The Believer’s true north

[The Glory Unveiled]

We live by faith, not by sight. ( 2 Corinthians 5:7 )

In our world today where almost every information is graphically communicated and served at the speed of light, it is difficult to convince people without giving them something for their eyes. Social media with all of its alluring tendencies has heightened our appetite for seeing things. We want to see what’s new. We want to see who said what and when. Debates and arguments are valued on the strength of what is seen rather than what is believed. Today, if you say a famous person bought a new car, for instance, without a picture of it, you may as well be seen as telling lies. Many people are unwilling to settle for unseen promises and wishes. The popular saying goes, “why make wishes when you can have sandwiches?” But contrary to the world’s culture and trends, the unseen world appreciates reality on the scales of faith rather than sight. So that in translation, the seen realities are sustained by what is unseen rather than what is seen. What we see can mislead us because it is susceptible to change and many unstable factors. But once faith is awakened, stability is guaranteed. As believers we only have one way of living; by faith. We cannot live any other way. So that living outside the boundaries of faith means we are not living at all. For us, to truly live means we must exercise faith in every and all things. It also means that we are alive because of faith, without faith, we are as good as dead. Our every existence hangs on the unseen promises of God rather than the laws of nature or Isaac Newton’s.

Prayer_Bead: Shepherd of my soul, thank you for your word to me. Please help my unbelief that I may live the real life ordained for me.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Benefits of the fear of God

[The Glory Unveiled]

The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. ( Psalms 34:7 )

The second book of Kings chapter 6, verses 15-17 paints a graphic picture of today’s devotional scripture. Elisha and his servant (probably Gehazi) had been surrounded by the King of Aram’s army in a city. In that moment, it appeared to the servant that they were trapped and that they were out numbered by the forces against them. But when the eye of the servant was opened, he saw that angels encamped round about them. And the angelic beings on their side were more than all the armies of Aram (see 2 Kings 6:16). The angels of God are ready to come to the defense of anyone who fears the Lord. Today’s Psalm is also the voice over of what happens when men, instead of Angels surround us. Saul had been looking for David to kill. He had pursued him almost everywhere. But in the opening verses of 1 Samuel 26, the tables turned; David found Saul, the man who wanted him dead. Saul was lying in his camp, surrounded by a sleeping army. Every man around him was asleep including Saul, the General Overseer and King himself. This account shows what happens when men instead of angels encamp about a person. Human strength will fail them because they may watch but they would only watch in vain. Saul’s army were around him, no disputing that, but they were asleep. They could not see whether or not someone was coming to kill their master and leader. But Elisha trusted in the Lord and He delivered him. When we also trust in the Lord, He would deliver us from visible and invisible forces. He would keep even the hair of our head from harm. We’re the King’s kids. Not just any mere King but the King of all Kings. He will deliver us from all harm.

Prayer_Bead: Daddy Lord, thank you for the services of angels. Teach me your ways, that I may continually reverence you as I ought.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Jesus, our every help

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.” ( John 5:7 )

The question which prompted this response—in the preceeding verse—is not in any way suggestive of a helper. Jesus had just asked an invalid whether he wanted to get well? [Our focal verse was his response]. He said he had no one to help him. In this life, everything is dependent on something or someone. In 1 Corinthians 11:11, the apostle Paul says that man is not independent of woman nor is woman independent of man. They all need one another. The invalid at the pool in our devotional text, like any one of us was also not independent of other people, he needed help which unfortunately didn’t come for him for thirty eight years. You see, even though the solution to his problem was just close by, he couldn’t reach it because he needed help to reach the solution. It was not good for Adam to be alone, God said, “I will make a help mate suitable for him”. If the first Adam (man) needed someone to help him, [Eve] and the second Adam, our Lord Jesus was helped with the cross to golgotha, then we all need help. Even though the water of favour may be stirred, we need help to engage it. The stirring symbolizes the moment or opportunity for divine intervention. But when that moment comes, sometimes we still need help. For the invalid, Jesus showed up and that day was the end of his predicament. May Jesus show up for us in every crisis.

Prayer_Bead: Jehovah Jireh, the LORD my provider. Send help to me on every side.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Force your way in

[The Glory Unveiled]

“The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. ( Luke 16:16 )

From the time of Moses and the Patriarchs, the laws were preached and the prophets proclaimed the revealed counsel of God. Even before Moses the Patriarchs proclaimed what they knew to be the counsel of God to their families and world. But since John the Baptist came on the scene, the order changed. It’s like a company that always delivered a particular product but after some time, they changed the packaging of what they deliver. Now the company didn’t collapse nor change their name. The only thing that changed is the packaging of the initial product. For example, in the month of March this year, FanYoghurt packaged their yogurts differently. Instead of their normal designs on the wrappings, they decided to use a picture of the Big Six. They didn’t change the real product though, in fact the yogurt tasted exactly the same, if not better. The same is true for the dispensations of the counsel of God. The intention is the same, to get mankind back to Himself (God), but the approach or wrapping changed. Now a more attractive package is being used; the good news of the kingdom. The later part of the scripture says, “…and everyone is forcing his way into it”. We all would agree that good packages attract customers. The distributor of the good news has changed the wrappings because He needs you to get His product at all cost since He loves you. Have you encountered the LORD as Saviour? Do you have the Spirit that makes us children of God? If not, today is an opportunity. The product is a necessity product. We all need saving from the consequences of sin. And glory to God, we have a redeemer. Our role is to accept Him as such. If you would, pray the ‘prayer bead’ below.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for your ultimate sacrifice on the cross for me. I acknowledge that I need you. From today, be my Lord and Saviour. Amen!

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.