[The Glory Unveiled]
But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ” [ Matthew 4:4 NKJV ]
Everything on earth, whether animate or electronic, operates on a system of instructions—whether habits, ideals, beliefs, codes, culture, or anything else that makes them function. Neither we nor machines operate simply because we are capable; we operate based on codes—codes of conduct or operating system codes. Without these codes, we cannot function properly; we become dysfunctional. Our anchor Scripture says, “Man shall not live by bread alone.” This means that while man may live on bread, there are more important things to live by. Food nourishes the body, and the body hosts our souls and spirits. So, food is important, but it is not the most essential thing to live by. Scripture tells us that the most important thing to live by is every word of God. The word of God is the foundation upon which everything, both visible and invisible, exists. Therefore, we cannot underestimate the role and importance of God’s word in our lives. The word of God has everything needed to sustain us. The world, on the other hand, has much to offer that can ensnare us if we become its slaves. Unfortunately, our bodies—the part of us that needs food to survive—can be enticed by the world’s offerings, whether they are literal food or things that appeal to our bodies, including social media, pleasure, or sin. The world offers things that our flesh desires, and we must always be on guard against such enticements. If we are not to live by bread alone, then we must study the word of God and let our lives operate by it. What is your life operating on?
Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for teaching me not to live on bread alone. Help me to live on your Word at all times.
Wisdom_Quote: Man shall not live by bread alone.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Genuine Worship
[The Glory Unveiled]
He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” [ Matthew 26:39 NKJV ]
Worship is an expression of our allegiance to God. It demonstrates what we are willing and ready to let go of because God asks for it. Abraham was willing to let go of his only son, Isaac. That was his true worship. The owner of the donkey’s cult in Matthew 21:2-3 gave it up for the master’s use, that was worship. Esther and Moses were willing to give up their royal positions to serve God’s purpose. Worship is the voice that says, “Not my will, but Thine be done.” It is when we set aside anything that points to us and embrace everything that points to God. When Jesus lay in Gethsemane hours before His crucifixion and said, “Not my will, but Thine be done,” as recorded in our anchor text, He was worshiping. We know how that turned out—His own life had to be lost. He had to die to His will, which was independent of the Father. Every kind of true worship contains an element of death. No wonder the Old Testament worshippers always killed animals; these were symbolic of what worship meant. Romans 12:1 similarly asks us to present ourselves as living sacrifices (a type of death), which it calls our reasonable and acceptable act of worship. When Romans 12:1 instructs us to present ourselves as living sacrifices, it doesn’t limit the presentation to our bodies alone. Some people assume that only our bodies are meant to be sacrificed in holiness, but it’s more than that. Our desires and wants must also be on the table and given up when God calls for it. Are you ready to give up anything the Father needs from you?
Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for showing me the acceptable expression of worship. Help me to die to my will and desires. In Jesus’ name.
Wisdom_Quote: Genuine expression of worship is death to self.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God._
The Love of the Father.
[The Glory Unveiled]
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. [ 1 John 2:15 NKJV ]
The world is not merely the physical space we inhabit but the society, philosophy, ideals, and customs that shape our lives. Consequently, the world exerts a certain influence on its inhabitants, presenting them with what appeals to their desires. The world offers what our willpower is often too feeble to resist and what our appetite is often too weak to reject. In simple terms, the world offers temptations that can be difficult to refuse. John 3:16 says that God loves the world so much that He gave His only Son for us. The kind of love that God has is shared abroad in our hearts. However, love for the world stifles our love for God, which is why one who loves the world cannot love as the Father does. Jesus came as the embodiment of the Father’s will to teach us how to be children of God. Through His actions, Jesus demonstrated that He did not love the world or the things in it. He showed this by not loving His life so much that He wouldn’t sacrifice it. The willingness to part with one’s life for the sake of others is a powerful expression of love for God. In contrast, some people today take their own lives, not to save others, but without regard for the impact their death will have on others. Yet, the love of God teaches us selflessness—to prioritize the needs of others over our own desires. Practicing this kind of love helps to drive out love for the world and the things in it.
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for showing me with your life how to love. Help me as I endeavour to imitate you.
Wisdom_Quote: One’s love for God stifles their love for the world.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
A call into common union.
[The Glory Unveiled]
“Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.[ Isaiah 1:18 NKJV ]
What kind of love is this, that God would chase after condemned sinners, beckoning them to come and talk things out? The fatherly and caring nature of God shows that He cares for us more than we could ever care for ourselves. God assures us of forgiveness even before we ask for it. Often, in resolving conflicts, the one who offends takes the initiative to ensure peace. But in the case of humanity and God, even though humanity was in the wrong, God took the initiative ahead of humanity to establish peace. Man made many attempts to return to God but to no avail. When Jesus came to live on earth, it should have been clear to us that, by our own strength, we can do nothing to please God. Unfortunately, to this day, there are still those who try to please God by their own means and merit. Even before Jesus came, the Father called on us to reason with Him. This means we are to see from His perspective that we cannot do it by ourselves. God calls us to understand that only He can change us and make us new. From before the book of Isaiah was written, to the time it was written, and ever since, God has been trying to get us to believe Him and see things from His viewpoint. Today, God is saying, “Come, let’s reason together.” God is inviting us into a union with Himself. Will you answer the call?
Prayer_Bead: Heavenly father, thank you for calling out to me. I am changed as I draw near to you.
Wisdom_Quote: The call of God is a call into common union with Him.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
The choice of following Jesus
[The Glory Unveiled]
And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. [Joshua 24:15 NKJV ]
Every believer needs to understand that there is a choice to be made in following Jesus, and one must consider it carefully before making that choice. The person who will walk with Jesus on this lonely path for the long term is the man or woman who has counted the cost. Only one who has counted the cost and still decides to go with Jesus can go far with Him. It is not enough to say you will walk with Jesus when you see Him multiply bread. The bread may be the center of your decision, and when that bread ceases to come, you might stop following. In John 6, many of Jesus’ followers stopped following Him, so He asked the twelve (His inner circle) in verse 67 if they also wanted to stop following Him. Peter answered on behalf of the twelve, saying, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” The difference between these twelve and the rest of the multitude is that they had counted the cost of following Jesus before deciding to follow Him. Ruth and Orpah, from the book of Ruth, were also in a similar situation. Ruth counted the cost before deciding she would follow her mother-in-law, Naomi. Joshua, in our anchor text, asked the people of Israel to decide whether they would follow God or idols. He told them to count the cost and see if it was wrong to follow the Lord; if so, they should choose whom they would serve. But he and his household would serve the LORD. Today, we have the same opportunity to choose whom we shall serve. But before we decide, we need to understand that following Jesus comes at a cost and has its accompanying blessings.
Prayer_Bead: Father, I thank you for giving me opportunity to come to you through your Son Jesus Christ. I choose this day to be on your side, so help me God.
Wisdom_Quote: There is a dire price to choosing to following Jesus.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
The believer’s police
[The Glory Unveiled]
But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified. [ 1 Corinthians 9:27 NIV ]
The apostle Paul was a powerful preacher of the gospel. He traveled around the world, preaching to others about Jesus. Yet, in this verse of scripture, he acknowledged that his own flesh could prevent him from partaking in the very things he preached to others. The realities he spoke of are spiritual, not physical; however, the physical component of a person can deny the spiritual access to heavenly bliss. This means that the physical aspects of our being and the issues associated with them are crucial. Often, as believers, what disqualifies us is the lack of discipline over our bodies. Simply knowing the truth and sharing it with others does not automatically mean we are qualified to partake in the glory of what we share. In fact, the moment anyone begins to share the good news, the world tests them to see if they are worthy of what they preach. This is why discipline is essential for anyone who carries the good news on their lips. A disciple or follower of Jesus is someone who disciplines themselves to follow Him, even when their physical desires resist. This attitude of discipline is what defines and distinguishes a follower of Jesus from a merely professing believer. A believer in Jesus Christ must intentionally bring their body under discipline to avoid disqualification in the end. Remember, if even the apostle Paul needed to discipline his body to avoid being disqualified before God, then discipline is non-negotiable; it is the believer’s police. Embrace discipline as a child of God.
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, I yield my body to you in total obedience. Please help me to be consistent till the end. Amen.
Wisdom_Quote: Discipline is non-negotiable for the believer.
#GNews:Unveiling the glory of God.
Pray First
[The Glory Unveiled]
But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” [ Luke 22:32 NIV ]
The Lord Jesus made the statement in our anchor verse after He informed Peter, His disciple, that Satan had sought permission to sift him as a farmer sifts wheat. One might think that because Jesus knew what Satan intended to do, He would simply change everything by His power. But He didn’t. Instead, He prayed for Peter. Many times, when we face various challenges, especially those we consider difficult, we tell everyone about them—everyone except our heavenly Father. The fact that Jesus prayed about Satan’s plot to sift the disciples shows that we need to bring everything before God in prayer. God is not only interested in certain aspects of our lives but in every aspect. Prayer should be our first line of action in every situation. We must talk to God about every matter before we speak to anyone else. If only we prayed more, many of our challenges would disappear. Many of the things we struggle with wouldn’t exist if we had taken them to God. Before you complain, have you prayed about it? Before you give up or compromise, have you prayed about it? Prayer is a sign of our dependence on God. It shows that we trust He is able to help us and that we seek His guidance. And while we pray, may our faith not fail, because everything that constitutes our Christian life is linked to our faith, without which we have no life. Be consistent in your prayer life as you live a surrendered life.
Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for your loving kindness and faithfulness. Help me to be fervent in prayer. So help me, Lord.
Wisdom_Quote: Prayer is a declaration of one’s dependence on God.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Case closed.
[The Glory Unveiled]
So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One. [ Romans 8:1 TPT ]
In the legal world, a court case is considered “closed” when the legal proceedings have concluded, and there is a final judgment and resolution. This typically happens when a verdict is rendered, a settlement is reached, a case is dismissed, or all appeals are exhausted. In our case, when humanity was taken to court because of our sin, a provision was made after the final judgment was pronounced. The settlement reached was that humanity must die. Jesus came to take our place and died, bearing the full punishment for our sins so that, through Him, we may have forgiveness and eternal life. Now that Jesus has paid for our sins, the settlement was achieved through His blood. The case is now closed, and there is no accusing voice of condemnation against those who have had their sentence taken on by Jesus. The voice that could legally accuse us of sin and its punishment has been silenced by the loving sacrifice of Jesus. When we enter into a life-union with Jesus, we receive immunity from condemnation and accusations. Any form of accusation or condemnation hurled at a believer in Jesus is unfounded and false. The devil still goes about deceiving innocent and ignorant men and women, just as he did Eve in the garden. This is why we need to equip ourselves with knowledge. We need to understand our position in Christ and the possibilities that the abundant life in Jesus presents. Remember, it is illegal for the devil to condemn you. Don’t buy into his deceptions.
Prayer_Bead: Merciful father, thank you for paying the price for my freedom.
Wisdom_Quote: The believer receives a mark of immunity against condemnation when they come into a life-union with Jesus.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
True Love for God.
[The Glory Unveiled]
True love for God means obeying his commands, and his commands don’t weigh us down as heavy burdens. [ 1 John 5:3 TPT ]
It seems that everyone understands love when it is expressed. The subject of love cuts through almost every field; it spreads its wings over different religions, cultures, and races—love is a universal language. The love of God has been shared in every heart. When Jesus met Peter at the seashore after His resurrection, the only thing He asked Peter was, “Do you love me?” When Peter responded affirmatively, Jesus asked him to feed His sheep and care for His lambs. Though Peter said that he loved Jesus, only by carrying out Jesus’ requests would his claim of love be proven true. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to love. God’s grace, however, empowers us to love. Naturally, it is more difficult to love some people than others. But with the enabling power of God’s grace, we are able to love even those who are “difficult to love.” Scripture says we love God by obeying His commands. Yet, there is always some element of spontaneity in love. If love is true, there must be room for spontaneous expressions and gestures, which can be difficult in relationships defined by rigid rules and regulations. But because God is love, His commands do not crush the spontaneity of love. Our love for God is proven when we obey His commands, and these commands do not hinder the spontaneous expressions of love that we can demonstrate as people who love God. As God Himself demonstrated when He gave His only begotten Son for us, let the world see your love for God.
Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for first demonstrating your love for me so that I could emulate it.
Wisdom_Quote: Love for God is painted with the brush of obedience on the canvas of His commands.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Ambassadors of the news
[The Glory Unveiled]
Then He said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.” [ John 20:27 NKJV ]
When the apostle John wrote, “that which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life we declare to you,” he meant it literally. They lived with Jesus, walked with Him, learned from Him, and were transformed by Him so profoundly that they could speak about Him with certainty. One can only write the biography of another if they deeply understand and identify with that person. The disciples of Jesus were given the privilege to make mistakes and question Jesus for as long as they needed. God did not destroy them or turn them into animals or stones because they struggled to believe in the Son of God. In fact, He allowed them so much freedom that one of them dared to say that unless he touched Jesus and put his finger into the nail scars, he would not believe what the other disciples said about Jesus’ resurrection. When Jesus returned, He did not rebuke Thomas; instead, He reached out to him with His nail-pierced hand. Jesus was ready to provide him with proof of His resurrection. As ambassadors of Jesus, we need to carry proof to the world that Jesus died and rose again. We must equip ourselves with the knowledge of God so thoroughly that we can confidently tell others about the sacrifice of Christ. And to those who hear of what Jesus has done and who He is, let us not be unbelieving.
Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for the privilege to represent you in this world. Help me to believe you with all my being.
Wisdom_Quote: The unbelieving believer is an embargo to the spread of the gospel.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.