[The Glory Unveiled]
Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. ( Ephesians 6:13 NIV )
The day of evil will always come while we live. Nobody plans for it, yet nobody can avoid it. The evil day is like a bonus package given to everyone who enters the world. Although one person’s evil day may differ significantly from another’s, everyone will experience an evil day at some point. Fortunately, for the believer, a provision has been made for that day. This protection against the evil day is the full armor of God. Scripture teaches us that when the evil day comes, we must do everything to stand. We cannot give in or compromise just because it is an evil day. We must resist with all our strength, do everything necessary to stand firm. However, the things we do are merely first aid for safety—the real protection comes from the armor of God. The full armor of God helps us stand our ground on the evil day. In the verses that follow our anchor verse, the Bible lists the components of this armor: the belt of truth around your waist, the breastplate of righteousness for your chest and front area, the readiness of the gospel for your feet, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:14-18). The evil day targets these aspects of our spiritual life, and protecting them helps us stand firm no matter what happens.
Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for your protection and provisions. As I put on the whole armour, I am shielded to stand firm.
Wisdom_Quote: The armour of God is the safest protection against the evil day
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
The potency of God’s word
[The Glory Unveiled]
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12 KJV )
The Word of God is active, powerful, and potent. However, its potential is often locked up and concealed. As a result, it is only potent to those who understand its hidden power. Because of this, the Word of God can sometimes appear to be ineffective. Unless it is uncovered or taken out of its shell, its abilities remain unrealized. The Word of God is not powerless, as some may think, yet when it remains shielded, it may seem inadequate. The Scriptures, without the revelation of the Word of God, do not make any impact. Jesus told the Pharisees that they diligently study the Scriptures, thinking that in them they have eternal life. He added that those very Scriptures testify about Him. This means one can have the Scriptures yet miss the One about whom they testify. Unless we encounter Him, the words about Him—the Scriptures—remain ineffective in our experience. Some people, due to their disconnect from the Word of God, Jesus Christ, attempt to employ human wisdom and philosophy instead. The Word of God is life; it is potent. God’s faithfulness makes Him consistent in His nature, but our experience may not always align with who He truly is. The Word of God means different things to different people, even though it has a unique and distinct identity. Because it is living, one must encounter it to truly know it, stay with it to be a witness, and represent it effectively. God’s Word is powerful.
Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the privilege to know your word and the power of it. Thank you for the truth that changes me.
Wisdom_Quote: The potency of God’s word is hidden from those who do not know the Son.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
The Voice of Thanksgiving
[The Glory Unveiled]
But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the LORD. (Jonah 2:9 KJV )
The voice of thanksgiving is the voice that acknowledges the nature and person of God. In recognition of His nature and person, it attributes to God the glory and honor due to Him. The voice of thanksgiving is heard when the heart recognizes the goodness and kindness of God. God’s attributes, such as being Almighty and All-Knowing, vindicate whatever He does. This is why we must thank Him at all times and in all situations. Our anchor text is a prayer made by Jonah from the belly of a large fish. That place was extremely uncomfortable, and he even compared it to hell. But even from the heart of hell, he gave thanks to God. And that is where the sacrifice of thanksgiving comes in. A sacrifice is any offering made at one’s expense. So, thanking God when there seems to be no reason to do so makes it a sacrifice. The good thing about sacrifices is that God always responds to them. God will not ignore a sacrifice made within the confines of His will and pleasure. Immediately after this sacrifice of thanksgiving, in the next verse (verse 10), God commands the fish to vomit Jonah. This principle applies to other areas of our lives as well. When we offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving, God will command the situation to release us. Don’t wait to thank God only when the situation improves—thank Him even in the midst of the problem. And remember, the voice of thanksgiving, presented on the strings of sacrifice, always moves the heart of God.
Prayer_Bead: Merciful Father, thank you for your goodness and kindness towards me. I continually appreciate you for everything in every situation.
Wisdom_Quote: The voice of thanksgiving is most potent on the strings of sacrifice.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
The platform for a walk with God
[The Glory Unveiled]
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” ( John 4:24 NIV )
The nature of a place, a thing, or a person dictates so much about them. The Bible says that God is spirit, and this statement significantly impacts how we perceive God and how we relate to Him. The Lord Jesus made this statement to a Samaritan woman. Before making this statement, Jesus spoke about how the Samaritans did not know whom they worshiped and mentioned that a time was coming when people would neither worship on the mountain, as the woman claimed, nor in Jerusalem. These two statements highlight key elements of worship: the location or medium and the knowledge of the person of God. In addressing the Samaritan woman’s ignorance, Jesus teaches her—and, by extension, us—that the medium of worship is truth. But we also know that the Truth is a person: Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Therefore, we must worship God in (or through) the person of Jesus Christ. The mode of worship is explained in Philippians 3:3. The apostle Paul states that he and other believers serve God by His Spirit. In this statement, he clarifies the mode of worship, or the service dimension of relating to God as Spirit. We cannot worship God without His Spirit because without the Spirit of God, whatever we do does not get to God. The Spirit of God is the mind of God (1 Corinthians 2:9-11), hence through His Spirit, we connect with the heart and mind of God bringing glory to God.
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for showing me what it means to worship my Father in spirit and in truth.
Wisdom_Quote: The Spirit and the Truth are platform for worship.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
[The Glory Unveiled]
“Did you bring me sacrifices and offerings forty years in the wilderness, people of Israel? ( Amos 5:25 NIV )
There is a hefty price for everything under the sun. Sacrifices and offerings began in the Old Testament as instructions from God and as a principle that makes things happen even when they seem impossible. Different kingdoms, including the kingdom of darkness, operate through sacrifices. For something new to happen, something must be sacrificed—something must be given. When a grain of wheat is placed in the ground, it breaks down and dies. Yet, it is from that place of death that new life emerges, and it multiplies. For God to have many sons and daughters, He had to sacrifice His only begotten Son. Even God had to make a sacrifice to gain many in return. Sacrifices are essential for anything meaningful to happen. Often, when people do good, it comes from a position of sacrifice. It is easy to do wrong or withhold good from others, but helping others often requires sacrifice. You have to let go of alternatives to meet a need—that is sacrifice. God said that in the wilderness, the Israelites did not bring Him sacrifices or offerings. Yet, in reality, they lived at the expense of someone or something. They may have thought it was free, but someone always paid the price. Moses often stood in the gap for them, interceding on their behalf without their knowledge. Through his sacrifices, God showed mercy to the nation. Everything comes at the cost of a sacrifice. What are you willing to sacrifice for the glorious life awaiting you? Unless the price is paid in full, the delivery cannot be made.
Prayer_Bead: Mighty God, thank you for the privilege to experience a new life by the sacrifice of Jesus. Help me to also sacrifice for the new things waiting for me.
Wisdom_Quote: Sacrifice is the price for the new thing.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Defy impossibilities
[The Glory Unveiled]
He turned the rock into a pool of water; yes, a spring of water flowed from solid rock. ( Psalms 114:8 NLT )
God always goes above and beyond in everything. He sets the standard so high that no one can reach it except Himself. The Israelites had been experiencing the power and wonders of God from the moment they left the walls of Egypt through their time in the wilderness. Every step of the way, God proved Himself to be unlike the gods of other nations—greater than all of them combined. Yet, somehow, the Israelites found it difficult to believe in the same God who had performed all these wondrous deeds. During their journey, they reached a place called Meribah, where the people tested the Lord and questioned among themselves whether He was truly among them, despite all He had done for them (Exodus 17:7). They quarreled and asked such questions because they struggled to believe that God was present and actively working on their behalf. In response, God once again proved Himself by bringing water out of a rock. He made the impossible possible—water flowed from a solid rock. There is water in every rock, but it will only come forth at the word of God. The water flowed because Moses obeyed God’s command. When we obey God’s instructions, He makes the impossible possible. When Peter obeyed Jesus’ instruction to come, he walked on water. The impossible will happen in your life and around you when you trust and obey God’s word.
Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the things you do in and around my life. Help me to trust you in every situation.
Wisdom_Quote: There is water in every rock.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Creation is Listening
[The Glory Unveiled]
Through him [the Word] all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. (John 1:3 NIV )
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). God began the world with His Word. In Genesis chapter 1, we see how God spoke things into being. The chapter is filled with phrases like, “God said, and God said…” His Word was embedded in creation so that creation became the offspring of God’s Word. Hence, everything created by God has the Word of God embedded within it, for without it, nothing was made that was made. Because creation came from God’s Word, it obeys the spoken Word of God. For example, Jesus sent His disciple Peter to the lake, instructing him to cast a hook, and the first fish caught would have a coin in its mouth. True to His Word, the fish had the coin in its mouth (Matthew 17:27). In another instance, Jesus spoke to a tree to wither, and it did (Matthew 21:19-20). The Word of God is hidden in creation, and creation responds to it. Anything in our lives that has its roots in creation will only respond to the Word of God. Instead of complaining and whining about your situation, speak God’s Word to it. The change you desire is only triggered in creation through the Word of God. Creation obeys those who carry the Word of God on their lips. Men like Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Peter, and Paul spoke to creation, and it obeyed them because they carried the Word of God. The voice (Word) of God in creation is waiting for the sons of God, who speak by the voice of God, to give the command so creation can respond (Romans 8:19). Do not remain silent—speak to that situation. Turn it around by the Word of God.
Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for the power of your Word on my lips. I change the circumstances of my life and destiny in Jesus’ name.
Wisdom_Quote: Creation is on tiptoes, waiting to hear the voice of God on the lips of a human.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Humility; a timely shield
[The Glory Unveiled]
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. [ Proverbs 11:2 NIV ]
Faith moves mountains, patience triumphs, and humility and wisdom shield against disgrace. Principles always yield the same results, no matter the variables. If a principle works in London, it should work in Ghana. God’s word does not return to Him void unless it accomplishes the purpose for which it was sent. This is why God’s word never fails. He is not a man to fail. Our anchor text says, “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” This means wisdom moves with humility. Where pride and arrogance enter a room, wisdom departs because pride walks with disgrace. God exalts us when we depend on Him. Often, we tend to rely on God only when we reach our wits’ end—when all we know how to do fails us. But the one who truly depends on God is not someone who turns to Him only in times of crisis but also in moments of peace and stability. Humility enables us to trust God through every situation, even when His ways don’t seem to make sense to us. When humility leads our approach to anything, wisdom accompanies our outcome. The Lord Jesus came in the spirit of humility; therefore, anything that comes from Him and through Him must also embody humility. He humbled Himself, even to the point of death on the cross, and by that example, He called us into our inheritance. Without humility, whatever we claim to have will only bring disgrace in the long run.
Prayer_Bead: Lord, thank you for showing me the template of heaven concerning my inheritance. Help me to walk in humility. In Jesus’ name.
Wisdom_Quote: Humility is a shield against disgrace.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
The audacity of Faith.
[The Glory Unveiled]
Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” ( Luke 7:50 NIV )
What is it that rolls back the dark shadows of death and sends the glorious light of the resurrection in all its brilliant beauty to the sorrowing heart? What is it that lifts burdens too heavy to bear? What is it that brings cleansing to the sin-sick soul? What is it that cools the fevered brow, eases torturous pain, and heals the afflicted and diseased? The answer is faith. These words were written in the early pages of a piece attributed to Kathryn Kuhlman, titled The Lord’s Healing Touch. Faith, the answer to the questions above, is the reason for the lifestyle of the believer. In the Gospels, we come across dozens of statements or fragments of statements that reflect our anchor verse. In many places, we see Jesus declare, “Your faith has made you well,” “Your faith has healed you,” or “Your faith has delivered you.” These statements reveal that the miracles which followed were the result of the power of faith. Faith is a system that offers the believer an opportunity to appropriate divine inheritance. It is the vehicle through which the heavenly becomes earthly, and the earthly ascends heavenward. The verdict is clear: “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” (Hebrews 11:6). Anything done outside of faith does not meet the standards of the supernatural. The change you desire is at the mercy of your faith. The freedom experienced by the woman in our text for instance was tied directly to her faith. Some of us are waiting on someone or something, while heaven is waiting on our faith to make provision available. Do you believe in the power of God? Do you believe it so deeply that you are willing to act upon it?
Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the privilege to believe in you. Help my unbelief concerning any area of my life. In Jesus name.
Wisdom_Quote: Faith animates the blessings and promises of God.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Faith Through The Roof
[The Glory Unveiled]
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven. ( Mark 2:5 NIV )
Four men came to Jesus, carrying their paralyzed friend on a mat, hoping Jesus would touch and heal him. However, they couldn’t reach Jesus because of the crowd. Undeterred, they tore the roof off the building and lowered their friend down, determined to bring him before Jesus. These four friends went the extra mile to ensure their paralyzed friend could meet Him. When obstacles arose, they didn’t give up but found another way to make it happen. They had a clear goal in mind: to reach Jesus. With that goal, they took the necessary steps to bring their friend to Him. Because they were resolved to meet Jesus, when people stood in their way, they literally rose above the crowd. Their attitude toward their friend’s healing demonstrates the lengths we need to go to obtain answers at all costs. When Jesus saw the effort and sacrifices they made to bring their friend to Him, He commended their faith. But one might ask: where was the faith? On the surface, it seemed like just four determined people bringing their friend to Jesus. However, this shows that without action, faith is meaningless because faith is expressed through action. As James says, “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:20, 26). Activate your faith with resolute action. Can someone look at your actions and say you deserve what you are praying for? If not, then you haven’t yet earned what you are pursuing.
Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for showing me that faith without works is dead. I animate my faith by intentional actions.
Wisdom_Quote: Action is the voice of faith.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.