[The Glory Unveiled]
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. [ Hebrews 12:2 KJV ]
Many times, to succeed in various endeavors, we need to look to or imitate those who are successful in those areas. In our walk with God, there is no better example for us to look to than Jesus. His life demonstrated faith as He lived to show us what faith means. Through Him, we could understand what it means to have faith. This is why He is the author of faith. But He is not only the beginning or foundation of faith; He is also the embodiment of it. He is the fullness of it—the finisher. Another thing we learn from Jesus is that He endured the cross. The cross is a symbol of suffering and pain, but Jesus kept His eyes beyond the cross. He was looking at the joy that the cross would bring to the world, converting sinful men to righteous souls before God. This joy of turning hearts to God urged Him on to the death of the cross. To endure the cross, He made deliberate efforts; He despised the shame of the cross. He regarded it as negligible and saw it as worthless in comparison to what was at the end of that suffering. Our perfect example has shown us the way to the throne of God, revealing that the reward system of God is a journey through the highway of the cross. Anyone who would sit with God must first bear the sufferings of the cross, a suffering for the sake of Jesus. In the times we find ourselves, we need to look to Jesus now more than ever before. We need to see Jesus’ pattern to follow, so that we can find green pasture for our souls.
Prayer_Bead: Father, we thank you for giving us a complete example of faith. Help our faith to grow into the stature of Jesus’.
Wisdom_Quote: Jesus is the complete example and fullness of faith.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.