Hidden in love

[The Glory Unveiled]

He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” [ Luke 10:27 NIV ]

The question that birthed this response in our anchor scripture is about eternal life. An expert in the law asked what he must do to inherit the kingdom of God. Jesus guided him to the answer, and when he stated the words in our anchor text, Jesus didn’t dismiss his response. Instead, Jesus replied, “You have answered correctly. Do this and you will live.” This brings us to critically observe and understand what it takes to inherit the life of God. Jesus knew He was the way, the truth, and the life, and no one can go to the Father except through Him. However, when the question was asked, He didn’t say, “Just confess that I am Lord and you will inherit eternal life.” This means that confessing Jesus as Lord and Saviour is the outward expression of an inward commitment demonstrated as love. Inheritance is given where there is commitment. The man who gave his servants talents committed more to the one who used it to generate more (Matthew 25:14-29). His effort to see that the talents multiplied shows the posture of his heart and why more can be committed to him. The divine life is committed to us when we demonstrate good stewardship of the transient life, and love is the best way to demonstrate our stewardship of the life we have in the flesh. The life of God we lost in disobedience and so desperately need back is hidden in love. Love is the place where all good and perfect gifts are kept. Eternal life is not far from us; it is in the command to love God with all our hearts and souls, with our minds and strength, and to love our neighbours as ourselves. So, let love lead your life.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me access to your life through love. Help me to love you and my neighbours. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Eternal life is hidden in love.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Gouge it out

[The Glory Unveiled]

And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell. [ Matthew 18:9 NIV ]

The Lord Jesus advises His listeners to value the safety of their souls even more than the members of their bodies. His advice, though not meant to be taken literally, should not be ignored. Unfortunately, this is the kind of message that is less preached; the message about what we ought to do. Instead of teaching us to put away anything that leads us into disobedience, no matter what they may be, we are given shades to hide them. We have devised means to manage the things that make us fall easily into sin, instead of getting rid of them. The world and its systems have made it comfortable to live with our members that make us stumble. Whatever causes us to stumble is dangerous to our inheritance of the things that are promised to us. We must lose the things that hinder our eternal blessings and reward. Of course, it would be painful to gouge out one’s eyes, but compared to the pain of losing eternal life, losing one’s eyes, leg, or any member of the body is far less painful. The pain Jesus spoke about is figuratively describing the pain of parting with the things we love. Our willingness to part with the things that stagnate our progress is the key to guaranteed success. Eternal life is more valuable than having all the members of our body intact and yet losing the life of God. Many have kept their eyes and hands but lost the life of God in them. For some of us, our eyes or hands are symbolic of the appetites, habits, or desires that lead us away from the path of truth. Samson died because he didn’t cut off his vulnerability towards Delilah. Don’t pamper the things that weaken your resolve for the things of God. Expose them and let them lose their grip over your soul.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, have mercy upon us. Give us the power to put away the things that make us stumble in our walk with you. In Jesus name. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: If your legs are leading you to hell, cut them off.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

A worthy example

[The Glory Unveiled]

This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. [ John 15:12 KJV ]

The Lord Jesus always taught His disciples, and by extension us, by example. He would only command us to do what He had first demonstrated. By showing us what He asks us to do, we are empowered to follow His commands. He does not require anything of us that He is not willing to do or give Himself. Before God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, God had sacrificed His only begotten Son [Jesus was slain before the foundation of the earth]. God gave to humanity before He required humanity to give. A parable is told of a king who forgave one of his servants who owed him a huge debt. That servant then went and imprisoned another servant who owed him a small debt. When the king heard about his cruel dealings with his fellow servant, he called him, rebuked him, and handed him over to the jailers to be tortured as well (Matthew 18:23-35). This parable illustrates how God wants us to relate to our neighbours. Just as He treats us, God expects us to treat our neighbours, just like the king did with the servant who owed him. If we are forgiven, it is so that we can extend the same kindness to others. If we are loved, it is so that we can love others. Before the Lord Jesus ascended into glory, He gave His disciples a commandment to love one another as He had loved them. This is why it is a commandment; He knows we are able to carry it out, which is why He commanded it. Hence, we cannot afford to disobey, as disobedience would not be due to inability but to wickedness or rebellion.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for giving me the ability to love my neighbours as you love me. Help me to practice this culture of love, thereby honouring your commandment.

Wisdom_Quote: Imitators of Jesus are co-heirs of Jesus.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Our entry point

[The Glory Unveiled]

Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. [ 2 Peter 1:4 NIV ]

Our participation in the divine nature hinges on promises. These promises are given through our knowledge of the Son of God—they are in Christ, revealed to us through our intimacy with Him. Hence, our knowledge of the Lord is the bait with which we draw the divine nature. All the blessings and opportunities in God are locked up in our knowledge of Jesus, tied to His promises. The divine nature is so close but only accessible to those who have the promises. Abraham lived such a supernatural life; the divine nature was at work in him because his life was a portrait of the promises of God. His life detailed the purposes of God through the promises made to him and the role he played in it. He was a man who lived by covenants and promises. His entire life revolved around the promises of God. So much so that, at every point, God had a word for him, unlike Lot. The difference between Abraham and Lot was clear. Abraham, as a result of the knowledge he had of God, escaped the corruption of his time caused by evil desires. But Lot, on the other hand, made a choice based on his desires. In the end, he found himself in the heart of ungodliness, tormenting the divine nature in him. The divine nature is a life we can participate in or a life we could wish for. It boils down to accessing knowledge. And whenever that knowledge is gained, the promises made to us translate into the life that God has for us. God is not partial; He is faithful to His every word. And anyone who applies them receives their due reward.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the promises you have given me through Christ Jesus. I participate actively in them by my knowledge of Him. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: The divine nature is hidden in Christ.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The perfect guide

[The Glory Unveiled]

Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” [ John 21:18 NIV ]

Whenever we are led by someone, our destinations are defined and determined by the guide or leader. In the scripture above, the Lord Jesus was teaching the apostle Peter about the responsibility of his new status in God. The Lord Jesus was explaining the demands of that status, which include the responsibility to lead his colleagues and the church. And as one who was to lead others, he was to be led. The Lord Jesus touched on the nature of the Holy Spirit and His leadership. He taught that the Holy Spirit will lead where He wills and not where Peter or anyone else might want. As young believers, we may go wherever we want and behave however we like, but a time comes when the Holy Spirit dresses us with the fruit of the spirit and leads us by the word of God. That time is the time of growth and maturity in the Lord. [For the believer, our willingness and commitment to the leading of the Holy Spirit is our journey into growth, and not the number of years we have been believing]. In our growth experience, the Holy Spirit dresses us with the identity of the Son and leads us in the way of the Word. In John 3, the Lord Jesus associates the Holy Spirit with the wind, saying, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8) Hence, we are to make up our minds to submit to the wind-like ministry of the Holy Spirit. Allowing ourselves to be led wherever the Holy Spirit wills—a call to an unpredictable life. Would you let the Holy Spirit dress and lead you?

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the leadership of your Spirit. I submit to You, lead me on this glorious journey of life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: The Holy Spirit is the matured believer’s guide.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Beyond the here and now

[The Glory Unveiled]

The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. [ Matthew 25:4 NIV ]

Everything worthwhile is achieved and sustained by purposeful planning. As believers, we need a clear vision of our destination. A conscious understanding of what lies on the other side and what is required to get there keeps us in check for the life beyond death. Eternal life has a code of conduct, and the believer must adhere to its prescriptions. In the Matthew 25 account of the five wise and five foolish virgins, the wise virgins understood what it would take to get them where they were going. They knew what they were aiming for, and so they prepared adequately. The foolish ones, on the other hand, didn’t have a clear picture of what it would take to see the bridegroom they so desperately wanted to meet. The fact that you desperately want something doesn’t mean you will have it without adequate knowledge. Like those foolish virgins, many believers claim they want the God-life, a supernatural life, but they do not live according to the demands of the kingdom that sponsors that life. God is sovereign, and He will not compromise His essence, attributes, or nature for anything other. Everything else must meet His standards and purpose. The wise virgins knew they needed extra oil. In our day, we too need extra oil to end our Christian experience well. But this oil does not come accidentally; it is the result of conscious planning and yielding to the one who gives the oil. In our journey to meet our bridegroom, let us look beyond the present. And be intentional about our walk.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for the revelation from your word. Give me oil in my lamp and help me to take my walk with you more seriously. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: Eternal life has a code of conduct.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Tag of forces

[The Glory Unveiled]

For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. [ Galatians 5:17 NIV ]

The flesh lives in a domain that focuses on feelings, desires, and emotions—outward, earthly nature—while the spirit focuses on what God approves. We are always torn between doing what the spirit sponsors and what the flesh sponsors. We are at the mercy of whichever of the two entities prevails over the other. Your spirit is constantly in conflict with your flesh, and your flesh with your spirit. With this understanding, we must think carefully before taking any actions. It gets easier when we desire to be led by the dictates of the spirit rather than the flesh. Unbeknownst to us, some of the things we do without considering the consequences are actually sponsored by the flesh. The enemy and anything he represents have an agenda: to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). This applies to anything he sponsors or influences. When we get carried away by our lusts and desires that are unsanctioned by the word of God, we are likely driven by the devil’s agenda. Unfortunately, one can be led by their flesh without realizing it. It may feel like they are led by the Spirit of God if they are not careful to discern who is in the driver’s seat. Knowing that there are two forces within us that inform our decisions and choices, let us allow the word of God to saturate our souls so that out of the abundance of what we are full of, we can live out His will. May the leadership of God’s Spirit in us always prevail over the desires of our flesh. And may we freely follow the dictates of God’s word.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for saving my soul. Guide me through your word to be fully yielded to you. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: Your choices are made for you by either of two forces; the spirit or the flesh.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

God Without Boarders

[The Glory Unveiled]

Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” [ Matthew 17:4 NIV ]

The nature and attributes of God put Him in a class where He cannot be limited by any environment or ideology. He transcends time and space, matter and energy, heaven and earth. He is God without boundaries or borders. By His majesty and sovereignty, God is not to be constrained by anything or anyone. No ideologies, concepts, or institutions can constrain the knowledge and person of God. Rather, He constrains us and confines us to His revealed will and identity. Many have tried to cast God, like gold or aluminum, into a predefined shape. They have tried to make Him the product of their imagination, like an idol cast in stone. Peter, the disciple, once tried to do that when he suggested at the mount of transfiguration that they build shelters for the memories of Moses, Elijah, and Jesus. God is far beyond and far above our revelation of Him. What we know of and about God, compared to who He truly is, shows a vast difference. This is why it would be a horrible mistake to freeze our understanding of God; He is not a statue. Unfreeze any fixed notions you have of God and dismantle the tents of memory you have erected. We grow in the knowledge of God when we allow the fluidity of His personality to flow within us. This is why only the Holy Spirit can teach us and provide the true picture of God. He reveals the multifaceted nature of God to each of us according to what we can handle. May we be flexible enough to allow for the revelation of God within us.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for teaching me not to make a statue of you. Help me to remain in a living fellowship with you always. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: God cannot be hemmed in by boarders and boundaries.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Fish and Bread.

[The Glory Unveiled]

When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread. [ John 21:9 NIV ]

After the death of Jesus, the disciples returned to their old ways. One day, Peter told the rest that he was going out to fish, and they followed him. They went out in search of fish, but they caught none. After toiling all night and feeling despair, the Lord Jesus, who had just overpowered death, came to their rescue. He directed them on how to catch the fish. Here again, he taught Peter a second time how to catch fish. The lesson is that you don’t catch fish because you are a fisherman or experienced in fishing; you catch fish with direction and discernment. Jesus wasn’t a fisherman, but he knew where the fish were in the water at a particular time. Meanwhile, a man who had been fishing all his life couldn’t tell. Fish are not attracted to nets; they are attracted to the directives of God. On the other hand, what the disciples had spent all night toiling for was already with Jesus. Not only that, but it had already been prepared and was ready for consumption. Many of our life struggles and toils are unnecessary. We struggle because we try to do life without Jesus, or because we feel certain things in our lives are exclusive to Jesus. Meanwhile, Jesus wants to help us in every area of our lives. Make Him Lord over everything in your life. When the disciples landed from the boat, bread and fish were already with Jesus, awaiting their return. Instead of going out to the tempestuous sea of life for answers, go to Jesus because He holds the answers waiting for your invitation. There is absolutely nothing impossible for God. All things were made by Him and for Him. Your fish and bread are ready in the presence of the master. Get out of your boat and go to Him.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for your care and provisions for me. Help me to trust you enough to depend on you solely for my livelihood. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: Your boat does not hold the answers you seek.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

A civilization of light

[The Glory Unveiled]

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. [ 1 John 1:7 NIV]

People who gather in a well-lit room are able to see each other and are more likely to connect and bond. But a group of people in a dark room are most certainly going to bump into each other. Having a common environment gives us a shared experience. The light that provides us with the opportunity and platform to walk without stumbling is the light of the life of God. This is why for the believer, walking in the light means participating in the life of God. And then we can be called a fellowship because we are fellows in identifying with the life of God. We are a civilization of light and we live in the life of God. In this civilization, provision is made for everything that seeks to put blemishes on us. The blood of Jesus takes care of our struggles against disobedience and the laws that try to lead us back to what we turned our backs on in Christ. Walking in the light should therefore be the believer’s default position. Walking outside the corridors of light, for a believer, is a death warrant. But sharing in the life of God with one another keeps us in an impenetrable place where the darts of sin cannot reach. One can choose to walk in the light or not, and that is how we live out the truth or not. There are those who are believers and are committed to the truth, but that does not automatically translate into living out the truth, we each have the choice to live out the truth or not. Yet how we live out the truth tells whether we share in the life of God and have fellowship with Him and with one another or not. May we have the desire to walk in the light of God as He is in the light.

Prayer_Bead: Father Lord, thank you for the provision of the blood of your son Jesus. Help me to walk in the light as you are. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: The believer’s civilization is light.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.