What does the Scriptures say?

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Once again Jesus said to him, “The Scriptures say: You must never put the Lord your God to a test.” [ Matthew‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬ ‭TPT‬‬ ]

The scriptures have adequate solution for everything under the sun. But unless we know what is written and engage its provisions, life will just be ordinary. Many of the battles we fight in the natural life and in the spiritual realm are battles that would have been won if we had the right weapons. Families, marriages and institutions are breaking because we keep using the wrong weapons for the right battles. We try to change or “improve” upon our weapons and battle strategies because we feel we are in a new era, while the battles are still the same. When we study the accounts in Matthew and Luke chapter 4 carefully, we will discover that Jesus, who was God in flesh did not use his “own” words or opinions when he was on the battle field [tempted]. For all the missiles that the enemy threw at Him, He always used the scriptures. In fact, our verse for meditation begins, thus “once again, Jesus said to him, the Scriptures say”. He didn’t stop using the word of God. He kept using the word until the enemy fled. The victory is in the Word, not in our opinions or smartness. Unfortunately, for many of us, we do not have the word of God in us, so we are unable to use it in the face of challenges and battles. Imagine if Jesus had to go around looking for a scroll to find the right scriptures to quote to the devil. It would have been too late. Jesus was living in the word of God, and so must we. He could speak the word in season and out of season, victoriously. Likewise, if we become students of God’s word, we will live consistently in victory. Let’s make it a habit to study the scriptures and to commit them to heart.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for loving your life as an example for us to imitate. Help us by the power of your word to stay in line.

Wisdom_Quote: The Word of God is all you need to have all your needs met.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

A God encounter

[The Glory Unveiled]

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD. [ Exodus 34:29 NIV ]

Nobody ever encountered God and remained the same. Everyman who had encountered the Lord took away a piece of God that made them different from who they were. Moses was with God in the mountain and then the Shekinah glory rubbed off on him. He began to radiate the glory [nature] of God. Whenever we come into contact with God, His nature and glory rubs on us. This was why a blind person meets Jesus and they turn to leave seeing, a lame man met him and he walked, the deaf saw him and they began to hear. Paul and Jacob met God and were changed into new men, in fact, Jacob became a nation. God gives us His presence so that we can represent Him. In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were in the presence of God, fellowshipping and absorbing His glory. And so, just by being in the presence of God they were becoming like God in expression. But the devil lied to them that they needed the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to express God (Genesis 3:5). While in fact, the solution was just a matter of communion—continuous fellowship with God. God visited them frequently, so that they could become so in-tuned with Him that they would reflect His majestic glory. When we stay in close proximity with God or His word, we become like the word or the attribute of God that rubs on us. Every encounter with God brings to bear a tangible expression of an attribute of God. Interestingly, sometimes we may not notice the change when we encounter the Lord, but its effect on our world cannot be ignored. In the end, the world will only see Jesus in and through us when we stay with God in His word. Nothing else will suffice; an instant remedy, namely the fruit didn’t work in the garden and it wouldn’t work outside the garden, today.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for your wonderful presence and glory. Let the world see the radiant beauty of Jesus.

Wisdom_Quote: Real change happens when we encounter God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Substitutes of Jesus

[The Glory Unveiled]

For God made the only one who did not know sin to become sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God through our union with him.” ‭‭[ 2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭21‬ TPT ]

God is not a joker, He does not dramatize nor use words carelessly. He is a king and His words carry authority and authenticity. And so the substitutionary work of Jesus was not a hoax. It was a deliberate legal action. And because of that, it holds water in every dispensation and generation before and after us. This is why the substitution of Jesus for us is the best thing that had ever happened to the world. Nothing in this world or the world to come can discredit the justice served when Jesus took our place on the cross. To the Justice system of eternity, Jesus who knew no sin, became sin for us and the punishment for our sin, and the chastisement of our peace was upon Him. If Jesus suffered indeed for us, wouldn’t it be unjust if we do not enjoy His righteousness indeed? And if Jesus did not sin to carry our weight upon Himself, then we do not have to do anything [meet the divine standard of God in its totality by our efforts] to have His righteousness, if indeed it was a substitution. By faith in what Jesus suffered for us, we have what we did not work for. The only problem is that, many of us allow religious sentiments and emotionalism to wash down something as certain as God through the drain of unbelief. Such people want to do something tangible to feel that they have been redeemed or saved. While in fact, their salvation is not tied to their works but rather to their absolute faith in Jesus alone which is their union with Him. The word of God is unchanging, it’s from everlasting to everlasting; you can bet your future on it.

Prayer_Bead: My glorious substitute and Saviour, thank you for taking my place and giving me your place. And so, I am righteous because of your righteousness. Glory!

Wisdom_Quote: Your righteousness is Justice being served.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The perfect secret to success.

[The Glory Unveiled]

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. [ Joshua 1:8 NIV ]

God’s recipe for success is hidden in plain sight. Evidently, God’s word holds so many secrets to life and everything else there is out there. On the pages of the scriptures are the raw materials we need to have the kind of life we dream of. Here in our anchor verse of scripture, God shows us the shortcut to success—meditating on the word of God. This instruction is sure to produce the results it promised. Meditation is the vehicle for transformation. Meditation changes the heart and mind, and positions a person in the place of success. But what is meditation? We need to understand meditation because it is the gap between where we are and where we want to be. Meditation means to say out loud and to ponder over something until the substance within it is absorbed. It means to repeatedly say out loud while pondering until it can be said ad nauseam. At that point, our lives begin to radiant the reality of those words. And then we begin to do everything that the word is. Our lives becomes the evidence of that truth. Moses was in meditation in the mountain of God until his soul was so soaked in the glory of God that his flesh absorbed the radiance of God’s presence. So that when he came down from the mountain, his face shone with light. Meditating on the word of God must be the daily business of every believer. And then the transformation we seek will happen without us realizing it. The byproduct, prosperity and success, is at the mercies of daily meditation on the word of God. Say the scriptures out loud to yourself as if God was saying then to your spirit and your life will come into the light of its truth.

Prayer_Bead: Dear father-King, thank you for showing me the secret recipe for success and prosperity. As I practice these things, I thank you because my life will be the byproduct of its realities.

Wisdom_Quote: Meditation on the word of God transforms the mind and the life.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Don’t go celebrating yet.

[The Glory Unveiled]

And Elijah said unto Ahab, Get thee up, eat and drink; for there is a sound of abundance of rain. [ 1 Kings 18:41 KJV ]

Many times when we receive a prophetic word or any word of promise from God, we tend to be carried away by the euphoric feeling of it’s fulfillment. Instead of doing something that will bring that word into the tangible realm, most of us do nothing. Once we receive the word, we assume that ends everything. As a matter of fact, things do not work like that. When the word of God comes to us, it is initially in the intangible realm. But when we begin to war with the word, inviting the overshadowing power of God, it becomes tangible. When the prophetic word came to Ahab, that there was the sound of abundance of rain, there was nothing physical in that moment to support that claim. In the next verse it says, Ahab went to eat and drink, trusting that there would be abundant rain indeed. But come with me, on an imaginary journey to see what would have happened if there was no one to pray and ensure that the intangible word becomes real. Obviously, Ahab will celebrate what he was expecting but his eyes will not see it. The word of God came to pass not because Ahab celebrated but because Elijah went to pray. This shows us that, after the word has been received, the first thing to do is to carry the matter back to God in prayer. Pray and demand that what had gone out of the mouth of God will come to pass. And then when that is done, you can go ahead and celebrate it. Yes, the celebration is also important, it is an action of faith that says “I believe that I will have what I am celebrating”. So, before you do what Ahab did, do what Elijah did first. And then we will see the manifestation of every promise.

Prayer_Bead: Everlasting Father, faithful God, thank you for always being true to your word. Help me to pray your promises into manifestation in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote.: Until it is settled on the mountain of prayer, it cannot be seen in the valley of manifestation.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

What is your revelation of Jesus?

[The Glory Unveiled]

He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. [ Matthew 16:15-16 KJV]

We are at that point where another person’s revelation of God is not enough for our walk with God. Our spiritual experiences should not be shopped from the realities and testimonies of pastors and other men of God. Instead, it should be a report of our own experiences. Many people may have so much to say about who the Lord Jesus is. Many have their say on what it is to know the Lord. But after everything, it boils down to who he is to you as an individual. The Lord Jesus started his question from the general perspective; “who do men say I am?” And then after so many answers were given, he asked the disciples, “but who do you say I am?” You see, it is not about what others say because it is very easy to say what others are saying. Today, so many people are ‘microwaving’ the teachings and sermons of other ministers of the gospel as if it is their personal revelations of the word. It is because that approach is easy, plus it makes you appear before men as someone who had encountered the Lord intimately. But when it comes to the nitty gritty of that outward display, we will discover that it takes more than other people’s experiences to know the Lord. So, like Jesus asked his disciples many years ago, we are also asked, “who is Jesus to you?”

Prayer_Bead: Dear Holy Father, thank you for your love and commitment to always help me to be like Jesus. Take me on a transformational journey to discover Jesus for myself. So help me God.

Wisdom_Quote: Your confidence and faith are directly proportional to your personal understanding and revelation of Jesus.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

A tangible fellowship

[The Glory Unveiled]

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; [ 1 John 1:1 KJV]

We have become used to hearing and telling stories so much that we assume that every experience in the word of God is a fable. Religion has created a big gulf between the supernatural and the natural, a gulf that suggests that humanity cannot connect with God. And this gulf remains in the understanding of many religious believers who think that what is written in the word is the experience of spirits and humanity has no share in it. But in reality, their experience are for our learning. “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope”—Romans 15:4. But the disciples continued to enjoy the fellowship of God that they enjoyed physically with Jesus, even after Jesus went to heaven. It is that same fellowship the apostle John calls us to. He invites us to a tangible fellowship with Jesus. The word of life is a person we can relate with. Every verse of scripture is a communication that can lead us to the heart of the father. Whenever we read or meditate on the scriptures or pray, we must do it with the understanding that we are interacting with a living person. Let’s approach the word of God now with this understanding and we will always find ourselves in a living fellowship.

Prayer_Bead: Loving Father, Holy Spirit, thank you for what you have begun unveiling to me through the word of God. As I study and explore the word, help me to come into deeper intimacy with you.

GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Seeds are not for the stomach

[The Glory Unveiled]

As surely as the LORD your God lives,” she replied, “I don’t have any bread—only a handful of flour in a jar and a little olive oil in a jug. I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die.” [ 1 Kings 17:12 NIV]

The Zarephath widow, identified as “she” in our verse of scripture, would do as any person would do—eat her last meal. But you see, there’s something about our last substance. Usually, they are not for us. I mean, they’re not for our stomachs. The last is always a seed and seeds are for the soil. Whenever seeds are eaten, death follows. The widow knew that once she eats the seed, death will knock next on her door. Fortunately, the man of God, Elijah was near by and instructed her on what to do to extend the longevity of her bread and by extension, the continuance of her life. Many people like the widow, in hard times turn to eat [use up] their seed—last item, property or substance they have. But the kingdom principle to follow is to sow it. In the kingdom, little becomes much when little is sown. God, the father had only one son. But he wanted many sons, so he gave away His only son [sow]. And through his death [loss] He got many sons back. Except a seed of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it abides alone but if it dies, it produces many seeds ( John 12:24). When Elijah asked this widow to sow her last meal into his life, it may seem like a wicked thing to ask of a widow but principles have no sentiments. If this widow, had sown the seed into her stomach instead of sowing to God or someone who had the power to allow abundance into her life, she would have had nothing after that last meal. Don’t eat your seed. Sow it.

Prayer_Bead: Mighty God, the Ancient of Days, the great monarch of Zion, thank you for showing me what to do to attract increase of my little substance. Help me not to cling to my seed but to sow it.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The devil’s two edged agenda

[The Glory Unveiled]

And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: [ Luke 22:31 KJV]

When the devil wants to attack an individual, he targets a group but when he wants to attack a group, he usually focuses on an individual. The devil may aim at an elephant by targeting an ant and then target an ant by aiming at an elephant. He had being doing this throughout the history of the earth. When he wanted to attack Moses, he killed all the newly born babies at the time of Moses’ birth just to get Moses. And he repeated that strategy when he wanted to kill Jesus as well; sacrificing innocent babies. On the other hand, when he wanted to attack humanity (a group), he targeted one human, Eve. When he wanted to attack Israel, he went in for Achan. And then when he wanted to attack the disciples, he handpicked Simon, the lead disciple. But the Lord Jesus was not ignorant of the devices and schemes of the devil. So in the next verse of scripture [verse Luke 22:32], when he prayed for Simon, he mentioned that he should strengthen the rest of the disciples. This was because Jesus knew that the strength of the disciples would be affected and their faith may fail as the devil would have wanted to do to Simon himself. Maybe the devil is aiming at your family or a group you’re part of, but he’s using you as his target—the bullseye. If you see the attack on your prayer life as a mere thing, you may jeopardize the safety and faith of a larger group. Don’t be deceived, rise and fight for the people tied to you. Pray without ceasing.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, deliver us from the double edged schemes of the devil. Help our faith not to fail. Empower us to strengthen our brothers and sisters in the faith. Amen._

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.