Faith; the believer’s key

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Faith opened the way for the Hebrews to cross the Red Sea as if on dry land, but when the Egyptians tried to cross they were swallowed up and drowned!” ‭‭[ Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭29‬ TPT‬‬ ]

Faith serves as the believer’s essential master key, unlocking various kinds of doors irrespective of the guards or those who hold the keys. As the Egyptian army pursued the Israelites to the Red Sea, unbeknownst to them, the Hebrews possessed the key to open the sea’s door. Lacking this key, the Egyptians faced a closed door, resulting in their drowning. A crucial insight is that if a method succeeds for someone but not for you, it could mean that you haven’t discovered their key. Life responds to specific keys, granting discriminatory access to different doors. Rather than imitating others, seek their keys, allowing you to navigate the same doors unhindered. Learn under their feet if you must. But whatever you do, don’t take a step in their footprints without access to the keys they have. Another valuable piece of advice is to not follow someone’s path unless you possess their keys, access to the secrets they hold. Blindly emulating others can lead to one’s downfall, akin to the fate of the Egyptians who lacked preparation and the right keys. Destinies are not shaped through imitation but crafted with intentional blueprints, which include trusting God, determination, patience, humility, courage and commitment to purpose. Do you possess the believer’s master key? Or are you taking a chance in the trail of someone’s success?

Prayer_Bead: Almighty God, thank you for showing me the way out of many troubles and disturbing challenges.

Wisdom_Quote: Destinies are not forged in the quarry of imitation.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

A walk with God

[The Glory Unveiled]

And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. [ Matthew 7:23 KJV ]

Regrettably, many people treat the Christian life lightly, as if it’s something they can manipulate to their advantage, disregarding the foundational pillars and the essence that makes that life possible—a relationship with God. Our walk with God is only possible through a relationship; without it, we cannot truly know God, nor can He know us. The significance of our identification with God lies in its relationship basis, not solely on what we have heard about Him. As Job eloquently puts it, “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.” (Job 42:5). Job’s statement implies that his experience of God differs significantly from what he had heard about Him, and this is a recurring theme in our individual experiences. Our encounters with God diverge from others’ accounts because each experience is unique. Therefore, one cannot genuinely claim to know God solely through another person’s relationship with Him. In Matthew 7:22, the Lord Jesus warns, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?” This highlights the misconception that some believe the gifts of God alone identify them with Him. However, God’s gifts can coexist with individuals who lack a continuous, working relationship with Him. Gifts and callings are not revoked once granted. Thus, a gift cannot be the determinant of one’s knowledge of God. The true indicator is a genuine, ongoing relationship with God.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Father, thank you for my ongoing relationship with you. I am changed daily into the image of Christ.

Wisdom_Quote: A gift is not the true reflection of a relationship with God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Clouds of temptation

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” [ Matthew 26:41 NIV ]

Clouds of temptation gather in specific places for particular assignments. When you notice the temptation cloud forming in the distance, it’s time to watch and pray. Watching and praying serve as the best security measures to anticipate challenges, eliminating potential threats. Temptations do not discriminate based on status, class, or anointing; all individuals face temptation in one way or another. Those who appear untouched by temptations are often those who consistently overcome. For such individuals, sin cannot imprint its stain through temptations. The believer’s primary spiritual defense is sensitivity to the Spirit, providing an early warning system against dangers. Sensitivity to the Spirit equips and prepares one to face any challenges with courage. It also aids in discerning God’s will and mind, ensuring prayers are aligned. A spiritually sensitive person knows when to pray and watch, staying vigilant instead of sleeping when prayer is essential. In case of injuries, our spiritual first aid comes through the prayers of others when we are weak. The flesh’s verdict is evident: the flesh is weak. While the spirit is willing, executing its will always requires the energy of the flesh. Unfortunately, the flesh is the entry point for temptations, emphasizing the importance of avoiding temptation clouds through constant vigilance and prayer.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for teaching me to watch and pray. Help me to stay away from temptation’s breeze.

Wisdom_Quote: It is time to watch and pray when you see the finger of temptation in the clouds.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Where did you build

[The Glory Unveiled ]

But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. [ Matthew 7:26 NIV ]

The believer is a practitioner of Jesus. The Christian life is to be practiced. Just as lawyers study and practice law, the believer studies Jesus under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit and practices Him. Reading from verse 24 of our anchor chapter, it seems that two types of houses were described, one built on the rock and the other on the sand. However, there is no mention of the types, suggesting they may look similar. There is no mention of materials or designs, implying the houses might be the same but in different locations. The rains, streams, and winds came against both houses, but the outcome depended on their locations. In matters of destinies, legacies, and any form of advancement, location matters a lot. For example, Abraham would not have become the father of many nations if he had not been at the right location. Every individual faces challenges, and while all believers hear the word of God, scripture says the wise practice what they hear. Practicing the word of God establishes us in Christ, like a house built on the rock. Hearing and not practicing is like building on sand without a firm foundation. And when the smallest wind of destruction comes, it carries the non-practitioner along. Beloved, let us strive to practice the word of God at all costs, building our faith and spiritual lives on the firm Rock, who is Jesus.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for being the Rock on which I am being built. Help me to always practice the word of God

Wisdom_Quote: Location is a destiny defining factor.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Navigating life’s journey through obedience

[The Glory Unveiled]

And the LORD appeared unto him, and said, Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of: [ Genesis 26:2 KJV ]

Abraham and Isaac have humility and obedience in common. Abraham moved in obedience to God’s word from his father’s house to the land God showed him. In our anchor chapter, a severe famine struck the land where Isaac resided, leading him to consider going to Egypt for better prospects. However, God instructed him to stay, emphasizing the importance of listening to divine guidance to avoid life’s tragedies. Unfortunately, many individuals neglect seeking God’s opinion, relying solely on their perceived logical thinking. Even among those who seek God’s guidance, disobedience often occurs, possibly due to the seemingly illogical nature of divine instructions. Despite this, God’s guidance consistently works for our well-being. Understanding what to do and when is the key to a victorious life. Genesis 26:12 illustrates Isaac’s obedience, as he sowed in a seemingly unproductive land, reaping a hundredfold blessing in the same year. This success stemmed from being precisely where God intended him to be. Following God’s instructions, even when they appear perplexing, leads to unparalleled results. Walking in the light of divine guidance is crucial for receiving God’s promises, as their fulfillment depends on our obedience to His instructions. Discover what God is communicating to you in the present moment and act on I t.

Prayer_Bead: Kind and gracious Lord, thank you for your guidance and your love. Help me to walk in the light of your leading.

Wisdom_Quote: Walk in the voice of God’s guidance.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Temptation’s Red Zones.

[The Glory Unveiled]

And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. [ Genesis 2:16-17 KJV ]

Nothing entices a person into the land of no return like gullibility. Temptations will inevitably arise, but being gullible propels us toward that irreversible place. Lucifer, driven by gullibility, coveted what was not rightfully his and found himself in the land of no return. Similarly, Adam and Eve had the freedom to partake of any tree, except one. Despite the abundance of alternatives, they succumbed to temptation. Joseph, entrusted with everything in his master’s house, except the wife of his master. A temptation is a force that draws us toward the prohibited. In the moment, it may seem like the sole solution to fulfilling our needs, but obtaining it often results in losing everything else. Just like Adam and Eve were tempted and deceived into thinking the forbidden tree was better than the trees they were permitted to eat from, only to learn too late that they lost everything when they chased their appetite. It is prudent to identify and understand what God has deemed off-limits. Our ignorance often leads us to pursue the forbidden. Recognize that God’s restrictions are for our well-being, safeguarding our future. Joseph wisely acknowledged his limitations to Mrs. Potiphar (Genesis 39:9), illustrating that our knowledge of permissible boundaries forms a secure zone. Let us dwell within the boundary of the safe zone God prepared for us in His wisdom.

Prayer_Bead: Almighty God, thank you for teaching me to identify temptation’s red zones. Help me to stay away from what is wrong. In Jesus name. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: A temptation is a pull or a push towards the one thing you are forbidden to have.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Mirroring Jesus

[The Glory Unveiled]

“For me to live is Christ [His life in me], and to die is gain [the gain of the glory of eternity].” [ ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭21‬ ‭AMPC‬‬ ]

The believer does not have a life of their own because, technically, every believer is a living dead human. Their old self died with Christ on the cross, and the only person who is legally permitted to live is Christ, who resurrected. This means that our lives become a shadow of the life of Jesus, a reflection of His life. Intentionally, our lives can be a mirror reflection of the life of Jesus. A mirror reflects only the objects in front of it. Similarly, for our lives to mirror Jesus, we must stay close to Him. In other words, the Lord Jesus must be present in our lives if we are to reflect Him to our world. This brings us to the foundation of the Christian faith—the Lord Jesus as Lord in our lives, our lives submitted to Him in all things. The disciples were referred to as the lookalikes of Jesus because they stayed with Him. When we let Jesus live through us, our own lives disappear. Thus, when we let go of what we are, we become what we might be. God’s original picture of us is Christ Jesus. Hence, we become who we are supposed to be when we bear the image of Jesus. And we bear the image of Jesus only when we absorb His identity in our relationship with Him. And in this relationship, we cannot call the shots of our lives anymore. We are merely living out the instructions and desires of another, Jesus Christ. Let Jesus be seen through you (the body He has saved).

Prayer_Bead: Lord of the universe, thank you for the privilege to live your life and manifest your glory.

Wisdom_Quote: You become what you might be when you let go of what you are.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Heart and soul in service

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Put your heart and soul into every activity you do, as though you are doing it for the Lord himself and not merely for others.” [ Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭23‬TPT‬‬ ]

Our anchor scripture is the formula for achieving great exploits and significant growth. The price for great things is giving your all. When we give our hearts and souls to something, the result is usually remarkable. The greatest results come from anything we do with all of our hearts and souls, but it is more rewarding when we are motivated to do it for the Lord. Love is one of the basic tenets of the Christian faith, and helping people sits at the center of it all. The Lord Jesus exemplified it when He died for us. We have been shown how we ought to do everything: as if we were doing it for the Lord and not for people. Motivated by God, we can put our hearts and souls into whatever we do. Nehemiah was one man who was moved in heart and soul to rebuild the temple and wall of his city. The result was incredible. Nobody could stop him, not even his enemies nor his friends. He succeeded eventually because his heart and soul were into it. The Lord Jesus invested his heart and soul into his assignment, the purpose of his life. The result is the reason we are saved. There is so much we can do in the name of the Lord if we do it with our hearts and souls. “His disciples remembered that it is written: ‘Zeal for your house will consume me’” (John 2:17). Passion is the force that drives potential success into true success. Let passion lead you in the service of God.

Prayer_Bead: Compassionate Father, thank you for your compassion, your grace and your love.

Wisdom_Quote: The true cost of exploit is heart and soul.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Bringing newfound vision.

[The Glory Unveiled]

He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” [ John 9:25 NIV ]

In the human world, your identity matters less to people than what you do for them. Typically, people are more concerned about what they receive from you than who you are. The blind man healed by Jesus didn’t know doctrines or religious rituals; he lacked knowledge about Jesus. However, he was acutely aware of his blindness, and after encountering Jesus, his restored sight became more significant to him than others’ opinions about Jesus, as clarified in the account. The multitude followed Jesus primarily for food, receiving bread and fish. Yet, beyond sustenance, our capacity to gain enlightenment after an encounter is paramount. Moses’ face radiated after his encounter with God. We must carry such value that people are transformed after meeting us. The lasting impact is not in our name but in the ability of others to see differently after encountering us. Like the blind man who proclaimed, “I was blind, but now I see,” if people can confidently declare newfound vision after meeting us, then the kingdom of God is manifest through us. Jesus asserted to the Pharisees that if He drove out demons (performed miracles) by the Holy Spirit, the kingdom of heaven had come to them (Matthew 12:28). Bring the kingdom of heaven to your world.

Prayer_Bead: Gracious Father, thank you for the privilege to bring the kingdom of heaven to many people. Let your name be glorified.

Wisdom_Quote: In the long run, people only hold on to what you did for them.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Do the needful

[The Glory Unveiled]

“But to remain in my body is more needful and essential for your sake.” [ Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭24‬ ‭AMPC‬‬ ]

Sometimes, we must set aside our desires and preferences and opt for the greater good by making a sacrificial choice. Many individuals enshrined in history’s hall of fame earned their places through such sacrificial decisions. Along our individual journeys, we inevitably reach a juncture demanding a life-altering choice. From that pivotal point, we grapple with the consequences, often paving a new path that unveils our truest potentials and gifts. When the apostle Paul faced the decision of departing to be with the Lord or continuing to live in the flesh, he carefully considered his options. Despite recognizing that leaving might be best for him, he chose to stay for the sake of fellow believers and their needs. He understood that his continued presence would benefit many, and for their well-being, he opted to remain. Life frequently presents us with choices between paths, opinions, and views, each with its implications and consequences. By relinquishing our personal desires and interests, we can accomplish great things in honour of God. Before taking the next step, weigh the cost, consider your options, and choose what brings glory to God, essential for the sake of others. May our lives be dedicated to the well-being of others, lived not only for ourselves but because of the impact it can have on those around us.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Jesus, thank your for helping me to live like you lived, in total service of other people.

Wisdom_Quote: One truly begins to live when they start living for other people.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.