You have power

[The Glory Unveiled]

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” ( Acts 3:6 )

It is said in the business world that a delegated power or authority cannot be further delegated [the Latin says, “delegatus non potest delegare]. This means that power given cannot be transferred to or shared with another. So even though Peter was with John, he didn’t say “what we have…” In the right application of delegation, a delegate does not show in the discharge of their duties that power was delegated to them. When power or authority is degated to another, that other person acts as if the power was directly from them. In the verse 12 of the same chapter as our focal verse, the apostle Peter reveals that what he said he had in our focal verse which is not silver or gold, was delegated power. The Lord Jesus had given His disciples power to thwart the works of Satan. It is that power delegated to them that the apostle spoke of that he had. And because he understood how delegation works, he exercised the power so excellently that the desired outcome was actualized as if it was Christ Jesus himself. In our walk with Christ, we have the same delegated power. We are to manifest the glory of the Kingdom of God through the demonstration of power. The world is in dire need of the power of God. We must show kindness to the world by letting them see God’s glory manifest. Exercise your power in the name of Jesus.

Prayer_Bead: Everlasting Father, King of Glory, thank you for your power given to me. On the strength of that power, I manifest your glory to the world in my daily life.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Walk by revelation

[Unveiling His Glory]

When Pharaoh’s horses, chariots and horsemen went into the sea, the LORD brought the waters of the sea back over them, but the Israelites walked through the sea on dry ground. ( Exodus 15:19 )

The Egyptian army had been chasing the Israelites down to the bank of the red sea. Before the red sea, the Egyptians seem advantaged as they were pursuing a nation made predominantly of weak men with slaves mentality. Suddenly the two groups, the Egyptians and the Israelites came to the bank of the red sea. At this point they were facing the same crisis. And even though they came before the same crisis, the Israelites were still more scared because of their servitude mentality. There are times, when even the seemingly mighty faces the same crisis as the weak [Covid-19 tells it well]. But then, it was right there at the mouth of the red sea that the Israelites would see their unknown advantage which was God. There is no general formula for getting out of a crisis. The way out of a crisis was always individualized. But the surest way out of a crisis is by revelation. So then the time came to walk by revelation (faith) rather than by sight. The Israelites walked right through the sea as if they were walking on dry ground. The Egyptians, thinking the way out of a crisis was a universal formula walked after the order of the Israelites but they were swallowed up by the sea. Here is our lesson, in a crisis, don’t imitate your neighbour, whether they are friends or enemies. Stick to revelation, inspiration and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer_Bead: God of all creation, whose oceans roar out His glory and whose rivers cry out His praise, thank you for giving me the secret to getting out of every crisis.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Jesus speaks, Jesus does

[Unveiling His Glory]

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” 29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. ( Matthew 14:28-29 )

Peter, the disciple, believed that the words of Jesus had the power to sustain itself. In other words, when Jesus spoke, the words would be carried out to the letter. There was always a performance of the things he spoke. So to the disciple, the surest way to know if it was Jesus who was walking on the water was for the person to ask him to come (verse 28). And if he was able to go to the person then it was Jesus. He trusted the word of Jesus. This very disciple had seen for himself, Jesus speaking to a fig tree and then it withered, he spoke to the waves of the sea and it was calm. So he had every reason to believe that the words of Jesus could sustain him on the water if it was Jesus. His bold attempt out of the boat reiterates his conviction and faith in the words of Jesus. Because if it was not Jesus, he was going to drown. But to trust that the words of Jesus could keep him afloat meant he truly trusted Jesus’ words. Unfortunately, most of us seem to have come to a point where the words of people are not taken so seriously. This is probably largely to the deceptions and falsehood that has coated our everyday words. But one thing still stands out, Jesus’ words will not fail, though the heavens and the earth may pass away (Mark 13:31). Hold unto His words to you. His words give meaning and life to our existence. His words carry the power to do what it says. He is not a man to lie.

Prayer_Bead: God of creation who by the words of His mouth framed the earth and by whose words gave live to everything in it, speak a word to me in Jesus name.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Take Jesus at His word

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Go,” Jesus replied, “your son will live.” The man took Jesus at his word and departed. ( John 4:50 )

Background to the scripture verse: The son of a royal official was terribly sick. The official came down to Galilee [where Jesus was at the time] to ask Jesus to go with him to his house to pray for his son. Now, this royal official desperately needed His son to get well. And in his desperation he thought the only way out was for Jesus to go down to his house to pray for the boy. In the verse 52 of the same chapter, you’d discover that the distance from Galilee to wherever the official lived was at least a day’s journey. But desperation convinced him to think that the surest way to save his son was to walk the Saviour down to his home on a day’s trip. He didn’t even pause to think of the possibility of losing his son before the Saviour got there. You see, often, desperation blinds us from seeing facts and truth. It narrows our realities and skews our thinking. But God be praised in the same chapter, [in our focal verse] is the solution to desperation and anxiety. It says, “the man took Jesus at his word and departed”. Whenever we can’t personally, whether physically, emotionally, intellectually or psychologically do anything about a situation, all we need to do is to fall on the word of God. Leaning against the word of God brings us peace; something desperation robs us of. Let us take Jesus at His word. Have you been told something by God that now seem to be out of date? Does it seem that it’s too late? Just take God by His word. He is not a man to lie. God will honour his word to you.

Prayer_Bead: God of all promises, who does not speak in vain, give me the grace to take you at your words to me. I thank you for my peace and freedom from tendencies of desperation.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The price or the value?

[The Glory Unveiled]

Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left. So Esau despised his birthright. ( Genesis 25:34 )

One may know the price of a thing but not it’s value. Esau priced his birthright at the cost of a lentil stew. But he didn’t exactly know the value of that birthright. He didn’t ascertain the worth of what he was carrying as a firstborn child. And because he didn’t know the value, he abused [despised] it. Dr. Myles Munroe always said that, when the value of something is not known, abuse is inevitable. Esau only knew the price of his birthright, Jacob knew the value. He knew that getting that birthright would give him the right to have what belonged to Esau naturally [by birth]. In our individual private lives, we play out these twins. The value we place on the things or people  in our lives and the price or cost of getting such things or the people come into our lives are not one and the same. The cost of a thing does not always expose the true value of the thing. For a example, a very valuable ornament [which is ideally] supposed to be sold expensively could be sold at a very low price. Maybe because the seller knows the buyer or because the seller is in dire need of money. In that case, the cost will not determine the value of such an ornament or jewelry. But God has actually tagged our value to the price on us. We are valued at Christ Jesus to the glory and praise of God. So that it took the cost of Christ to pay for our sins. We must endeavor not to lose the valuable things God has for us because we mistake their price for their worth. You are worth everything. Esteem yourself.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, open my eyes to the true value of the things you have given me. Help me to appreciate all that you have given me.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Supplementary provision

[The Glory Unveiled]

Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel–all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him.” ( 1Kings 19:18 )

Sometimes when we come to the crossroads, where all hope seem lost and nothing seem to be working, God preserves remnants of hope for us in the shadows. When it seems that there are no jobs, God still preserves jobs unknown to us for us. When it seems no man or woman is available [or interested in you] God still has a “remnant” for you. When it seem you’re the only one left in a perverse and crooked generation, God still keeps His remnants. No matter the economic turbulence, the social unrest, God is keeping something going for you in the background. Elijah felt alone, He felt abandoned, he felt His family was killed but God kept a company for Him. Elijah had given up on life, he wanted God to take his life because he thought he was the only prophet left (see verse 4). Don’t give up on life yet. God has preserved [opportunities, blessings, grace, jobs, breakthroughs] for you. When it seems all hope is lost, when it seems that the only option is to flee to the mountains, that is when to call upon God. Because sometimes, that may be your kairos moment. That very moment is when God will announce His supplementary plan to you. It is never too late when God is your travelling mate. Even though it may seem that all the other prophets were killed, in reality God hid some people for Himself. In the same way the crisis we see is just an illusionary representation what really is. God is keeping all that we think we have lost. He has preserved it all for us. Nothing is lost. Chill, relax give God praise.

Prayer_Bead: Jehovah Jireh, the Lord my provider, thank you for your provision and preservation.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Seeing like God

[The Glory Unveiled]

So I have come down to rescue them [Israel] from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey–the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. ( Exodus 3:8 )

It seem that God does not see obstructions [impossibilities, blockades, thorns, battles, giants, troubles etc]. The Israelites had been in captivity for 400 years. It seem then that the only freedom they knew was hardship. And then came a word from God saying He was going to get them out of slavery into freedom. This news sounded too good to be true and too powerful to be ignored. So the exodus begun to the land that was to be flowing with milk and honey. No sooner had they started the journey than they wished to go back to the only “freedom” [slavery] they had known–Egypt. We all know that when the 12 spies were later sent to scout the land, they gave a complete report of the opposite of what they had been dreaming to see. They also discovered empirically that the land was inhabited. One would wonder, did God not see these? God did not mention the real challenges they were going to face. He didn’t tell them of the giants in the land, he even didn’t mention the sacrifices they would have to make to enter the land. Like the Israelites, often when God calls us into the land of our destiny, He does not disclose the sacrifices we need to make and the giants we need to slay in order to possess the land of promise. But we must arm ourselves with this mentality, that there is a price to pay, a sacrifice to make for the land flowing with milk and honey. The next time you read or hear a sweet promise from God, pray for grace to pay the price because the price is inevitable. And with God on our side, we don’t see the obstructions stopping us.

Prayer_Bead: Lord of lords, God of gods, King of kings, thank you for the promise of my land of milk and honey, please give me grace to pay the price and make the requisite sacrifices.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Access to God

[The Glory Unveiled]

In him [Christ Jesus] and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. ( Ephesians 3:12 )

When Adam and Eve sinned through disobedience to God’s counsel, they hid themselves because they lost the freedom and confidence to approach God (Genesis 3:8-10). The barrier of sin had put them in that situation where they could not boldly meet with God even when God came looking for them. And from their time until the realities of the Cross of Christ crystallized, all of humanity became victims of their error. But thanks to God, at the Cross a remedy was made available to us by which our relationship with God could be restored. But even though the remedy is available, many are still held behind the curtains of condemnation as a result of ignorance [unawareness]. They are still unable to approach the Father of all Lights. The reason is found in the verse above. We come into fellowship with God only in Christ. And through our residence in Christ by faith, we are able to confidently approach God. There is no other substitute for this statute. There is no way around it but through this institution. So Romans 8:1, says there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ. “In Christ” is the only grounds that permits freedom and access to God. And in Him, we are shielded against the world’s system that is designed to fight our relationship with God. We have access now to God in Christ through faith. Glory!

Prayer_Bead: Father of all creation, lover of my soul, thank you for the grace to come to you in Christ and through faith in Him.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

A leap of faith

[The Glory Unveiled]

When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. ( Genesis 22:9 )

All the way through scripture are records of situations that demanded a leap of faith. Anytime it seem that God was making a demand on us that we could not “ordinary” meet, He was calling on us to take a leap of faith. Most of the time, to act in faith will mean that we thrust out into the deep without a deep revelation nor a full understanding of why. It means to take a step even when the stairs are not fully in view. Abraham took a leap of faith to attempt sacrificing his only son. Queen Esther leapt in faith to approach the King who had not asked for her (see Esther 4:16); this in their day and time was a punishable offense. But she was willing to go all out in faith regardless of the outcome, saying if I perish, I perish. The apostle Peter also leapt out in faith when the Master Jesus asked him to come to Him on the water. Peter probably thought of the laws of nature he would probably have to ignore in order to take that first step just as Esther had to ignore the laws of Shushan that demanded that no Queen visited the King unless called upon. Abraham while he bound Isaac up had to ignore the opinions of the people around him to move out in faith. A leap of faith always requires of us to ignore some laws that may work against the actualisation of that goal. Leap out in faith today. Hang on the promise of God, don’t look on the laws of life that are screaming “impossible!” at you. It is possible.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, Author and Finisher of my faith, take away my unbelief, fears and doubts. Help me to take a bold leap of faith.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The Promise of the Spirit

[The Glory Unveiled]

He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. ( Galatians 3:14 )

Abraham, the man of faith [as verse 9 of the same chapter calls him] earned that name on the ticket of walking in obedience to what he had not yet seen. Without faith [absolute trust], Abraham could not have obtained the promises of God. The premise on which God entertains us is that of faith (Hebrews 11:6). The new covenant, established with better promises closes up everything in Christ Jesus, so that without coming into Christ by faith, we are exempted from the privileges of the promise. It is not enough to confess the promises over our lives just because we attend church and fellowship with Believers. Just as no one can use another person’s passport or visa to access passage into a foreign land, likewise we cannot enjoy the promises of Christ because of our relationship with another person who has access into Christ. We need to come into a personal relationship with Christ Jesus from which we are qualified for the promises. By faith we receive the manifestation of the promises of God. But this manifestation is carried out by the Holy Spirit so that once the demands are met, there is a supply of what was promised, regardless of what challenges or threats may be posed. Do you have a working personal relationship with Christ?

Prayer_Bead: Spirit of Truth, thank you for the revelation of your promises and access to it by faith in Christ. Lead me into the full expression of faith.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.