Don’t Sleep away your anointing

[The Glory Unveiled]

Then she called, “Samson, the Philistines are upon you!” He awoke from his sleep and thought, “I’ll go out as before and shake myself free.” But he did not know that the LORD had left him. ( Judges 16:20)

Spiritual stability is not guaranteed because of anointing. What happens when the anointing is not immediately present? Samson was very anointed but he slept too much and he was also complement with the Lord’s ways. He didn’t balance the anointing with the discipline of body and soul. Sleep stole from the world the anointing and blessings of mighty men and women. Even today, a destiny is ebbing away somewhere because of sleep. Someone who is supposed to be awake this very moment to interceed for someone is sleeping. An apostle or prophet to the nations may be sleeping away his destiny somewhere now. Samson jeopardised the destiny and safety of Israel because of the indiscipline of his soul and body. Often, our destinies are tied corporately to the destinies of others, so that our failure is in part the failure of others. Ignorantly, like Samson we are deceived to think that the anointing could compensate for our bodily weaknesses. But unfortunately, the anointing has its place and discipline has its place too. Let us not sleep our destinies away.

Prayer_Bead: Father in Heaven, thank you for opening my eyes to the truth of your word. Keep me awake to your counsel and guidelines. Teach me to obey You at all cost.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.


[The Glory Unveiled]

Jesus was in the stern [of the boat], sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” ( Mark 4:38 )

Is the Jesus in your boat asleep? There is no question of the presence or location of Jesus; He was in the boat. Suggestive of the fact that, Jesus can be in one’s life (boat) and yet the effect of his presence will not be felt if we don’t give Him room to act as the captain of our [ship] life. He was with the disciples, but that was not enough to activate His presence. Jesus only became real in the boat when He was engaged by the disciples. The woman with the issue of blood was not the only one in the vicinity where she touched the hem of Jesus and drew virtue from Him. But among those throbbing crowd, she was the only one who reached the power source–the virtue–within him. So that even though many people throbbed Christ, non actually truly touched Him beyond the physical touch. There is the need to consciously awaken, the knowledge of Christ in us through the study of God’s word. Awaken the Spirit of Christ; engage Him in a constant communion.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, my Love and Lord, teach me to constantly engage you in fellowship with me. Help me through your word to keep our communion alive through discipline and perseverance.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.


[The Glory Unveiled]

1 But the LORD provided a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was inside the fish three days and three nights.2 From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the LORD his God. ( Jonah 2:1-2 )

Like Jonah, there are times God insulates us from the world and separates us unto Himself. God does this to catch our full attention in order to communicate a specific purpose to us. For instance, Moses’ burning bush experience was intended to catch his attention just as apostle Paul’s Damascus encounter gave God a firm grip on him. When Jonah was instructed to carry out an assignment, he thought he could choose to do whatever he wanted. There are times God gives us some free rides but unfortunately Jonah didn’t have any in that moment because all humans are actually like clay in the hands of the Potter (God) and He does with us what He please. Three days of staying in the belly of the great fish, Jonah was rewired in his understanding; Moses became a deliverer and a judge right on the mountain where he encountered God. Whenever men leave the presence of God if they were truly in the presence of God, they became susceptible to the call of God because the will and purpose of God is always clear in the presence of God. Let us walk yieldingly in the call of God for our lives.

Prayer_Bead: My Father in Heaven, give me a listening ear and an obedient heart. Teach me to walk in Your calling for me.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Love: Priceless and Intentional

[The Glory Unveiled]

Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned. ( Song of Songs 8:7 )

Love is a living thing that is not easily killed, destroyed nor quenched. It is also priceless. So that the price you place on it is just a quota of how much it is truly worth and not necessarily the true value. Unfortunately, because love though powerful, is also mostly passive in expression, people tend to downplay its essence and substance. Largely, we take love for granted as a result of our ignorance of what love is, and what it may mean to others. Where there is true love, there is always a way. Impossibilities become very possible and barriers make way for unimaginable expressions. Many people see love as a soulish concoction running through the souls of humans. But if that were true there would be no hate in the world but unfortunately that is not the case. Like any other thing worthwhile, love must be very intentional. For instance, last night, many people might have been hurt, others helped, and some might have been heart-broken; largely unintentionally. But whatever it is, love must be very intentional to produce the desired results. Be intentional about love, don’t give up yet. Remember it is not easily killed, destroyed nor quenched.

Prayer_Bead: My Father and God, stir up the spirit of your kind of love in me. Help me to forgive those who wronged me and to be forgiven of those I wronged.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Do not awaken your Love

[The Glory Unveiled]

Oh, let me warn you, sisters in Jerusalem:Don’t excite love, don’t stir it up,until the time is ripe—and you’re ready. ( Song of Songs 8:3 )

Love is always first like a sleeping dog. It’s a living thing with actual traits of living things. And like all living things, in order to sustain its life and growth, it must be nurtured and nourished. If it is abandoned, it does not only die but it rots and stinks. The stench from an awoken love, left unattended to is more destructive than physical weapons of mass destruction. And for this reason, the wise king Solomon warns us not to excite, arouse or stir it up until the right time; when we’re ready, because ones it is awaken, like a sleeping dog, you can’t put it back to sleep. Love has the tendency to grow whether it is carefully nourished or not. The reality is, you’ll always reap what you invest into love, whether the good or the bad. In our time and day, due to the influence of social media, people are almost always pressured to explore love even when they are not ready. Many are coerced, others are convinced by the tokens of affection given them by meticulously voracious ‘partners’. The result; some have had love exploded to their faces, leaving them blind to realities. My dear, if you’re not ready, you’re not ready. Don’t wait for the consequences to scream reality into you. Let us take the warnings of the man who had experimented with all the realities of life more than any other person seriously.

Prayer_Bead: Father Lord, Lover of my soul and sustainer of my life, let the unfruitful desires of my heart drown in the comfort of your word. Help me not to arouse love before the desired time.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

How is true Love identified?

[The Glory Unveiled]

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. ( 1John 3:16 )

The scriptures are not unclear on the subject of love. If anything, it is us who have refused to accept what scripture reveals as truth. So how does one know what love is and whether someone truly love them as they may profess or not? It is true that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth makes expressions. But when it comes to the issues of love, it takes more than just the “sweet nothings” of the heart’s ecstatic oratory. The scripture for consideration today says, “This is how we know what love is: …” signifying a fixed acid test approach to knowing what love is. So that we could agree that anything short of the standard is just hormonal and chemical agitation unrestrained. Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. This was and is love. Sacrificial giving of self is the standard and test for real love. Can you give yourself to someone you claim you love without demanding or expecting something in return? Can you give your time, energy and resources for the betterment and enjoyment of another person even if that other person won’t recognise you for it? This is love. February 14 has gradually succeeded in distorting the true meaning of love and what it stands for. The standard for love is so far from the mark, particularly in February but we  pray that this broadcast will open our eyes to the realities.

Prayer_Bead: Father in Heaven, my Love and my Lord, help me to live as Christ lived. Make me a channel to reach the unreached. Teach me to unconditionally live for others.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

God uses anything for His glory

[The Glory Unveiled]

And they praised God because of me. ( Galatians 1:24 )

The ultimate purpose of man’s creation is for the revelation and manifestation of God’s glory. The fall of man seem to have caused a temporary ‘glitch’ in the corporate plan of God but the intentionality of God, coupled with the mysterious omniscience of His nature brought light out of the ‘glitch’ so that other aspects of His nature we wouldn’t have otherwise known could be revealed. Today’s scripture is a statement made by the apostle Paul on account of his past and life at the time. He, in the verse 23 of this chapter, stated that people heard that, the man who persecuted the church now preach to the glory of God. Apostle Paul’s past life of persecuting the church might have seem like a glitch in his personal purpose but that glitch actually brought glory to God (verse 24). God is intentional. He upholds all things and everything takes its source and true expression from Him. There’s nothing outside the confines of His totality. Let us allow God to use our errors and defects to reflect His glory.

Prayer_Bead: Father of all Glory and the heveanly lights, use everything in this Vessel of clay for your glory. Let the world see your hidden treasures through me.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Get the noise out first

[The Glory Unveiled ]

After the [noisy] crowd had been put outside, he went in and took the girl by the hand, and she came back to life. ( Matthew 9:25 )

Every success story seem to have a protocol which serves as the spine of guarantee. In the administration of the miracle (resurrection of a little girl) in this scripture; the protocol was to clear the noise first, before the miracle worker could go in. “Noise” is anything that destructs, terminates, hinders access, abuses the right use and stifles process. Natural noise as well as spiritual noise blocks meaningful sound. In our relationship with Jesus, we must keep noise out of the door; before the Holy Spirit will truly commune with us, we must get noise outside our environment of fellowship. In our prayer closets, we must watch out for the “noise” that drains our words. There are times we go to the place of prayer and no sound is able to permeate the curtains of glory because of the noise around us. Unbelief is one of the noise that crepts in unawares on believers in their closets, rather often than not. Sometimes, it may not be their confession of the disbelief but the disbelief and attitude of onlookers and friends. We must consciously, like Jesus did, take away these noise in order to tune to the soundcode of Heaven through the name of Jesus.

Prayer_Bead: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for opening my eyes to the destruction of noise in my walk with you. Please teach me to do away with noise.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

New Wineskins

[The Glory Unveiled]

Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” ( Matthew 9:17 )

The verse of scripture for consideration today reveals a spiritual protocol that opens the door for the supernatural, though clothed in a symbolic language, the substance cannot be overemphasised. The new wine symbolises the regenerated spirit of a born again person while the wineskins represent the individuals. No human is qualified for a regenerated spirit until they fit into the description of 2Corinthians 5:17 by faith in Christ Jesus. And as a result of that quality they are qualified for the release of the “new wine”. But a regenerated spirit cannot be given to an individual who has not received the right to be a child of God (John1:12). Going contrary to that arrangement defies the order of things according to the redemptive plan of God. Believe in the Lordship of Jesus for the package of a regenerated spirit. And then you will be a candidate for sharing in the benefit of that rebirth experience.

Prayer_Bead: Father in Heaven, I yield to the Lordship of Jesus today. I surrender my will, emotions and intellect to you. Make me a new soul according to your redemptive purpose.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Give flesh to the Word of God

[The Glory Unveiled]

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. ( John 1:14 )

Change is just as real as a mist as long as the substance of that change is not crystallised as reality. Any area of our lives that receives transformation must first come to a point where the word of God for that area becomes–flesh–real. When the word of God becomes flesh in our lives, our lives receives the nature (flesh) of God. The word of God will not make any recognisable impact in our lives until the word becomes flesh. We must go beyond just listening to the word. We must go past being spectators in the theatre of God’s kingdom to being characters on the stage of life. When the word of God is given life by the understanding supplied by faith in God, change becomes a mandatory end result. The Glory of God had never been ever revealed to the degree it was revealed in Christ. And this became possible because the word became flesh. Could it be that the word of faith spoken to you is waiting to become flesh? And how long will it take?

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, the One and Only from the Father, full of grace and glory. Crystalize the realities of your word in my life even as you gave expression to the nature of God by becoming flesh.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.