[The Glory Unveiled]
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. [ Ephesians 5:11 NIV ]
Seeing fruits anywhere is no guarantee of success. However, the nature of the fruit serves as the judge. In Matthew 7:18, it says, “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit.” And in verse 20, it states, “By their fruit, you will recognize them.” Fruit is not always a guarantee of good alone; rather, it helps to discern whether something is good or bad. The fruit reveals the tree. You may not know that a tree is bad until it begins to bear fruit. It is when the fruit begins to show that you can make a judgment about the type of tree it has been all along. In our anchor scripture, the apostle Paul says we should have nothing to do with the fruitless works of darkness. This suggests that the fruit of darkness is evident, and it is not worthy to be eaten as fruit. This also implies that the fruit of darkness is diabolic and ultimately fruitless as it is not productive. This is why we are instructed to have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness. There are those who chase after all kinds of fruits. They don’t care what the fruits are; as long as they are called fruits, they pay no attention to their dark nature. This is how many are led astray, often the gullible ones. However, the apostle teaches us to expose the fruitless works of darkness. Because, you see, unless you expose the things that hold you down, you will remain down. Many people continue to partake of the fruit of darkness because they compromise with it rather than exposing it. And over time, they are eaten up by darkness. Wherever you encounter the fruit of darkness, expose it with the fruit of God’s light in you.
Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for teaching me to expose the fruitless works of darkness. Help me to be an example of the fruit of light.
Wisdom_Quote: Whatever you don’t expose, will be imposed on you.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
The Spirit in us.
[The Glory Unveiled]
Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us? [ James 4:5 NIV ]
Our Heavenly Father, the lover of our souls, longs for us deeply. In the account of the Garden of Eden, He consistently came to the man and the woman in the cool of the day. God could have remained distant, relating to humanity from afar, but He chose to come close. From the beginning, God has desired to dwell within us. Even when we sinned, He still pursued us in love. This reveals the heart of God toward us. You truly understand the position and state of someone’s heart when you are at their mercy. Yet, even when we sinned against Him and deserved death, Christ came after us in love, seeking to restore us to the state He originally created us for. This is because we carry within us an aspect of God that He will never abandon: His Spirit. God deposited His Spirit in us as a tracker, a mark of His identity upon us. He fashioned us in His image and likeness, and because of this, we carry a part of Him within us. For this reason, He will not leave us in destruction or doom. He jealously guards us, just as He jealously longs for His Spirit within us. The Lord has caused His Spirit to dwell in us, and He will go to the lengths of time and eternity to redeem us. No wonder the Scriptures declare that if we, being evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more will our Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him? Once His Spirit is given, we become His property. And as His treasured possession, He is committed to caring for us jealously. We cannot fully comprehend the depth, width, and extent of God’s love for us. We must simply believe and trust in Him.
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for the deposit of your Spirit in me. I am your property, as you purchased me by your blood. Lead me in your love.
Wisdom_Quote: The Spirit of God is God’s tag on us.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Receive Jesus
[The Glory Unveiled]
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: [ John 1:12 KJV ]
Gifts may be freely given, but whether or not they are received depends solely on the recipient. The saving power of Christ is available to the world but is accessible only to those who receive the Lordship of Christ. Our faith in the Son of God is the system that gives us access to the life of God in Him. And because this faith must be rooted in Christ, only those who have heard and believed in the Son can possess it. Receiving Him means believing in His name and His authority. The power of sonship, which grants access to the family of God, does not automatically come because we go to church or engage in religious activities. The privilege of sonship is given when we believe in Christ as the fullness of God with whom we can have a relationship. However, all this is impossible without faith. Faith is the means by which the life of God in Christ is imputed to humanity. The power that makes us joint heirs with Christ does not discriminate between people. Whoever we are, and whatever tribe or group we belong to, if we come to believe in Jesus, the power of sonship extends the privilege of belonging to God. We become identified in Christ as members of His body. We receive the gift of God by believing in Christ. This gift is Jesus, the only begotten of the Father. Do you believe in His name? Do you believe in His authority and power?
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God and you died for me. I accept you as my Saviour and Lord.
Wisdom_Quote: Salvation is in no other name except the name, Jesus.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
The reason for our freedom
[The Glory Unveiled]
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. [ Galatians 5:1 NIV ]
There is a purpose behind every action undertaken by humanity. The Lord Jesus did not go to the cross without reason; He went with the greater purpose of saving the world. The Lord Jesus said that if anyone wants to build a tower, they must first sit down and estimate the cost to see if they have enough to complete it. A lot of planning and thought goes into taking any worthwhile action. In the same way, Jesus went to the cross on our behalf to bring us freedom. Before the cross, we were held captive by the power of sin. The price required to free us was the death of the Son of God. His holiness and righteousness were given in exchange for our sins and iniquities. However, after Christ Jesus fulfilled His part, we must fulfill ours by staying within the provisions of His sacrifice. His death made a way for our freedom, but we need to remain within the boundaries of that provision. We are called to stand firm and resist every burden and yoke of slavery. The enemy will always seek to exploit people’s ignorance to burden them again with what Christ has already dealt with. To protect ourselves from the enemy’s deception, we must stand firm in the knowledge of our inheritance. Jesus died for us, and we must hold fast to this awareness and truth. You are free if you have embraced the provisions of Jesus’ death and resurrection by faith. Walk in this consciousness.
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for the privilege to walk in the provisions you made for me through Your death.
Wisdom_Quote: Jesus’ death and resurrection provided for our every need.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
The Truth you know.
[The Glory Unveiled]
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” [ John 8:32 NIV ]
The Lord Jesus asked this question: “Who do men say that I am?” Through this, He was teaching His disciples a profound truth. He posed this question before telling them that the truth frees those who know it. The Lord Jesus teaches that it is our relational knowledge of Him that sets us free. It is not merely the intellectual ability to understand or recall what the Scriptures say about Him, even though there is a degree of deliverance that comes from knowing about Him. True freedom, however, comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus. It is about knowing His heart, seeing Him for who He truly is, and embracing His character. “Knowing the truth,” as described in our anchor Scripture, refers to knowing the person of Jesus, not just the texts that speak about Him. Nicodemus, for example, was a learned man and a Pharisee. He knew much about what was written concerning Jesus but lacked a personal relationship with Him. As a result, he found himself spiritually trapped. One day, he sought Jesus and met Him face to face to begin a relationship. (John 3:1-2) In verse 2, Nicodemus said: “We know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.” This shows that while Nicodemus knew about Jesus, he did not truly know Him relationally. This is why Jesus had to take Nicodemus back to the basics—inviting him into a relationship with God by being “born again.” We, too, need to know the Truth—who Jesus is—and relate with Him personally to experience true freedom.
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for revealing yourself to me. Teach me to walk in the reality of who you are. Amen
Wisdom_Quote: Jesus is more than what is written about Him.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
The voice of the Lord
[The Glory Unveiled]
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. [ Genesis 3:8 NIV ]
Adam and Eve had just sinned by disobeying God’s instructions. However, they still heard the sound of God in the garden. Not only did they hear the sound of God, but in verse ten, it is clear that what they actually heard was the voice of God. Although their disobedience did not silence God’s voice, it severed their relationship with Him. Their disobedience led to their banishment from the garden, and God’s voice became distant to their ears. This increased distance between them and God’s voice plunged them into spiritual oblivion. Our walk with God hinges on hearing His voice. We cannot afford to walk with Him without recognizing or hearing His voice. The voice of God is our compass, directing us toward the true north of our destinies. Without a compass, a traveler may easily become lost in unfamiliar territory. For the believer, God’s voice serves as our moment-by-moment guide. However, here is the reality: you may hear the voice of God, but disobedience can cause you to miss His direction. Adam and Eve heard God’s voice, yet their disobedience prevented them from remaining in His presence. As believers, it is vital not only to hear God’s voice but also to obey it. Sometimes, God’s voice comes to us through the help of others, as it did for Eve and Samuel during the early stages of their walk with Him. Regardless of how His voice reaches us, adherence to it is key. Stay in God’s presence by continually walking in obedience.
Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege to hear your voice and obey your instructions. In Jesus’ name.
Wisdom_Quote: The voice of God gives direction to the believer.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Hope beyond this life
[The Glory Unveiled]
If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. ( 1 Corinthians 15:19 KJV )
Every intentional action is motivated by a vision and a hope that goes beyond immediate desires. Hope is the fuel that keeps humanity moving forward. Anything that gives hope should provide people with a reason, or reasons, to persevere or pursue a course of action. While the degrees of what and why people subscribe to certain things may vary, hope offers a long-term assurance of something greater. The apostle Paul asserts that if our hope in Christ yielded only earthly benefits, then we are, of all people, most to be pitied. Imagine the sacrifices we make as believers and the lifestyle choices we adopt to be Christlike. If, after all these sacrifices and changes, our hope were confined to the limits of this earthly existence, then the reward would not justify the sacrifice. What is sacrificed must pale in comparison to the reward envisioned. This is the essence of why anyone places hope in something. Nobody invests their hope in something that does not promise a meaningful outcome in the future. If our hope in Christ were limited to this life alone, it would be a loss compared to other earthly pursuits one could engage in. However, the reason we hope is undeniable: this hope extends beyond this life into the eternal. This is why we confidently continue pursuing this hope. And it is also why, despite suffering or losses, we are not miserable. The hope we have sustains us, transcending the challenges we face in its pursuit. So, keep this hope alive.
Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the hope of my calling. I wait persistently for the full manifestation of your purposes.
Wisdom_Quote: Hope is humanity’s fuel for perseverance.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Jesus gave Himself for a reason
[The Glory Unveiled]
Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. ( Titus 2:14 KJV )
From the eleventh verse of our anchor Scripture, it says that the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. This grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts. We are called to look forward to the hope and appearing of Jesus. It is this same Jesus that our anchor verse describes as having given Himself for us. But why did He give Himself up? Was it worth it? Our anchor Scripture aligns with the description of Jesus’ work in the salutation of the apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians, specifically in Galatians 1:4. The Lord Jesus gave Himself for a reason. His purpose was to redeem us from a life of sin and iniquity and to purify us unto Himself. He paid the ultimate price so that we could be set apart for Him, without blemish. If such detail and attention were devoted to our redemption, then it is not something to take lightly or jeopardize. Our redemption is as precious as gold, something to be treasured. The fact that He gave Himself for us, rather than sending an angel, demonstrates the immense value He places on us. We are worth His Son. God values us as much as His only begotten Son. But He also redeemed us for a purpose. If Jesus truly redeemed us, then this redemption should manifest in our lives. We must be peculiar and zealous in our good works for Him. Our peculiarity stems from being called out of what we once were, and our zeal is fueled by our knowledge of Christ and our gratitude to God. May God continually help us in our walk with Him.
Prayer_Bead: Dear Jesus, thank you for your redemption and the blessings you have called me into. I am eternally grateful.
Wisdom_Quote: Jesus redeemed us for an assignment.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Resurrection and life.
[The Glory Unveiled]
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” ( John 11:25-26 NIV )
The apostle Paul prayed, “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death” (Philippians 3:10). Paul understood something profound about the resurrection power of Christ and longed to experience it. He desired to encounter that power. He also recognized that resurrection is only activated in the presence of death and suffering. The one who believes in Jesus lives, even though they die. Death is not the end of existence. For some, death serves as a doorway into another reality. The same apostle wrote in Romans 8:36 that he was “killed all day long” for the sake of other believers. He lived daily as if dying to himself. Jesus also instructed those who wish to follow Him to take up their cross (embrace death), deny themselves, and follow Him. Death becomes an avenue, an instrument through which the resurrection power of Christ is experienced and shared. If we live by believing in Christ Jesus, we will never die (in terms of losing our relevance and ability to replicate ourselves spiritually). When Jesus lived on earth, believing in our heavenly Father, He multiplied Himself through many others. As a result, after He died and rose again to be with the Father, many “Jesuses” remained—His products. The same is expected of us. What would you want to know more than anything else? Paul made it clear that his deepest desire was to know Christ, and he pursued this with everything in him. When Jesus spoke to Martha, the sister of Lazarus, saying, “I am the resurrection and the life,” He was demonstrating that with Him, there is no loss. If she had Jesus, she could not truly lose anything, even when it seemed lost. If you have the Resurrection and the Life on your side, you have everything you could ever want.
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life, I believe in you for my life and its sustenance. Let your name be glorified in me.
Wisdom_Quote: Death is a gateway to a new beginning.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.
Victory over Sin and Death
[The Glory Unveiled]
But we thank God for giving us the victory as conquerors through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. [ 1 Corinthians 15:57 TPT ]
Different battles require different kinds of ammunition. However, victory is not achieved solely through skill or weaponry. Victory is, in essence, a certificate we receive—either because we won something ourselves or because someone else won it on our behalf. For us, victory comes because someone else did the work. Victory over sin and death was utterly impossible through human strength or strategies. When we sinned, we fell short of the glory of God—His nature and attributes, which empower a victorious life. By falling from that glory, we were reduced to a purely human existence. Yet, the love of God refused to abandon us. God conquered sin and death so that we might have freedom and enter His rest. Until sin and death are dealt with, humanity cannot truly experience freedom. Our current state is the direct result of sin, and restoration can only come when sin is permanently eradicated. Imagine not taking an exam yet having the top student’s results credited to you. Similarly, God assigned Jesus’ victory to us. Through Jesus, we are victorious over sin and death. Victory over sin is essential for walking with God. Without it, we cannot consistently walk in fellowship with Him. This is why God took the initiative to address the problem on our behalf. While we did not physically hang on the cross to conquer sin and death, Jesus did, granting us His victory through faith. This is why our hearts should overflow with gratitude to God.
Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father , thank you for the victory you have given me as a conqueror through Christ Jesus.
Wisdom_Quote: We ride triumphantly on Jesus’ victory parade.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.