Avoid distractions

[The Glory Unveiled]

The Israelites sampled their provisions but did not inquire of the LORD. [ Joshua 9:14 NIV ]

God had informed Israel not to ally themselves with countries that were close to them, such countries were supposed to be destroyed as they pose a threat to Israel. The Gibeonites who were close neighbours to Israel however, came to form an alliance pretending to have come from a far away country. This was after they heard what the Israelites had done to Jericho and Ai (verses 3 & 4). From fear that they would be destroyed like the other close nations to Israel, they decided to deal craftily with the Israelites. Now, the Israelites were not distracted or deceived because the Gibeonites were more crafty. They were distracted because they did not discern nor seek God’s opinion on the matter (verse 14). The fact that they had been given a template—an instruction on what to do—was not enough to make decisions without the involvement of God when He could be reached. God does not look on the outward [appearance] to make judgements. God looks beyond the exterior to examine motives and hearts. Appearances can be deceptive. And because as humans (mere observers) it is impossible to tell the motives of people, we need to consult God to avoid distractions. The Israelites judged the Gibeonites by their appearances, and they were misled. In making any decisions that matter to your destiny and wellbeing, decisions such as marital decisions, among others, consult God even if you have a pattern or an inkling of what you want. Stay alert and lean not on your own understanding. Lean on the perspective of God through His word and guidance. Be discerning, be willing to listen to God rather than to your eyes and ears, and you will not be distracted.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for your truth, help me to stay alert. Keep me from distractions. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Leaning on God kicks deceptions and distractions away.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

A great gain

[The Glory Unveiled]

But godliness with contentment is great gain. [ 1 Timothy 6:6 NIV ]

In a world of many alternatives, discontentment is the reason why many people don’t live to see the things they chase after. The availability or abundance of something is not a license to abuse them. It is rather a call to manage and protect them from going extinct or harming us. Take for instance, our water bodies or green vegetations. We abuse them because we think we have them in abundance and now, see the struggles we face. Their extinction and destruction is posing as a threat to humanity. If only we were content with what we had and managed it, the story of the world would have been different. The deception of social media and the illusionary lifestyles displayed by many celebrities on these platforms have made some discontent with what they have and could afford or manage. Their appetites are insatiable, their desires like an endless pit. They go on and on, gathering for themselves what they will not live to enjoy. The Bible says “godliness with contentment is great gain.” Godliness without contentment is a great loss and a waste of time. The seed of discontentment is sown by lust and pride, and bears the fruit of instability. This instability has robbed many of privileges reserved for those who are content in God. This is why discontentment has become the shovel that digs the grave of many people and the scissors that cuts short destinies that could revolutionize our world. You can gain or lose, the choice is yours to make, but to gain, you need to be content. The world and everything in it does not satisfy. Only by leaning on Jesus and trusting Him for everything can you find peace; the great gain of contentment.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, our Redeemer and strength, thank you for all the things you have entrusted to me. Help me to be content. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Godliness with contentment is great gain.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

”One thing” habit.

[The Glory Unveiled]

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, [ Philippians 3:13 KJV ]

The people we see everyday as successful don’t always see themselves as successful. They see themselves as people who are daily pursuing something. The result of their pursuit is what we see as success. These people exchange their time for that one thing. They have a compelling focus that serves as the starlight to which they are drawn. The compelling focus is something or someone that absorbs their attention and directs their energies to the goal they want to achieve. F. M Alexander said that people do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures. What we do everyday, every time is the brick that builds the future we see tomorrow. The future is not a monument that is carved or erected by a one time act. It is laid brick by brick by the habits we keep. This is why training is needed to have a guaranteed certain type of future. Training simply means installing a set of habits into a person. These habits become the guide for the certain future we arrive at. When the apostle Paul said “but this one thing I do,” he meant this one thing he does, continuously. There is no successful man, secular or religious who succeeds without a predictable lifestyle. These lifestyles are the habits that stuck with them over the years. The apostle Paul could tell what exactly he did that guaranteed the results he got. If anyone replicated his formula, they will have his kind of results too. Find the one thing that can draw you closer to your destiny’s goals and stick to it. Develop that “one thing” habit and watch your life turn around like a dream.

Prayer_Bead: Father in heaven, thank you for the privilege to learn this truth. Help me to develop and stick to one thing that will draw me to your plans for me. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: A one-thing habit is the hook that brings many things.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The name of Jesus

[The Glory Unveiled]

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. [ John 16:24 NIV ]

The name of Jesus is the signatory to the believer’s blessings and every need. The provisions for our every need is encoded with the name of Jesus, so that without His name, the believer, cannot have what is theirs. As a result, it is very possible to walk with Jesus for many years but never ask Him anything, just because we have not asked in His name. Asking in the name of Jesus means asking with the revelation knowledge of Jesus. The theatrics of religion does not guarantee that God hears us, even though He can hear us through the art and the noise. The indicator that we have been heard is joy; a sense of inner peace regardless of the surrounding situations. It is possible to have challenges around you, yet have complete joy borne from asking Jesus. While on a raging sea, when the disciples called on Jesus, He invited peace into the storm. (Mark 4:35-39). It is not enough to say that you have prayed. When people say they have prayed, many times, they mean they have spoken their minds, usually out loud or they have spoken about what troubles them. But as to whether someone heard them from the other side, they don’t know. Many of us are content with our prayers even when there is no guarantee that it had crossed over to the side of God because many times, we are too lazy to do the hard work of finding out the will of God. As humans, we try to manage our problems by ourselves so well that we sometimes think it is the doing of the Lord. Instead, of asking the Lord to deal with them, we manage them ourselves with the deception that we have strength. Whereas, this act is actually the pseudonym for the foolishness of the prodigal son. Too many Christians are still paying for their own meals and needs when Jesus had paid for it all. Don’t pay for yours, enjoy the provisions of God in Jesus’ name.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for your divine provisions. I cash out on what you have made available in Jesus name.

Wisdom_Quote: The name of Jesus is the signature to the account of the commonwealth of heaven.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Waterless Clouds

[The Glory Unveiled]

Like clouds and wind without rain
is one who boasts of gifts never given. [ Proverbs 25:14 TPT ]

Claiming to have something we do not have may be a ploy to please people and make them think highly of us than we really are. But actually, it makes us lose people’s trust in us. We become like a cloud without water which advertised rain but cannot deliver it. Boasting ensures that. The world is full of gullible men and women who chase after nothing but profit for self. They go any length to deceive people just to fill their pockets. Their motives are merely for self gain and nothing more. The second book written by Peter in the New Testament also describes people who boast of gifts never given to them in similar words as our anchor text above. “These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them” (2 Peter 2:17). Their end is foretold as destruction. People who are empty of God’s word—the substance of our faith—and bear false testimonies are like clouds without water. They have nothing substantial to give. Such people have gone so far from the grace of God that all the warnings and promptings of God seems not to teach them any lessons. Balaam, son of Beor is the example from the Old Testament who was disobedient to the warnings and promptings of God. Eventually, a donkey without speech rebuked him with human voice to restrain his madness. (see Numbers 22-24). Whenever we give ourselves permission to do what God has not commanded or not to do what He has commanded, we are indicating a rebellion to the will of God. It is a sign that we are not submitted to Jesus as our Lord. Instead of going around in an empty shell, let us tarry in the presence of God until we have a message; a substance to share with our world. A waterless cloud is a premature cloud, allow time to supply everything that is lacking. And the world will come to you for a rain.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for the privilege to know this truth. Help me to tarry with you so that I may carry real substance for the nations too.

Wisdom_Quote: A waterless cloud advertises rain but delivers nothing.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Is Jesus your Lord?

[The Glory Unveiled]

And Lot said unto them, Oh, not so, my Lord: [ Genesis 19:18 KJV ]

The Hebrew concept of Lord means “master, controller, owner.” If someone is Lord over you, it means they own you. They decide and dictate what you do and how you do it. Where there is Lord, the subject or servant has only one responsibility, to obey. When we come under the lordship of Jesus, we are declaring that we have relinquished our rights and freedom to Him. It means our lives will be controlled and micromanaged by Him. Our lives become a shadow of His life. Unfortunately, many of us who claim to have Jesus as our Lord are not subjected to Him wholly. As such it is very confusing who truly has the Lord Jesus as their Lord. This is why the Lord Jesus says on that day, many will call Him Lord, Lord but He will tell them to go away from Him, for He does not know them. (Matthew 7:22; Luke 13:25). Lot and Peter, seem to have one thing in common; their inability to firmly take a stance; they are both not assertive. We could tell from Lot’s inability to take a firm position against the homosexuals of Sodom (see Genesis 19:7-8) and Peter’s inability to side with the Gentiles in the face of his fellow Jews (see Galatians 2:11-13). And then, they also have the “Not so, Lord” statement in common.(Genesis 19:18 for Lot and Acts 10:14 for Peter). Anyone who accepts Jesus as their Lord must submit to Him in all things. If Jesus is not Lord of all things in our lives, then He is not our Lord at all. “Not so, Lord” is not a language a person who has Jesus as their Lord speaks. The only language a person who has the Lord Jesus as their Saviour and Lord speaks is, “Yes Lord.”

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for being my Lord. Help me to always say “yes” to you. Change my language and change my attitude towards you, in Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Jesus is Lord of all things or He is not Lord at all.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Remember Mrs. Lot

[The Glory Unveiled]

Remember Lot’s wife! [ Luke 17:32 NIV ]

Our anchor text says we should remember Lot’s wife. But to remember Lot’s wife, we need to journey back to the first book of the Old Testament, where we can find in Genesis 19:26 what the Bible says we should remember about Mrs Lot. In that account, we see that the Angel of the Lord instructed the family of Lot to leave Sodom and not look back (Genesis 19:17). Where looking back means a desire to want what you’re supposed to leave behind or lose. Letting go of the past is quite a difficult thing to do, but change and transition happens on the spike of turning one’s back to the past. The family of Lot were well aware that they didn’t have to look back at what they had left because looking back means a desire to participate in what you’ve left. The Israelites left Egypt, instructed by God never to return back there. But the people became so used to the Egyptian life they couldn’t wean them off. (Numbers 14:3-4). In our walk with God, looking back is not an option. In Luke 9:62, Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God requires commitment in our service to God. Turning our backs to those commitments is a sign that says we have lost our saltiness and are good for nothing (Matthew 5:13). Instability and inconsistencies invalidate our commitment to God’s kingdom. The disobedience of Lot’s wife is an example of what happens when we disobey God to chase after what God detests. Once we have decided to journey with God, we must not turn our back even when our past keeps calling out. We must remember Lot’s wife more often in our day as the world’s grip on people seem firmer by the day. Don’t go back to the world you left, keep going towards God everyday.

Prayer_Bead: Faithful God, thank you for your faithfulness and grace. As I remember Lot’s wife, please help me not to act like her, in Jesus name.

Wisdom_Quote: Change and transition happen when we let go of the past.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Athletes of Glory

[The Glory Unveiled]

Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. [ 1 Corinthians 9:25 NIV ]

Our Christian walk is likened to a race in which prizes are awarded. But like every other race, the prize is given only after complying to all the rules and coming out in first place. There are standards and expectations that the athlete must meet to be recognized as victorious. But to even obey those standards, the athlete must be disciplined—put themselves under subjection to a higher authority. Discipline means being discipled (submitted to, trained) by an authority stronger or more experienced than we are. And this is why every athlete has a mentor, a goal; someone or something they look up to, that empowers them to keep moving forward. The mentor or motivation could be a person or an idea. And for many people, the trophy or prize is their motivation. They tailor their everyday activities and dreams to these goals. Those who compete in races discipline themselves so that they could win trophies that do not last yet they put so much effort into such competitions. If we are racing for a trophy that will last forever, shouldn’t we put in more work? The desires of the body must come in second place to the desires of the Spirit. The body will only obey the voice and agenda of the Spirit when it is put under subjection to God; the body will obey the teachings of Christ and follow His examples when it is intentionally subjected to the word of God. Athletes are intentional about their diet and exercise accordingly. The believer in Christ must be intentional about their spiritual diet and exercise accordingly too, if they aim for the crown that lasts forever.

Prayer_Bead: Gracious Father, thank you for the opportunity to discipline my body and subject it to your word. Let my life glorify your name.

Wisdom_Quote: Discipline directs an athlete towards the trophy by giving them goals.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The right of salvation

[The Glory Unveiled]

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God —[ John 1:12 NIV ]

The world is filled with visible and invisible things, mysteries and facts, free things and things that have price tags on them. God made provision for everything there is need for. But only few people get access to the provisions that are freely made. This truth is exemplified in the parable of the wedding banquet recorded in Matthew 22. The king had prepared a banquet and invited everyone to come and celebrate with him. Food and drinks were available, to be eaten for free. And yet, nobody was forced to come and eat. You would agree that there were many hungry people in that town who didn’t take advantage of the opportunity. The invitation was given to anyone who would accept it. And as many as accepted it, were given the opportunity to enjoy the provisions of the king. The same thing applies to the provisions made for our salvation and inclusion into the family of God. The right of salvation is given to anyone who will believe in Jesus and receive Him as their Saviour. Grace has made provision for the need of the human soul through the sacrificial work of Jesus on the cross. God took care of our problems before the foundation of the earth so that we will not become eternal enemies of God. He made a way for us to discontinue with the path of unrighteousness and sin through the bloodline of His Son. So that by faith, we can have what we could not have paid for—the price tag of our salvation was the son of God. We could not have met that standard, hence we couldn’t have paid the price by ourselves. The mercy of God came to our rescue, towing us into the family of God by our faith in the son. But, unless we take advantage of the provision that is made for us, our needs will remain.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for the provision of grace and thank you for the gift of salvation through your Son.

Wisdom_Quote: The provision of grace is available to all who will accept it.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

They are humans too

[The Glory Unveiled]

Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. [ James 5:17 NIV ]

It is often forgotten that all the men of God we admire and revere are human beings too, with human frailties just like us. Unfortunately, many people think that the man of God or a minister is not human and should not display any human attributes or tendencies. Many people have this unreasonable expectation of the minister and do not expect them to exhibit any human weaknesses. This expectation has forced many ministers into the “ministry” of pretense. So many ministers pretend to be who they are not to please the people they are leading. “Elijah was an ordinary human but he prayed and received supernatural answers. He actually shut the heavens over the land so there would be no rain for three and a half years!” Elijah, who shut the heavens so that it won’t rain for three and half years, was referred to as a human being like us. This means that the minister’s anointing, grace or calling doesn’t make them non humans. They are still humans, regardless of their anointing. And as much as we respect and honour the anointing upon their head, let us not ignore the fact that they are humans. This recognition and appreciation of the humanity of the men and ministers of God helps not to have unrealistic expectations of the ministers. To the child of God or the minister, don’t be deceived by your gifts and callings to think that you are more than human or above humans. Don’t think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of us. (Romans 12:3).

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for reminding me that I am human. Help me to remain humble everyday of my life.

Wisdom_Quote: Anointing does not take away human frailties.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

*#GNews:* _Unveiling the glory of God._