rather than the whole human race dying, one man [God] will die in place of the many. Caiaphas, the high priest, said, “You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish” (John 11:50). And so, by the love of God and His wisdom, he put the crime of the human race on the shoulders of Jesus so that He would also carry our punishment of death. That death, though physical, was more than just the soul leaving the body. It was a total separation from God. And so, Jesus was separated from the Father for our sake so that for His sake we might become the righteousness of God. Now, we are charged guiltless forevermore!

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for the great price you paid for my redemption. I appreciate you for your love and grace. I am not condemned, I am redeemed.

Wisdom_Quote: His crime was our crime hanged on Him.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Favour-contained relationship

The Glory Unveiled]

If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favour with you. Remember that this nation is your people.” [ Exodus 33:13 NIV ]

This prayer was the request of Moses when he discovered that God was pleased with him. Of all the things Moses could have asked for, he asked to know God and to continue to find favour with God. The verse of scripture reveals that, favour with God comes at a cost. Even though it would look like the person being favoured contributes nothing to receiving it; yes it is possible to stumble into favour with God, but to remain favoured, one must know God’s ways. Knowing the ways of God leads to a consistent experience of favour. While stumbling into God’s favour is possible, maintaining it necessitates understanding and following His ways consistently. While a one-time favour might occur by chance, sustaining a favour-filled relationship with God demands intentional efforts to align with His desires. It is easier for a person who knows the Lord to receive favour than one who does not know the Lord. Just as it is easier to support or help someone you are pleased with than the person you’re not pleased with. God favours those who learn His ways and endeavour to live a life pleasing to Him. The price of favour is a life pleasing to the one you seek favour from. All the men in the Old Testament who obtained favour from God or men did so by doing something their master liked. This is why Moses asked God to teach him His ways so that he may know God better and serve Him better. This is why there is no favour that is unmerited. Even the ones we call unmerited favour, we merit them through the love of God and the sacrifice of Christ. We can live in a favour-contained relationship with God where God favours us at all times and in all situations. So, even though favour is suggestive of something given or done for free, it comes at a cost. Pay the price and enjoy the package of divine favour.

Prayer_Bead: Almighty God, thank you for showing me your ways through your son Jesus Christ. Help me to live a life pleasing to you always. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Continous favour is engineered by knowledge.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Remember and Wait

But they soon forgot what he had done
and did not wait for his plan to unfold. [ Psalms 106:13 NIV ]

Humans are prone to forgetfulness. People often forget the changes in their seasons and the kindness shown to them during difficult times. The Israelites experienced a similar phenomenon. The anchor scripture states, “But the Israelites forgot what God had done, and they did not wait for God’s plan to unfold.” They took the lead and moved ahead of God because they had forgotten what He had done for them. Remembering God’s past deeds is crucial for maintaining fresh and stable trust in Him. It’s challenging to trust someone without a proven track record, but easier when there’s a history of trustworthiness. The Israelites forgot the things God had done for them, leaving them with nothing to base their trust on when they needed it most. Consequently, God’s plan couldn’t unfold in their lives. They delayed the plan through their own forgetfulness. His plan for them included a waiting period, necessitating trust. God desired their trust to be firm, grounded in His past actions. Many people’s lives lack the unfolding of God’s plan due to forgetfulness. Forgetting what God has done leads to actions that hinder His plan from coming to fruition. Keeping an active memory of God’s past deeds enables us to trust Him for what He has yet to do. Therefore, it’s essential to patiently await the unfolding of God’s plan for our lives.

Prayer_Bead: Lord who wraps Himself with light as with a garment, makes the clouds His chariot and rides on the wings of the wind, thank you for Your works of old. Repeat them in my life. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: A forgetful person delays their future.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God

A good and perfect gift

[The Glory Unveiled ]

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. [ James‬ ‭1‬‬:‭17 NKJV‬‬ ]

Whatever God does is good and perfect because His attributes reveal His ability to see the end from the beginning and to know what is to come from ancient times (Isaiah 46:10). As a result, He considers every possibility before initiating anything. Therefore, if it originates from God, it is good and perfect. As humans, we typically deem something good or perfect when it meets a need or fits a situation. However, in God’s perspective, something is good or perfect because it originates from Him. Thus, perfection or goodness is not situation-dependent but rather God-dependent. Essentially, our measurement system differs from God’s. To attain peace and avoid battling with uncertainties and unstable emotions, we must embrace God’s measurement system instead of ours. By doing so, we can expect consistency in results because with God, there is no shadow of turning—no uncertain aim. God remains faithful and consistently adheres to His ways. If a gift comes from the Father of lights, we can be certain it is good and perfect, even if it initially appears inadequate or unsuitable for the present need. For instance, Joseph’s gift of dreaming initially led him to the pit where he was sold. At that moment, it seemed like his gift was far from good and perfect. Yet, in due time, that same gift elevated him to the highest office in Egypt. Whatever God provides is sufficient to meet every need we face. However, we must realize that God’s good and perfect gift may not seem ideal in our human situations, yet it reveals God’s faithfulness. Hold onto what God has given you, be content with it, and witness the goodness of God.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning, let your name be glorified in my life through your good and perfect gifts.

Wisdom_Quote: A good and perfect gift is any gift from God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.