The eyes of faith

[The Glory Unveiled]

And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. [ 2 Kings 6:17 NIV ]

Elisha and his servant found themselves encircled by an army sent by the king of Aram. In their physical reality, they were surrounded by a vast army. However, another reality overlapped the initial scene—a second, spiritual reality that proved more potent than the physical one. The servant perceived only the physical side, and he became fearful and weakened in faith as a result. The prophet, on the other hand, saw from both perspectives, primarily engaging the superior angle – the spiritual perspective. The prophet, viewing through the eyes of faith, remained unperturbed, while the servant’s fear stemmed from seeing only the physical side. Seeing with the eyes of faith allows us to diminish the power of physical realities. And so, as the servant began to adopt his master’s perspective, confidence replaced fear. In any situation, recognize that what you see is not the only reality surrounding you. You can view it with the eyes of faith or fear. By insisting on looking through the lens of faith, you will witness the realities of faith overpowering other situational realities. We shape the reality we experience by choosing what to see. May God open our eyes to the realities of faith in every situation in our lives.

Prayer_Bead: Dear heavenly father, thank you for the grace to see with the eyes of faith. I embrace the realities of faith rather than fear. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Your life mirrors what you see; whether with the eyes of faith or fear.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Be steadfast in faith

[The Glory Unveiled]

Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. [ 1 Peter 5:9 NIV ]

The enemy is always on the lookout for someone to devour. We must be vigilant and sober-minded, watching out for any possible move of the enemy. And we must be willing and ready to resist him at all times. Even though faith is stirred when hope and anticipation are met with resistance, we must be careful not to give up too soon. Many accounts of faith in the Bible were circumstances and situations that were met with resistance: the Israelites were being chased by the Egyptians, and in front of them was the Red Sea; Hannah was mocked by her rival; the disciples were persecuted by the Sanhedrin. It was usually those resistances that awakened the potent power of their trust in God. Apart from the resistance they faced, they would not have persevered to have what they hoped for. Whatever the enemy throws at you to choke your faith, don’t give in; resist him until there is nothing to throw at you again. The place of faith can be a slippery slope. Hence, it is necessary to stand firm in the faith because victory on the journey of faith is a matter of resisting every form of opposition to our belief. Whatever we believe in is either anchored by our convictions or tied to our confidence in God. Whichever it is will be determined in the face of opposition. When our faith meets resistance, our trust in God should be stronger, as the resistance is rather a signal that something good is in that direction; a breakthrough is coming through. Also, when your faith is met with opposition, remember that other people are going through similar experiences, but they are not giving up, and neither should you. Stand firm in the faith.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for this truth about faith. Help me to understand and practice them. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: The audacity of faith is locked up in the resistance it faces.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

God’s love gift

[The Glory Unveiled]

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—[ Ephesians 2:8 NIV ]

Our salvation is solely the result of God’s grace. We did nothing to deserve or earn it; it is a love gift. Like all gifts, you don’t have to do anything to earn it. However, even though it is a gift, you must receive it, and in this case, you must receive it with faith. Without faith, even though the gift is available and free, you cannot have it. Faith is the only hand that can take from God; without it, we cannot receive from Him. The first step to receiving this gift is to look away from ourselves, as salvation does not come from us. Depending on ourselves for what we cannot offer is a futile pursuit. Since salvation cannot come from us, we cannot boast that we attained it ourselves or received it as a reward for something we have done. The truth is that we had countless opportunities to save ourselves from the time of Adam and Eve until the birth of Jesus, but we couldn’t do it ourselves. These opportunities were meant to convince us that we cannot achieve salvation on our own. In the garden of Eden, God made it clear that humans couldn’t clothe themselves with His identity as it was depicted in their attempt to clothe themselves. The man and the woman clothed themselves with leaves, while God made a covering for them out of animal skin. God’s provision was better than what they did for themselves, but they had to accept the gift before it could benefit them. Similarly, we need to receive the gift of salvation, which comes to us by grace, in order to enjoy its benefits.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the grace that brought me salvation through your Son Jesus Christ.

Wisdom_Quote: Faith is the only hand that can receive from God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The environment of your vision

[The Glory Unveiled]

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. [ Luke 1:41 NIV ]

Mary had never been pregnant, and the baby she carried was prophetic. Similarly, Elizabeth had never experienced pregnancy before, and everything surrounding her pregnancy, just like Mary’s, seemed strange. It seemed impossible, but it was happening. Consequently, they needed to be surrounded by people who were going through similar experiences and could understand them. Mary had to leave her current residence because no one in her immediate community understood what she was going through. The Angel then directed her to someone else facing a similar situation. When Mary greeted Elizabeth, the baby in Elizabeth’s womb leapt for joy. This baby symbolized the vision Elizabeth carried for her life. Often, visions perish due to associations, while others thrive and leap forward in the right environments. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit as a result. Being in the right environment energizes and empowers you to fulfill your life’s assignment. Associations can either nurture or kill visions and dreams. You will excel in your calling when you surround yourself with people who share similar assignments, passion, calling, and faith. If you want your vision to leap forward, ensure you are surrounded by the right people.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for showing me the importance of my associations in relation to my life’s assignment. Help me to keep the right company.

Wisdom_Quote: Associations can either nurture or kill visions and dreams.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Permit your faith

[The Glory Unveiled]

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her. [ Luke 1:38 NIV ]

No matter the size of God’s calling and plans for your life, there is a need to start with a response. The journey of faith with God begins with a response. When we say “yes” to God, He makes the resources we need available for the fulfillment and accomplishment of His purpose for us. When Mary said, “may your word to me be fulfilled,” she gave permission to heaven to release the necessary resources and provisions. The statement Mary made here was the reason for the provisions brought to her from the wise men from the East (see Matthew 2:11). That simple statement of acceptance brought resources from the far east to her side of the world. Our relation with God holds the key that opens other doors to us; this relationship begins with a response. So many things are held back from coming to us because we do not give them permission to come to us through our faith confessions. Many times, people confess negative things but expect positive things to happen to them. It doesn’t work like that. Our confessions should be a reflection of our beliefs. When Mary said, it should be done to her according to the word of the Angel, she was saying that she believed the word was possible, and she permits it to come. Maybe God is waiting for your faith response to begin what He said He will do in your life. Expel fear with your confessions and allow the resources and help needed for the fulfillment of God’s promises.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for your promises. I give permission for the fulfillment of the words you have spoken to me. Help me to yield to you in all things. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: A faith response is the gateway to divine manifestation.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Enlarge your capacity

[The Glory Unveiled]

Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few. [ 2 Kings 4:3 KJV ]

The wife of a deceased prophet approached Elisha, seeking help to settle her debts. Elisha inquired about what she possessed, emphasizing the need for a starting point for her breakthrough. In 2 Kings 4:2, Elisha asked, “What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house?” She responded, “Thine handmaid hath not anything in the house, save a pot of oil.” Although Elisha’s question may seem harsh, it aligns with the principle that God multiplies what is available. Just as five loaves and two fishes resulted in five thousand loaves and fishes, the widow needed to present something for multiplication. Elisha advised her to borrow numerous vessels, as her results would reflect her capacity. Borrowing many empty vessels symbolized enlarging her capacity to contain the abundance that would be provided. God calls upon us to expand our capacity to receive His blessings. Fear often hinders individuals from realizing their full potential, leading them to embrace mediocrity. Fear of judgment, fear of the unknown, and fear of failure limit growth. The widow’s courage to overcome fear and borrow vessels allowed her to offset her debts. In our lives, letting go of fear and embracing faith is essential. Taking that daunting step of faith reveals possibilities we might otherwise miss. Just as the widow’s faith led to her breakthrough, overcoming fear can open doors to unforeseen opportunities.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the opportunity to multiply the little things I have. As I act in faith, I receive the multiplication of my faith.

Wisdom_Quote: Your breakthrough is behind your ocean of fear.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Capacity for faith’s reality

[The Glory Unveiled]

Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land. [ Exodus 23:30 NIV ]

God is willing and capable of granting us the inheritance He promised. For example, He assured the Israelites the land of Canaan, even though it was presently occupied. Ownership doesn’t negate the need for a struggle. God outlined a strategy for the Israelites to reclaim the land gradually, explaining that driving out all occupants at once would lead to wild animals taking over due to its vastness. Essentially, until the Israelites multiplied in numbers, what belonged to them was managed by others. Galatians 4:1-2 notes that an heir, while underage, is akin to a slave. The Israelites, as heirs of the land, lived like slaves until they “came of age,” signifying gaining capacity. Faith alone is insufficient; capacity is crucial. Having faith makes hope possible but having capacity for what hope shows you is what changes a distant dream to a present reality. God releases answers when He sees capacity. The Israelites were promised possession when they increased enough. One would think that because God had promised it, they would just walk into the land to posses it. But then, experiencing something always came at a cost. Similarly, our promises in Christ necessitate growth and stamina to actualize. The promise is true, but your faith is waiting for your increase to come alive.

Prayer_Bead: Almighty God, faithful Father, thank you for the grace to grow. I receive the manifestation of your promises as I increase on every side.

Wisdom_Quote: Faith needs capacity to release what is seen.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Justified by faith

[The Glory Unveiled]

But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. [ Galatians 3:11 KJV ]

It is evident that one cannot attain the righteousness of God by attempting to keep the law. God’s righteousness does not originate from the law; instead, from faith, we understand this because the just live by faith. If we measure the results of a righteous life in faith, then righteousness is attained through faith. Righteousness represents the nature of God, and those in a true relationship with Him live by faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6), and one cannot resemble God or embody His identity without faith. Those who seek God’s righteousness through adherence to the law eventually realize their journey was in vain. The Pharisees and teachers of the law failed to recognize that the holiness and utter otherness of the law became a stumbling block to achieving what it teaches. By making faith the criterion for righteousness with God, He demonstrates His love for us because, by the law, no one can meet God’s standards. Faith, through Christ, meets God’s standard and infuses it into us. It’s akin to hosting sophisticated software or a large dataset on a flash drive and connecting it to a device with limited memory space. On its own, the device cannot hold the vast amount of data, but with the assistance of the flash drive, it can display a considerable amount of data as if it were hosting it. Similarly, we cannot host the righteousness of God by keeping the law, but through faith, we can embody God’s righteousness. And then, our lives must clearly show that we live by faith.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me God’s righteousness. I live by your faith henceforth.

Wisdom_Quote: The righteous live their lives by faith.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Convictions of Faith

[The Glory Unveiled]

And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him. [ Genesis 22:3 KJV ]

Men of faith and generational influence are those who promptly follow God’s instructions. Individuals who respond to spiritual guidance promptly occupy esteemed positions in their day and history has them at heart. God decided to test Abraham, recognized as the father of faith, and he didn’t delay in honouring God. The next morning, he rose early to fulfill the request without hesitation, grumbling, or questioning God’s wisdom. He obeyed innocently, showcasing a profound understanding. Despite the seeming incredibility in this Bible passage, Abraham’s early response reflected his faith, grounded in the belief that God could provide another child. This faith is a language of trust, even if God may not save or fulfill every promise. The attitude of the three Hebrew boys in Daniel echoes this, vowing not to bow to the idol, even if God doesn’t deliver them from the king. Abraham’s early morning rise reflected his conviction to offer his son, even if God didn’t provide a new one. He was without a shadow of doubt about what God could do for him. In the quiet confidence of this faith, evidence emerges—a sacrificial lamb for God. Abraham’s faith manifested what it believed. Similarly, our faith will yield the results of our beliefs. Abraham’s faith didn’t just yield results because he is Abraham, it yielded results because he believed. What do you believe?

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for the privilege to trust you. I believe you are faithful to the end. Let your name be praised in my life.

Wisdom_Quote: Faith is evidence of things not seen.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Given to Faith

[The Glory Unveiled]

By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith. [ Hebrews 11:7 NIV ]

If Noah had disregarded God’s instructions just because no one believed in him, he would not only have jeopardized the lives of the people of his day but also his own life and his family’s. Whatever adventure we pursue is usually, to a large extent, not only for ourselves but also for those close to us, especially when the task is asked of us by God. When Moses freed the Israelites in obedience to God’s request, he also liberated himself in the process. Similarly, our disobedience is fatal to the livelihood of others connected to us. The disobedience of Adam and Eve didn’t affect them alone; it impacted all of humanity. Let us take a moment to consider whatever we are doing in this season of our lives, in this space of time. Are our decisions, choices, actions, and reactions furthering the cause of our destinies and those connected to us? Or are they ticking clocks leading to their imminent destruction? In the end, our actions point to one of these outcomes. Noah was moved by faith and holy fear to obey God in doing something that was unheard of, something nobody in his day had ever seen or could imagine. He embraced faith because when God speaks to us about anything, it’s only faith that makes it relatable. So, when nobody could relate because they didn’t have Noah’s kind of faith, he was not moved by unbelief. Let us embrace faith and become obedient heirs of righteousness.

Prayer_Bead: Father of our fathers of faith, thank you for the grace to obey you in all things even when others disbelieve, may I not be discouraged. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: Faith makes the instructions of God relatable to our spirits.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.