Foundations of Light

[The Glory Unveiled]

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. [ Genesis 1:3 NIV ]

When we walk around town, we see beautiful structures and edifices. Some are so beautiful you wonder how they were put up. But one thing is certain: no matter the engineering that went into it, each structure has something hidden underneath that keeps it standing. This invisible member is the foundation. No structure can stand without a suitable foundation. Before God brought the invisible structure of creation into the visible world, He brought light first. The light made way for the appearance of the rest of the hidden possibilities in God. Light is the canvas upon which the creation of anything is painted. It is the supernatural foundation upon which we build. For us, light is symbolic of knowledge—a kind of knowledge that gives life, a kind of knowledge that liberates. As believers, we have a role to play in seeing the manifestation of the things we believe. Light had always been present from the beginning, but God had to let it out. If God had not commanded light to be, it would have remained hidden, even though the Holy Spirit was available to make it visible. There is a body of knowledge made known to the church through Christ Jesus. It had always been there, even in the time of our fathers, but they could not find it because it was hidden from them. Yet, in Christ, by His Spirit, we can access such truth. However, availability of something does not equal access. For us to access it, we need to make efforts. We need to move beyond what we are used to and embrace what could be through Christ Jesus.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for showing us these truth and bringing us into their experience.

Wisdom_Quote: Light is the foundation of the visible and invisible realm.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Rest for your soul

[The Glory Unveiled]

”Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.“
Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭29‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ ]

The Lord Jesus asks us to join our lives with His. He made this request using the animal husbandry term “yoking.” The concept of yoking animals is to make two animals work as one unit. However, considering this metaphor through the lens of Jesus’ words, it is not the work that is the focus, but rather union with Him. This is why He said we should learn from Him. We can only become one with Him when we learn from Him. He also tells us the reason He is calling us into this venture: to find rest for our souls. Moreover, He underscores His words with something that settles the scores, explaining why He does what He does. This central truth is His heart posture. The Lord Jesus says that He is gentle and lowly in heart. To learn the ways of Jesus, we need to adopt His mental and heart attitude. Without the right mental attitude, we cannot achieve the results a person has, no matter how much we covet or imitate them. The Lord Jesus has rest, and He is calling us into a similar rest, but He is doing so through a long-lasting system: learning. He wants us to learn from Him until what we learn becomes part of us. We cannot learn the ways of Jesus unless we are yoked (joined) to Him. We can then watch His steps and His actions. This yoking process begins with accepting Jesus as Lord and being willing to obey Him in all things, neglecting our right to live and allowing Him to live through us. The kind of rest our souls want can only be found in Jesus. Outside Him is an aberration of that rest we so yearn for. So, take that yoke of total obedience and find rest for your soul.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for yoking me to your Son by your Spirit. Thank you for the peace I’ve found. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: A life joined to Jesus is a life that is resting.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The mind’s governments

[The Glory Unveiled]

The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. [ Romans 8:7 NIV ]

Every country and institution is run by a type of government. Whatever government is adopted becomes the ruling authority in such nations, meaning the government controls everything that happens there. There is a certain influence that spreads over the people under any particular government. This influence results in unique behavior exhibited by the people under that government. For instance, in a democratic system, people are more inclined to speak their minds and express their views more than in an autocratic society. Likewise, the government that rules over our minds translates into certain behaviors as a result of its influence in our lives. Our anchor scripture says that the mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. The behavior exhibited by a person under the governance of the flesh is hostility to God. They do not submit their lives to the word of God. They live their lives regardless of what God’s holy law says. The one who is governed by their flesh can have the best of motives and desire to love and honor God, but they are prisoners who cannot express their free will. They manifest the influence of the government they are subjected to. In the same vein, one who is governed by the spirit loves God and submits to Him in all things. Their lives are a mirror reflection of the life of God’s Son. The kind of governance over our minds is determined by our decision to accept the Lordship of Jesus or reject Him. Whatever decision we make determines the government that oversees our lives. The choice lies with us.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly father, thank you for the provision you have made for my mind to be governed by your Spirit through Your Son.

Wisdom_Quote: Every mind has its government.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

First things first

[The Glory Unveiled]

Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. [ James 4:7 NIV ]

In an attempt to avoid chaos, order must be employed. When things are done orderly, chaos is erased. We see a certain order of things in our anchor text. Two things are asked of us, but they are put in an order of preference: submit and resist. We will find that “submit” comes before “resist”. This paints a picture of order. When we read the creation account in Genesis chapter 1, we see a certain order that God followed in His creation. We are first introduced to chaos and darkness. And the first thing God did was to introduce light. Without light, the rest of creation could not come forth. Imagine God creating animals and man into such chaos and darkness. They couldn’t have expressed their potential. And so, God called for light first, and the rest followed in the right order. When we distort the right order of things, the expected outcome becomes chaos. Such chaos results when we try to resist the devil before we are submissive to God. The right order is to submit to God first, and then, while under the covering and authority of God, we can resist the devil. But trying to resist the devil while we are not submissive to God is dangerous. The sons of Sceva portrayed this truth well with their mistake. They had not first submitted to God, and they wanted to resist the operation of the devil in the life of another person. It will be easy to resist the devil only after we have submitted to God. So, submit to God first.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for the privilege to submit to God because of your sacrifice for me. Let God be exalted in my life. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Orderliness erase chaos.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The focus of Submission

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. [ Ephesians 5:21 NIV ]

Submission, no matter how it is explained, is always misconstrued by many. The term “submission” in the dictionary of many is defined as slavery. But if we look at it from the source as believers, we will understand it differently, perhaps as a setup for blessings in every form of partnership. And then we could see it as something to be grasped rather than a curse. Submission at its root means “to align with, to honour, to be under obedience, to support.” All these meanings, when used in context, paint a picture of two distinct people playing their parts in a complex task. Whichever role one plays is not more important than the other, no matter how visible and prominent one seems to be compared to the other. Their respective roles make them equally important. It is just like our body parts. The Bible says no part is more important than another (1 Corinthians 12:21-22). The difference in roles may confuse us into thinking that one is more important than another. Similarly, in marriage and many other partnerships, one is not more important than the other; the husband is not more important than the wife. They are equally valuable in their unique ways. The scripture instructs us to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. It teaches us to consider the focal person, Christ. Thus, you do not submit to your husband because he is adequate or perfect but because you revere Christ. Don’t allow the weaknesses of your partner to rob you of the blessings of submission. The man or woman who submits has access to the heart of the one they submit to. They are able to influence the one they submit to in very subtle but effective ways. Do you revere Christ? Submit to one another!

Prayer_Bead: Father in heaven, thank you for the privilege to submit to another person. Help me to continually revere Christ. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Submission gives access to the hearts of men.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The waiting room

[The Glory Unveiled ]

Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. [ Psalms 37:7 NIV ]

There are certain things that cannot be heard except in quietness. The Lord acts on behalf of man when they are still and know that He is God. For example, God acted on behalf of Adam when he was asleep (still). To be still, therefore, means to rest in God’s love, mercy, and provision. It is a confident assurance that God will do more than we are worried about and struggling to do on our own. He will act on our behalf when we come to the end of ourselves. The end of man is when he is still, when he cannot help himself but rests in God for whatever it is he would have wanted. When we are still and waiting for God, we trust Him to do the best for us. But the thing is, God’s waiting room has back doors—where people can get all they want without waiting patiently for God. But those who remain still and wait for Him get rest for their souls. If we are truly waiting for God, we will not fret when ungodly men and women succeed while our success seems to delay. In waiting for the Lord, we do not look to anyone else’s dealings or experiences with the Lord; we relate with the Lord as individuals with our focus on Him alone. We look to God as a servant looks to his master for help. We do not wait in agitation and hasty anticipation. We wait patiently in stillness, in absolute trust in God. And while waiting, even when we see others taking the easy way out and are tempted to go their way, we will not follow their example. We will remain undisturbed by their testimonies. We will wait until it is our turn on God’s calendar. Don’t fret; be still and wait patiently for God, trusting in His faithfulness.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the grace to wait for you in stillness. I am not disturbed by those going on ahead of me. I wait patiently for your timing for me. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: If you are truly waiting for God, you will be patient and still.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Submission to God

[The Glory Unveiled]

Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” [ Luke 22:42 NIV ]

Submission is often mistaken for slavery by many people. However, to submit to another person actually speaks volumes about the one submitting him/herself. To submit to another person shows meekness and total control over oneself. It is a sign of great discipline and self-control. The Lord Jesus, while on earth, was fully God and fully man. He had access to the resources of the Deity, to command and change, to make and unmake, to build or destroy. Yet, He chose not to exercise any of those powers. He hid everything under the will of the Father. We will notice that Jesus almost always called God “Father.” He called Him by His positional name, meaning that Jesus was always conscious of His own position and the responsibility of that office. So, even though He was God, He did not abuse His Godship. He wrapped up His desires in God’s will. He demonstrated meekness in that He could defend His desires but didn’t, instead submitting them to God’s will. He took His power and submitted it under God. He trusted God with His designated earthly life, not loving His life so much as to avoid losing it. Jesus, as our example, is calling us to trust God with our everything: our will and life itself. Jesus sacrificed His desires for the will of God to find expression on earth. The choices we make and the sacrifices we make have eternal consequences. If Jesus had not submitted His will to God, we would not have had salvation. Perhaps someone around us is deprived of something because we have chosen to follow our will and desires rather than the will of God. It is a sacrifice we must make for the greater good. If there is something you must endure for the good of others but have an easier alternative for your selfish enjoyment or to preserve your personal interests, we can make the choice Jesus made: “not my will but yours be done.”

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the grace to submit my will to you. Help me not to preserve my life but to spend it on your purposes. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Submission is a sign of great control over oneself.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Trust in the Lord

[The Glory Unveiled]

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. [ Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV ]

It is possible to trust someone regarding certain things and not trust them regarding others. In this verse of Scripture, we are encouraged to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts, not just part of them. Not trusting God with all of our hearts means not trusting Him fully. It means trusting Him with certain parts of our lives, in certain things, but excluding others from His trust. To trust in God with all of our hearts means we should not lean on our own understanding, but on the wisdom of God. Many times, when faced with situations, we tend to lean on our understanding, experiences, skills, and emotions rather than on God’s faithfulness and compassion. It is easier to think that what we know and the skills we have are enough to get us out of the daily challenges we face. Peter, the disciple, thought the same too. He toiled all night, relying on his skills and talents. Yet, all night his skills couldn’t yield the results he desired. The Scripture says, “In all our ways we should submit to God, and He will make our paths straight.” As believers, no aspect of our lives should be excluded from the influence and control of God. He is not only Lord over our souls but also over our bodies and possessions. When Achan disobeyed God, the punishment came over everything he owned, even his cattle. God is Lord over everything we own and everything must be submitted to Him in reverence. God is trustworthy. We can take the burdens off our necks by depending on God in everything. Report everything to God, and He will give you rest.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for your faithfulness. As I walk in total dependence on you, make my path successful according to your word.

Wisdom_Quote: God wants all of our hearts.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The conditions

[The Glory Unveiled ]

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. [ 2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV ]

God does not hear us, forgive us, or heal us just because we are His people. God is guided by His word and influenced by our actions, which reflect our heart posture. In this verse of scripture, God says He will only listen to His people and forgive them on the condition that they humble themselves and seek Him, turning from their wicked ways. Some people flaunt their sonship like a magic wand before God. They think that belonging to the family of God means they have God at their beck and call. But God cannot be leashed to our ego and ignorance. How God relates to us is dependent on certain conditions. When those conditions are met, certain dimensions and attributes of God are dispensed. Thus, it is not necessarily about theatrics but about meeting the right protocols. The first course for a life recognized by heaven is humility. Humility is the foundation upon which other divine possibilities are expressed. It creates the avenue for growth, as we cannot achieve or receive anything worthwhile from God except through humility. This is why He gives grace to the humble but opposes the proud (James 4:6). In the place of prayer, the only attitude that is admitted and yields wonderful possibilities is humility. So, before we pray for God to hear us and heal our land, we need to humble ourselves and pray. A lack of a prayer life is arrogance. Having a consistent prayer life is a sign of humility, a sign that we trust God to help us. On the contrary, not praying means we feel self-sufficient, which is the blueprint of arrogance. God is willing to hear us, but are we willing to humble ourselves under His mighty power?

Prayer_Bead: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your patience and love. Help me to humble myself under your mighty power. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Humility is the door that ushers in the help of God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The source of eternal salvation

[The Glory Unveiled]

For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. [ Romans 5:19 KJV ]

The pathway to our relationship with God is our obedience to Jesus. The disobedience of Adam severed our ties with God, and this disobedience became a nature that strengthened our disconnection from our heavenly family. On the other hand, believers are grafted into the family tree of God through the obedience of the Lord Jesus. He made a way for us when He obeyed God through His sufferings. “Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him” (Hebrews 5:8-9). Through His sufferings in obedience, the Lord Jesus became the source of eternal salvation. He created a new path through which we have access back to God. We are made the sons of God because the only begotten Son of God humbled Himself to take up the form of fallen man and obeyed the Father, even to the death of the cross. As the pioneer of this new path to God, we cannot access God any other way. Even though we come to God through our faith in Jesus Christ, this faith is substantiated by obedience—the only thing that proves we have faith. Abraham had faith in God, and he demonstrated it through his obedience to God even when it seemed like a wicked thing for God to ask of him. Unfortunately, we have become so cleaved to sentiments and feelings that we dilute the gospel and the will of God with them. As a result, there are many disobedient children of God who reason against God’s instructions and call them ungodly. We can only retain what we have received from Jesus through faith when we continue with Him in obedience. Have no reasons to disobey the will of God.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly father, thank you for your son Jesus. Thank you for making a way for me into your family again through His obedience. Help me to be forever obedient to your will. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Whatever you obtained through faith, you maintain through obedience.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.