A sacrifice of Love

[The Glory Unveiled]

“And when the season of tolerance came to an end, there was only one possible way for God to give away his righteousness and still be true to both his justice and his mercy—to offer up his own Son. So now, because we stand on the faithfulness of Jesus, God declares us righteous in his eyes!” [ Romans‬ ‭3‬:‭26 TPT‬‬ ]

The mercy of God can be abused if misunderstood. And surely, many have abused God’s mercy and [grace] available to them. It is easy to think that because God is silent about something means God approves it. The forbearance of God—His silence—is intended to bring us to repentance, so that God will not have to punish us. When Adam sinned, humanity was doomed and had to be punished with death, for the wages of sin is death. But the mercy of God could not allow man to be punished yet, but then, His justice would not allow Him to let sin go unpunished either. And so, His mercy would hold back the punishment for a very long time until the stage was ready—in the fullness of time. God was kind to humanity, not to punish sin immediately. But God’s mercy came to the point where Justice had to take over. And so, God did something that would allow justice to take its course yet still be merciful to humanity as well. For this purpose to come true, God had to put on the identity of humanity and suffer our punishment. God took our place on the cross, and now, by the faithfulness of God, we can have the life of Jesus. If God made this enormous sacrifice for our salvation, then we ought to accept His love gift. God offered His only Son, like Abraham so that He will have many children through that one sacrifice. So that as many people as will have faith in Jesus are justified by His works. But anyone who will reject the Lord Jesus even after the price has been paid for them, is only making a loud declaration of their willingness to be eternally condemned. Won’t you rather embrace the love gift of the Father and help others embrace it too?

Prayer_Bead: Merciful Father, thank you for the sacrifice of your Son so that I might have life. I embrace this life that is in Him. So help me God.

Wisdom_Quote: The life of the Son is only received when we accept His suffering on our behalf.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The mercy of God

[The Glory Unveiled]

Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? [ Romans 2:4 NIV ]

In a world of many conflicting voices, and ungodly advocates of human rights who have no respect for the laws of God, many people mistake God’s tolerance for his acceptance. They think that because God is tolerating their wrong actions and behavior, God approves of what they do. They don’t realize that His forbearance and extravagant kindness is meant to melt their hearts and lead them to repentance. One attribute of God that is very important to our salvation and redemption is that God is merciful. The mercy of God is the platform that tolerates our ignorance and disobedience. God can tolerate or ignore our mistakes for a long time because of His mercy. But the truth about the mercy of God is that God chooses who He will be merciful to. And also, one cannot tell how long God will be merciful to them, only God determines that. And so, it is a risky business to take God’s extravagant kindness for granted. The mercy of God is always a system intended to nurture us and bring us to the place of responsibility. In the moment of mercy, God does not deal with us according to our doings. He shields us from the consequences of our mistakes and treats us as if we had done nothing wrong. So, don’t show contempt for the mercy of God. Don’t be deceived into thinking that God is okay with you because He is quiet about your disobedience. It may be your season of mercy, and it will not last forever. So, put your house in order. Change your ways and practice being responsible because God’s forbearance is intended to lead you to repentance.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for your kindness and forbearance. Please help me to repent from all ungodly ways. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: The forbearance of God is not a declaration of His endorsement.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Our hope of glory

[The Glory Unveiled]

To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. [ Colossians 1:27 NIV ]

The believer’s knowledge of Christ floods their soul with the expectation of glory. Every believer has within them a treasure chest of hope that God wants the world to know about. As a believer, you have not been saved just to play safe, you have been saved to tell others about the hope of your salvation. The life of Jesus in us gives us an expectation of glory because when Jesus died, it didn’t end there, He rose from the dead into glory leaving us a picture/example of what kind of hope awaits us. The Lord Jesus Christ in the life of the believer gives them a hope of glory. The believer cannot and should not be confused about their end. Our end is the glory of God revealed; God’s glory is our future identity. We can accurately predict our tomorrow from the lens of Jesus’ earthly life. We have become ambassador of God’s kingdom, going about and making other people aware of the hope of God’s glory. Employing other people to have Christ as their Lord and Saviour so that they will have the same hope of glory when Christ comes to dwell in them. The world is in the dark about many things and God is trusting us to let the world see His glory in us. We cannot afford to disappoint God because the treasure chest is within us. We just have to open it up. God has chosen us in Christ as a royal priesthood to display the glory of His life through us. The life of Christ in us is an experience of the glory of God, so that we can broadcast this glorious experience with the world that does not know the Jesus. Are you making Jesus know where you are? Are people becoming more drawn to Jesus because you are showing them the glory in you?

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for Christ in me. I have hope of glory and I let the world see this hope through my everyday life. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: Jesus is the hope of the world.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Make it plain

[The Glory Unveiled]

And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. [ Habakkuk 2:2 KJV ]

There are many visions that go to the cemetery everyday without seeing the light of day. These visions die because their carriers were unable to execute them while they had the time. Their inability to execute their visions are tied to the unclear nature of the visions. Clarity of purpose is the fuel that speeds up the translation of a vision into a mission. Unless a vision is clear, it cannot be translated into a mission that the carrier can run with. Many people fail to execute their vision because it is not plain. The complex nature of a vision can scare the vision carrier and those who are supposed to run with it—your followers. Naturally, every vision is bigger than the vision carrier. And many times they are scary and seem impossible to achieve. Any vision that does not scare the vision carrier is probably not a vision from God. Our visions are usually bigger than us, so that we can seek the help of God in executing them. But even when we invite God into the execution of the vision, we must still make it clear so that other people can run with it. Many times, people only state their visions and try to run with it exactly the way it was handed down to them. And then their struggles start from not knowing where or how to start making the visions come to pass. Write your vision down and make it plain and simple. Break it down into smaller chunks that can be executed without straining life out of you. So, instead of jumping into what you’ve been called to., prayerfully brood over the vision and get a pen and paper. Ask God to show you the little pieces that make up the big vision. Write them into missions and goals that can be achieved within stated time frames. And then with the right amount of dedication and commitment, your vision will not go to the cemetery without being executed.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for the vision in my heart. Please help me to make it plain and execute it before you call me back home. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: An unclear vision ends up in the cemetery.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Jesus is Lord

[The Glory Unveiled]

For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. [ Matthew 12:8 NIV]

Today’s century church is daily in the valley of the temptation of a seductive world. While the wise virgin church tries so hard to teach the truth. There are those who try to do it without first showing the world, the Lord of the truth they teach. Many are in the habit because they feel they don’t want to burden the intellectual society with too much religious words. They argue that the people can be corrected or changed without necessarily mentioning the Lord behind the change they preach. And slowly but steadily, the church is loving the ways of the world more than they love the Lord. Consequently, this cancer is reflecting in every thing around us, from every industrial product to our television shows and the internet space. Unfortunately, because of this deception the masses are being fed, many more in the church are trying to reform society with the ideals that the world is selling to them. But the truth is, we can’t reform society with the teachings of the Lord without the Lord of the teachings. And since Jesus will not save any man He cannot command, He will not reform any society that does not know Him. Good moral teachings do not change people. It is the authority of Jesus forged from a relationship with Him that brings about the changes. The Lord Jesus is coming back to set His earthly kingdom and the requirement to enter this kingdom is perfection, which starts from salvation. This salvation identity card is given to anyone who believes in Jesus and accepts His lordship. The Lord Jesus is not only Lord to some people or in certain situations and certain days. He is Lord over all things forever. It is our recognition and acknowledgment of His Lordship that brings the change the church preaches. Is Jesus lord over everything in your life?

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for your Lordship over me. Thank you for the change you’re causing in and around me.

Wisdom_Quote: Society cannot be transformed with the teachings of the Lord without the Lord of the teachings.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The Believer’s ecosystem

[The Glory Unveiled]

So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. [ Galatians 5:16 NIV ]

The Christian is in the world but not of the world. They are in the world but are supposed to live in an ecosystem that separates them from the stains of the world. This ecosystem is a life that is lived in absolute submission to Jesus by walking side by side with the Spirit of God. But two people cannot walk except they agreed to do so. No one can walk by the Holy Spirit except they have agreed with Him, in spirit and in truth. “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24). The scripture shows us how to agree with the Spirt of God in order to relate with Him. It is by moving in agreement with Him—in spirit and in truth. Without the Spirit and Truth, we cannot agree with God. To walk with the Holy Spirit; to come into agreement with Him, we need to come into truth and spirit. The truth cleanses us and His Spirit clothes us to look like Him so that we will be able to fellowship with Him. Walking with the Holy Spirit is not an automatic reality for every one who claims to know the Lord, it is the result of a conscious, time tested, and spirit enabled journey. It takes maturity to walk with the Holy Spirit. It is that maturity that helps the believer not to gratify the desires of the flesh. “The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit.” (‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭14‬ ‭TPT‬‬). The believer who lives in this ecosystem is not moved by their sight or by the facts of their world but by the impulses of the Spirit. Walking by the Spirit is a culture in which some people live, and where the world’s culture cannot touch them. Be led by the Holy Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the grace to walk by your Spirit. Guide me to worship You in spirit and in truth.

Wisdom_Quote: The flesh is as powerful as you distance yourself from the Spirit of God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Start with agreement

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Two people will not walk together unless they have agreed to do so.” ‭‭[ Amos‬ ‭3‬:‭3‬ ‭ERV‬‬ ]

So many people want to walk with other people who have not agreed to walk with them. Inevitably, they discover along their journey that they are not headed the same destination, and then part ways. But if such people had agreed from the onset, they would have saved themselves loads of pain and suffering. Unfortunately, many times, many people assume that the other person understand them or are going where they are headed without properly agreeing or finding out their end goal. Agreement is very important if anything will grow from one level to the other and be sustained through a long period of time. Usually, agreements happen when there is clarity of purpose and that purpose is communicated in a manner that well understood and not misconstrued. To move forward, to excel, or to succeed in any field requires planning. Hence, without proper planning, no two people can move together even if they already have the desire to do so. Every future is birthed in the labour ward of agreement between parties. Nothing with a future can be sustained except there is agreement. In other words, nothing long lasting happens independently. Human relationships are intended to last through our stay on earth, hence the need for agreement. Agreement is like yoking two oxen together. Without the yoke [the reason for agreement], both oxen will go separate ways. And so, for the parties in a relationship not to head to separate directions, agreement is necessary before they set out. A husband and his wife can only head towards a predetermined goal except they had first agreed and brought themselves under the yoke of that agreement. Don’t assume, find out and be sure of your destinations.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for this eternal truth. Help me to agree with anyone You have intended for me to walk with. Let them agree with me too. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Assumption is the reason why two people heading to a place arrive at different locations.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Weak and victorious

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” [ ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭26‬ ‭ESV‬‬ ]

Humanity is inherently frail, and this fragility becomes evident in all our actions. Sin and iniquity result from our human weakness, which is manifested through a feeble will. Jesus once remarked about his disciples, noting that their spirits were willing but their flesh was weak (Matthew 26:41). Abraham portrayed himself, and by extension, all of humanity, as mere dust and ashes (Genesis 18:28). This vulnerability also becomes apparent in the brevity of our lives on Earth. We exist for a brief span, then are called back to our heavenly home. Yet, during our time here, we have the potential to live as if our weaknesses have been overcome, enabling us to exhibit strength despite our inherent frailty. This transformation can only occur through the intervention of the Holy Spirit in our prayers. Prayer serves as the direct conduit for believers to reach the heart of God. Through prayer, we gain access to the blessings and provisions allotted to us. We have the ability to translate and manifest spiritual truths into tangible realities. It is evident that the Holy Spirit aids us, but He does so specifically in our weaknesses. Scripture affirms that the Holy Spirit assists us in our moments of weakness. If you find yourself not receiving the Holy Spirit’s assistance, it may be because you have not acknowledged your own weaknesses. This divine help is designed for times of vulnerability and for those who acknowledge their own weaknesses. One common manifestation of human frailty is “ignorance.” For example, not knowing what to pray for constitutes a weakness rooted in ignorance. However, the Holy Spirit is ready to assist anyone who relies on Him. When God intervenes, His perfection surpasses any familiar experience. We all possess weaknesses; do not conceal them, but embrace them and trust in the Holy Spirit to enable you to rise above and transcend the limitations of those weaknesses. Do not allow your weaknesses to define you; instead, let the Spirit of God define your identity.

Prayer_Bead: Helper and Redeemer, Lover and Friend, thank you for helping me in my weaknesses so that the strength of Jesus can be revealed in me. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: Rise above your weakness in the beautiful embrace of the Holy Ghost.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Sharpened by Christ

[The Glory Unveiled]

“It takes a grinding wheel to sharpen a blade, and so one person sharpens the character of another.” [ ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭27‬:‭17‬ ‭TPT‬‬ ]

A wise man once said that a flock of sheep led by a lion soon becomes a pride of lions but a pride of lions led by a sheep soon becomes a flock of sheep. This statement is a statement of influence, and it so agrees with what the Bible says in our anchor text above. Blades are sharpened with grinding wheels or with other sharpening tools. Nothing is sharpened by itself. In like manner, character is sharpened by people. Our association with people rubs off their character on us. A person begins to behave like another person when they stick with them for sometime. It always takes someone to sharpen another’s character and skills. No individual person is sharpened by themselves but by their surroundings. This is a call to be careful with the things and people we surround ourselves with. People can become anyone they associate with even if they don’t want to be like them. The only determiner is an association with another person. Our character is sharpened when we come into contact with other people. Hence, we must be selective and intentional about our association. But even though iron sharpens iron, for the believer, they are sharpened by beholding the face of Jesus. We are sharpened as we behold His blazing face. Our transfiguration and transformation happen when we come into face to face fellowship with the Spirit of Christ. This sharpening by fellowship with the Lord is translated in our communion with one another. But the question is, who or what is sharpening your character?

Prayer_Bead: Father God, thank you for the wonderful grace of knowing that my associations influence my character. Please help me to associate with the right people and with your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: Jesus is the mirror image the believer strives to look like.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Clarity of vision

[The Glory Unveiled]

“When there is no clear prophetic vision, people quickly wander astray. But when you follow the revelation of the Word, heaven’s bliss fills your soul.” [ ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭29‬:‭18‬ ‭TPT‬‬ ]

Anytime there is any kind of movement, it is always towards a goal, a target. Nothing and no one moves towards nothing. Motion is only possible where there is clarity of vision. Where there is no vision, there cannot be a meaningful movement. This is why many destinies are pinned down; they have no clear prophetic vision. Many dreams are shuttered because many people are unwilling to chart a new course for self discovery. They prefer to be handed over the blueprint for their lives by someone who looks like them, rather than searching them out themselves. The result is a mass production of replicas of one person. Where there is no vision, a mission is impossible. If the goal is not in view then it is out of reach. The NIV puts our anchor text this way, “where there is no revelation [vision], people cast off restraints.” To “cast off restraint” means to abandon self-control or to act without limitations or inhibitions. It implies letting go of the thing that guides you or ignoring discipline in one’s behavior, often resulting in impulsive or unrestrained actions. The casualty is that, such lives become shadows of what could have been a good thing. A life without a leash unleashes the horrors of mediocrity. To avoid wandering astray, we must follow the revelation of God’s word, sustained by His grace. Before you begin to move towards any agenda or goals, be certain to have a clear vision of what it is you are chasing. It is the clarity of the vision that energizes and empowers your walk. Without a clear vision, you will soon stray from your end goal. The bliss of heaven fills our souls and equips us with the vigor to keep going where there is a revelation from God to guide our activities. Don’t chase anything, whether it is a relationship, a business, a project or a course until the vision is clear.

Prayer_Bead: The Great I AM, thank you for your plans for my life. Order my steps in your word, Lord. Keep me from the distractions of starting anything without a clear vision. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Vision is the brush that paints the picture of your future.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.