[The Glory Unveiled]
Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us? [ James 4:5 NIV ]
Our Heavenly Father, the lover of our souls, longs for us deeply. In the account of the Garden of Eden, He consistently came to the man and the woman in the cool of the day. God could have remained distant, relating to humanity from afar, but He chose to come close. From the beginning, God has desired to dwell within us. Even when we sinned, He still pursued us in love. This reveals the heart of God toward us. You truly understand the position and state of someone’s heart when you are at their mercy. Yet, even when we sinned against Him and deserved death, Christ came after us in love, seeking to restore us to the state He originally created us for. This is because we carry within us an aspect of God that He will never abandon: His Spirit. God deposited His Spirit in us as a tracker, a mark of His identity upon us. He fashioned us in His image and likeness, and because of this, we carry a part of Him within us. For this reason, He will not leave us in destruction or doom. He jealously guards us, just as He jealously longs for His Spirit within us. The Lord has caused His Spirit to dwell in us, and He will go to the lengths of time and eternity to redeem us. No wonder the Scriptures declare that if we, being evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more will our Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him? Once His Spirit is given, we become His property. And as His treasured possession, He is committed to caring for us jealously. We cannot fully comprehend the depth, width, and extent of God’s love for us. We must simply believe and trust in Him.
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for the deposit of your Spirit in me. I am your property, as you purchased me by your blood. Lead me in your love.
Wisdom_Quote: The Spirit of God is God’s tag on us.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Receive Jesus
[The Glory Unveiled]
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: [ John 1:12 KJV ]
Gifts may be freely given, but whether or not they are received depends solely on the recipient. The saving power of Christ is available to the world but is accessible only to those who receive the Lordship of Christ. Our faith in the Son of God is the system that gives us access to the life of God in Him. And because this faith must be rooted in Christ, only those who have heard and believed in the Son can possess it. Receiving Him means believing in His name and His authority. The power of sonship, which grants access to the family of God, does not automatically come because we go to church or engage in religious activities. The privilege of sonship is given when we believe in Christ as the fullness of God with whom we can have a relationship. However, all this is impossible without faith. Faith is the means by which the life of God in Christ is imputed to humanity. The power that makes us joint heirs with Christ does not discriminate between people. Whoever we are, and whatever tribe or group we belong to, if we come to believe in Jesus, the power of sonship extends the privilege of belonging to God. We become identified in Christ as members of His body. We receive the gift of God by believing in Christ. This gift is Jesus, the only begotten of the Father. Do you believe in His name? Do you believe in His authority and power?
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God and you died for me. I accept you as my Saviour and Lord.
Wisdom_Quote: Salvation is in no other name except the name, Jesus.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Press on
[The Glory Unveiled]
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. ( Philippians 3:12 NIV )
The difference between the living and the dead is activity. The living are constantly engaged in some form of activity. Even when they are sleeping, their body parts and organs perform essential life functions. The dead, on the other hand, do nothing. The apostle Paul said he had not yet achieved his goal, but he pressed on to take hold of that for which Christ took hold of him. Every calling has its markings, and our success is tied to pressing on toward the mark of the call. At the time Paul made this statement, he was not a lazy or idle person. He had already achieved significant things and could have rested on the laurels of his past successes. The glory of his past accomplishments might have lasted him for a while. However, if he had done so, he would have “died” in a figurative sense. His relevance and purpose would have been lost in his own time. We cease to truly live when we stop striving and fail to press on to the next item on our agenda. Life is a continuous march forward toward a set goal. The apostle Paul never claimed he had achieved enough to stop pressing on. Despite all he had already accomplished, he continued to move forward with determination. We must also recognize that there is a force that drives us forward toward achieving our goals. For Paul, this force—this magnet—was the reason Christ took hold of him. The value we place on what lies ahead of us has the power to draw us toward it. If the target we set before us is truly important, we will make every necessary effort to strive toward it. Remember, the world recognizes only the living—those striving to leave a mark. Be one of those.
Prayer_Bead: Lord, thank you for the vision you have placed in my heart to pursue. Help me not to relent. In Jesus name.
Wisdom_Quote: Press on towards the mark of your calling.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
When change is unnecessary
[The Glory Unveiled]
Do not move the ancient landmark
that your fathers have set. ( Proverbs 22:28 ESV)
It is a popular saying that change is the only constant. However, there comes a time when change is unnecessary. Even though change is something we will always encounter, it often arrives when we least want it. Change is like our shadows—we cannot banish them from following us. Even when we wish to escape them, they remain with us. Similarly, change is unavoidable. As a result, we have become so accustomed to change that we often resist keeping things the same for too long. Yet, there are moments when we must avoid change—times when we must consistently pursue a singular course of action. The author of Proverbs, in our anchor Scripture, advises the current generation not to move the ancient landmarks set by their forefathers. Landmarks are established to guide and serve as reference points for navigation. Removing or altering them in the name of change can cause significant problems and misdirection. When generational landmarks are removed, future generations may lose their way in matters of history. There are instances when change is unnecessary, especially in matters that extend beyond our immediate existence and livelihood. In such times, we must disregard fleeting sentiments and unnecessary customs. When change is unwarranted, it is essential not to embrace it. If there is something God wants you to keep at consistently, don’t let go. Don’t change it even if half the world is doing something new. Be a statue if you must but remain insistent on your assignment of giving direction to others. And God will be pleased with you.
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for the landmarks in my life. Help me not to move them against your will or distort your plans for my life and those around me.
Wisdom_Quote: When change is unnecessary don’t fight it.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Resurrection and life.
[The Glory Unveiled]
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” ( John 11:25-26 NIV )
The apostle Paul prayed, “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death” (Philippians 3:10). Paul understood something profound about the resurrection power of Christ and longed to experience it. He desired to encounter that power. He also recognized that resurrection is only activated in the presence of death and suffering. The one who believes in Jesus lives, even though they die. Death is not the end of existence. For some, death serves as a doorway into another reality. The same apostle wrote in Romans 8:36 that he was “killed all day long” for the sake of other believers. He lived daily as if dying to himself. Jesus also instructed those who wish to follow Him to take up their cross (embrace death), deny themselves, and follow Him. Death becomes an avenue, an instrument through which the resurrection power of Christ is experienced and shared. If we live by believing in Christ Jesus, we will never die (in terms of losing our relevance and ability to replicate ourselves spiritually). When Jesus lived on earth, believing in our heavenly Father, He multiplied Himself through many others. As a result, after He died and rose again to be with the Father, many “Jesuses” remained—His products. The same is expected of us. What would you want to know more than anything else? Paul made it clear that his deepest desire was to know Christ, and he pursued this with everything in him. When Jesus spoke to Martha, the sister of Lazarus, saying, “I am the resurrection and the life,” He was demonstrating that with Him, there is no loss. If she had Jesus, she could not truly lose anything, even when it seemed lost. If you have the Resurrection and the Life on your side, you have everything you could ever want.
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life, I believe in you for my life and its sustenance. Let your name be glorified in me.
Wisdom_Quote: Death is a gateway to a new beginning.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
The help of God
[The Glory Unveiled]
With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall. ( Psalms 18:29 NIV)
Help is needed where there are limitations in human strength and abilities. Since everything on earth and all that is accomplished through human effort is limited, we are in need of help. However, the help of man is often insufficient because all humans are limited. The writer of this verse in Psalms acknowledged that with the help of God, he was able to advance against a troop and scale a wall. He could do the impossible and overcome every hurdle and blockade in his way. Where human ability ends, God’s ability begins, covering all flaws and weaknesses. When the help of God comes, human weaknesses are concealed. A weak and frail man is only weak because he is not helped. When the help of God rests upon a person, the challenges and frustrations associated with humanity disappear. The help of God washed away the stain of human weakness in Moses. Moses was regarded as a god because he had the help of God. Whatever contradicts God’s plan for our lives or challenges His grace and provisions remains only because we rely on our own abilities and strength instead of the help of God. Humanity was created to depend perpetually on God. Relying on one’s own abilities or the help of man is the downfall of many. The arm of flesh always fails, rely on God’s help.
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for the provision you have made for me in every area of my life. I receive your help daily.
Wisdom_Quote: The help of God conceals the weaknesses of men.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
A walk through fire
[The Glory Unveiled]
Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. ( Acts 28:3 NIV )
Fire is not entirely a bad master, even though it has earned that name through many people’s experiences with it. As a result, whenever we see fire, we are so eager to quench it that we have institutions set up to deal with it. However, fire in its nature is not all that bad. Fire has other wonderful purposes that only fire can fulfill. In the text above, the apostle Paul and other travelers reached a point in their journey where they had to make a fire to warm themselves. Nothing happened when Paul picked up his pile of wood, but as soon as he placed it on the fire, a snake came out because of the heat. The heat of the fire exposed what had been hiding all along. In the same way, God sometimes allows fires into our lives to purify us and reveal things we don’t even know exist. Some of us harbor habits and attitudes that are unwelcome, but we may never discover them until fire is introduced into our lives. The discomfort that fire brings will drive out everything that is not meant to remain in us. For some of us, the fires might be started by people closest to us. At other times, situations and circumstances beyond our control ignite these fires. Our willingness or unwillingness to accept the lessons that these experiences bring is what defines us. The fires and heat in your life are permitted by God for a reason. The fires in our lives are there on assignment. When the same Paul complained of a thorn in his flesh, God, who could have taken it away, didn’t. Instead, He said His grace was sufficient for Paul and that His strength is made perfect in weakness. God didn’t remove the thorn because it was serving a purpose in Paul’s life. So, when we walk through fire, we must understand that God is taking us on an assignment. You will come out with a glorious testimony.
Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for your love for me. Thank you for the fire you allow into my life to refine me and prepare me for what you are about to do. In Jesus’ name.
Wisdom_Quote: Many life assignments are discovered after taking the walk through fire.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Food for the matured
[The Glory Unveiled]
But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. [ Hebrews 5:14 NIV ]
Babies do not start eating solid food from the moment they are born. Initially, they are fed milk and then gradually weaned off it. Solid food is introduced little by little until they can eat it without any difficulty. Similarly, the writer of Hebrews explains that the solid food of God’s Word—the deeper truths—is meant for the mature. These individuals have reached maturity through their consistent use of this solid food. The more they consume it, the more they are equipped to distinguish between good and evil. Through constant practice, their senses are trained to discern between what is right and wrong. No one becomes an expert at anything by doing it occasionally. A mature believer is someone who continually feeds on the solid food of God’s Word. Through consistent practice, they are able to discern things without necessarily experiencing them. In contrast, a baby believer encounters trouble and falls into it because they lack the ability to distinguish what is harmful to their spiritual health. Believers develop their spiritual senses through practice. No one automatically knows what they need to know without learning. This principle applies to believers as well. We must continually nourish our souls with the knowledge of Christ, meditating on God’s Word day and night until we become one with it.
Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for drawing me into the experience of the word.
Wisdom_Quote: Solid food is for the mature.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Diligence with Christ.
[The Glory Unveiled]
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, [ Colossians 2:6 NIV ]
Consistency is the hallmark of champions. Nobody is celebrated for starting something but failing to finish it. Likewise, no one is called an expert unless they are known for practicing and achieving results in the area attributed to them. Many people think they are believers simply because they once believed. However, it is not enough to acknowledge Jesus as your Lord and Savior on paper. Is He also your Shepherd? Are you walking with Him daily? The reality is that we enter into union with Jesus when we diligently continue in our walk with Him. No one accepts Christ and instantly comes into complete union (oneness) with Him. It requires journeying with Him to understand His heart and align with His will. Moses, the prophet of God, was an Israelite like any other ordinary Israelite. He studied the basic doctrines as they all did. However, he was set apart when he began walking with God. As he deliberately journeyed with God into the deep secrets of His will, Moses came to know more than anyone else. This did not happen merely because he chose to accept God as his Savior and then became passive. He made a conscious effort to walk with God. This effort is reflected in our actions and words—the choices we make that draw others away from sin. As we are drawn deeper into union with Christ, we reach a point where it becomes difficult to distinguish between Christ and ourselves. This is when we and others can say we are in union with Christ.
Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the grace to continue walking with you diligently until I’m lost in You.
Wisdom_Quote: Consistency is the trademark of champions
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Opened Eyes
[The Glory Unveiled]
Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. [ Pslams 119:18NIV ]
There are wonderful things in God’s law, but only perceived by “opened eyes”. No matter the wonders in the law of God, they can only be seen by those whose eyes have been opened to it. We might assume that our eyes are opened whenever we study the Scriptures but it may not always be the case. Elisha’s servant, for instance, had his eyes wide open when they were surrounded by angelic beings, but he did not see them until Elisha prayed for his eyes to be opened. Thus, the servant thought he was seeing clearly until his eyes were opened to a different dimension of reality (2 Kings 6:17). There are indeed different dimensions of reality we can interact with. Paul the Apostle, before his encounter on the road to Damascus and subsequent conversion, believed he knew everything he needed to know. Based on that limited knowledge, he was seeing from a narrow reference point. However, after his encounter, he realized how little he truly knew and that there was a Savior he had not yet met. Later, in his letter to the Ephesians, this same apostle prayed that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened (Ephesians 1:18). Having experienced this transformation, he could now see beyond the written words and desired his audience to also perceive beyond their immediate environment and limited perspectives. The Psalmist similarly asked God to open his eyes so that he might see the wondrous things in God’s law. All the individuals mentioned above, along with many others in Scripture, only perceived these wonderful things when their spiritual eyes were opened. Our walk with God will not truly change until our eyes are opened to the spirit behind the Word of God that we read and hear. There is so much more behind God’s Word than what meets the eyes.
Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the wonders of your word. Let it make me a wonder as it changes me.
Wisdom_Quote: There are different layers of reality the eyes can interact with.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.