What are you spreading?

[The Glory Unveiled]

Instead he went out and began to talk freely, spreading the news. As a result, Jesus could no longer enter a town openly but stayed outside in lonely places. Yet the people still came to him from everywhere. ( Mark 1:45 NIV )

God instructed Adam to eat from every tree in the Garden of Eden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. When Adam and his wife, Eve, disobeyed God, it did not only directly affect them but also the entire human race and God Himself. The human race suffered from their disobedience because the punishment for breaking that instruction came upon every human being after them. It also affected God because, having created us in His image and likeness, He was responsible for us. He had to address our problem to redeem His image. So, God did what He needn’t have done—being slain for our sake. In our anchor scripture, we read about a young man healed by Jesus of leprosy. Jesus explicitly told him not to tell anyone about it. However, as soon as he left Jesus’ presence, he went about spreading what he was asked not to spread, directly disregarding Jesus’ instruction. The consequence of his action was that Jesus could no longer openly enter any city where He was known. Disobedience always carries serious consequences. Because of one man’s disobedience, Jesus couldn’t go out publicly to heal other sick people. His actions hindered others from benefitting from the power of God. Just as by one man—Adam’s disobedience—sin entered the world (Romans 5:19), don’t allow your personal and private disobedience to become a burden on the necks of many innocent people. Achan’s private sin became a public punishment for the nation of Israel (see Joshua 7). Walk in total obedience, for both your sake and the sake of those around you.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for the grace to walk in obedience to your word. Forgive me for all my previous disobedience. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: Private sin has public consequences.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Love on Wheels

[The Glory Unveiled]

Give thanks to the Lord of lords: His love endures forever. (Psalms 136:3 NIV)

The love of God never remained where it was first set in motion; it continued to pursue us through valleys and mountains. Love is not static—it keeps moving toward its object. As we read our anchor scripture and the verses that follow, we see that God’s love was expressed in many ways and through many acts for the sake of His beloved nation, Israel. His love for them did not end, even when they strayed in disobedience. It was always chasing the object of His affection—His beloved nation. When mankind sinned, God came searching for us. When He saw that we needed covering, He didn’t drive us away in our nakedness; instead, He made garments from animal skins for us. His love was not constrained by anything—He continued to love us regardless of what seemed to stand in the way. God’s love endures forever. It is constant and unwavering, whether we feel it or not. He faithfully loves us, whether we are aware of it or not. Even before we were born again, God loved us, though we didn’t realize it. Yet, that didn’t stop Him from loving us or diminish His love in any way. He loved us so that we, in turn, might love others with the same love He has shown us. Love is a living thing—it grows. Nurture it and let it become a life-giving tool, offering reassurance to the brokenhearted and the weak, so that praise will rise from their lips to the Father as a result.

Prayer_Bead: Lord, thank you for your love so sweet. Help me to love those around me as you love me and show them kindness as you’ve been kind to me.

Wisdom_Quote: God’s love endures through our weaknesses and failures.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Faith Through The Roof

[The Glory Unveiled]

When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven. ( Mark 2:5 NIV )

Four men came to Jesus, carrying their paralyzed friend on a mat, hoping Jesus would touch and heal him. However, they couldn’t reach Jesus because of the crowd. Undeterred, they tore the roof off the building and lowered their friend down, determined to bring him before Jesus. These four friends went the extra mile to ensure their paralyzed friend could meet Him. When obstacles arose, they didn’t give up but found another way to make it happen. They had a clear goal in mind: to reach Jesus. With that goal, they took the necessary steps to bring their friend to Him. Because they were resolved to meet Jesus, when people stood in their way, they literally rose above the crowd. Their attitude toward their friend’s healing demonstrates the lengths we need to go to obtain answers at all costs. When Jesus saw the effort and sacrifices they made to bring their friend to Him, He commended their faith. But one might ask: where was the faith? On the surface, it seemed like just four determined people bringing their friend to Jesus. However, this shows that without action, faith is meaningless because faith is expressed through action. As James says, “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:20, 26). Activate your faith with resolute action. Can someone look at your actions and say you deserve what you are praying for? If not, then you haven’t yet earned what you are pursuing.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for showing me that faith without works is dead. I animate my faith by intentional actions.

Wisdom_Quote: Action is the voice of faith.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Find Jesus

[The Glory Unveiled]

For those who find me [wisdom] find life
and receive favour from the LORD. [ Proverbs 8:35 NIV ]

The Lord Jesus in this verse is personified as Wisdom. In verse 22, the scripture says, “The LORD brought me [Wisdom] forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old.” Similarly, in John 1:1, He is referred to as the Word—the same person described as the first of God’s works. We are presented with a vivid picture of Jesus as the giver of life and favour. However, a keen observation reveals that favour is preceded by wisdom. The Lord grants favour to those who have received wisdom. This is why the Bible describes Jesus’ growth as increasing in wisdom and favoyr with God and men (Luke 2:52). Notice that the scripture does not say Jesus increased in favor with God and men and then increased in wisdom. Instead, He first increased in wisdom, and then favor followed. This sequence is deliberate: wisdom comes first, followed by favour. However, wisdom does not come automatically; it must be sought, which implies a deliberate search or an intentional effort to find it. For this reason, even though wisdom is available to all, not everyone perceives it. Since many people cannot recognize wisdom, few truly experience life and favour, which are its offspring. In our pursuit of material and temporary things in this world, we must prioritize finding wisdom. And Jesus is the Spirit of wisdom. So, find Jesus, encounter His person, and walk in His word. The result of that encounter will be wisdom, life, and favour.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for your wisdom at work in me, producing life and favour.

Wisdom_Quote: Favour stems from wisdom.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Careful who

[The Glory Unveiled]

Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. ( Matthew 7:6 NIV)

The value of a thing is its worth in the eyes of its owner. The value of humanity is our worth before our Creator. God created us in His own image and likeness—that is what we are worth to Him. He values us as Himself. We can also discern our worth to God by how He treats and handles us. The way people handle their possessions speaks volumes about the value they place on them. God has demonstrated His unconditional love for us from the beginning. Even when we sinned, He didn’t give up on us; He still loved us. Our anchor scripture says we should not give dogs what is sacred or throw our pearls to pigs. It warns that if you do, they will trample them underfoot and turn to harm you. Figuratively speaking, a dog can symbolize an immoral person, while a pig represents an unholy person. This implies that we are not to give what is sacred or precious to those who cannot appreciate its value. They cannot relate to it as we do. They do not belong to the same realm, and therefore, they cannot truly connect with us. In other words, do not sacrifice your righteousness on the altar of sexual immorality and ungodliness. Be cautious about who you align yourself with and to whom you entrust your precious things—your visions and ideas. Only someone from your spiritual tribe can understand and value the pearls you share with them. Be mindful of who you cast your pearls to. Do they see value in what you value?

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for showing me my kind and tribe. Help me to associate with godly people. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: A pig cannot see any value in pearls.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The blessing

[The Glory Unveiled]

The LORD bless you and keep you; ( Numbers 6:24 NIV )

We could discuss the multifaceted nature of God—His vastness, omnipotence, and omnipresence. Yet, there is something we cannot overlook: the blessings of the Lord. Throughout Genesis, the words “bless” or “blessing” appear repeatedly. From the very first chapter, which marks the beginning of all things, God blessed the things He had created. In Genesis 1:28, He blessed humanity, commanding them to be fruitful and multiply. This blessing has underpinned every human endeavor since. The blessing of God is the glue meant to hold all of humanity together. This is why, after God destroyed the world during the days of Noah, He blessed humanity once again to restore order (see Genesis 9:1). To bless means to empower for abundant living in every sphere of life. Without God’s empowerment, we can accomplish nothing. During the time of the Old Testament, God’s help came through the law of Moses. In the New Testament, we see God’s help revealed as grace, enabling us to live out His purposes for our lives. God’s blessing creates the opportunity for the realization of His plans for us. As we strive to walk with Him, it is His blessing that makes the journey easier because our own strength will inevitably fail. May the blessings of God—which encompass His grace, love, and fellowship—be with us always, particularly throughout this year.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for your blessings and what they’re doing in my life.

Wisdom_Quote: The blessing of God adds no sorrow.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Press on

[The Glory Unveiled]

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. ( Philippians 3:12 NIV )

The difference between the living and the dead is activity. The living are constantly engaged in some form of activity. Even when they are sleeping, their body parts and organs perform essential life functions. The dead, on the other hand, do nothing. The apostle Paul said he had not yet achieved his goal, but he pressed on to take hold of that for which Christ took hold of him. Every calling has its markings, and our success is tied to pressing on toward the mark of the call. At the time Paul made this statement, he was not a lazy or idle person. He had already achieved significant things and could have rested on the laurels of his past successes. The glory of his past accomplishments might have lasted him for a while. However, if he had done so, he would have “died” in a figurative sense. His relevance and purpose would have been lost in his own time. We cease to truly live when we stop striving and fail to press on to the next item on our agenda. Life is a continuous march forward toward a set goal. The apostle Paul never claimed he had achieved enough to stop pressing on. Despite all he had already accomplished, he continued to move forward with determination. We must also recognize that there is a force that drives us forward toward achieving our goals. For Paul, this force—this magnet—was the reason Christ took hold of him. The value we place on what lies ahead of us has the power to draw us toward it. If the target we set before us is truly important, we will make every necessary effort to strive toward it. Remember,  the world recognizes only the living—those striving to leave a mark. Be one of those.

Prayer_Bead: Lord, thank you for the vision you have placed in my heart to pursue. Help me not to relent. In Jesus name.

Wisdom_Quote: Press on towards the mark of your calling.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

One thing

[The Glory Unveiled]

Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” ( Mark 10:21 NIV)

There’s power in one. It’s amazing how great things often begin with a single individual or a single course of action. The Lord Jesus encountered a young man who expressed a desire to inherit eternal life. Jesus outlined the commandments the man needed to follow, and he confidently replied that he had been observing them since his youth. Yet, he was still unqualified to inherit the kingdom of God because he lacked one essential thing. For this young man, it was just one thing standing in the way of his eternal life. In Luke 10, when Jesus visited Martha and Mary, Martha was preoccupied with many tasks—household chores. However, in verse 42, Jesus told Martha that only one thing was necessary, and Mary had discovered it. Mary’s life stood out because she focused on the one thing that truly mattered, while Martha was distracted by many things. It wasn’t about doing numerous things; it was about identifying and prioritizing the one thing of greatest importance. For each of us, there is one thing that significantly impacts the quality and sustenance of our lives. Some of us are missing that one thing; many of us haven’t even identified what it is. As a result, we often find ourselves busy with everything, yet our lives lack clear direction. Have you noticed that you might be preoccupied with too many things? Take the time to discover the one thing that is crucial for your life and focus on it. As the saying goes, “A jack of all trades is a master of none.” Concentrate your gifts and attention on the one thing that truly matters to you.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the privilege to pursue the one thing that matters to my life and livelihood.

Wisdom_Quote: Change starts with one.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

A walk through fire

[The Glory Unveiled]

Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. ( Acts 28:3 NIV )

Fire is not entirely a bad master, even though it has earned that name through many people’s experiences with it. As a result, whenever we see fire, we are so eager to quench it that we have institutions set up to deal with it. However, fire in its nature is not all that bad. Fire has other wonderful purposes that only fire can fulfill. In the text above, the apostle Paul and other travelers reached a point in their journey where they had to make a fire to warm themselves. Nothing happened when Paul picked up his pile of wood, but as soon as he placed it on the fire, a snake came out because of the heat. The heat of the fire exposed what had been hiding all along. In the same way, God sometimes allows fires into our lives to purify us and reveal things we don’t even know exist. Some of us harbor habits and attitudes that are unwelcome, but we may never discover them until fire is introduced into our lives. The discomfort that fire brings will drive out everything that is not meant to remain in us. For some of us, the fires might be started by people closest to us. At other times, situations and circumstances beyond our control ignite these fires. Our willingness or unwillingness to accept the lessons that these experiences bring is what defines us. The fires and heat in your life are permitted by God for a reason. The fires in our lives are there on assignment. When the same Paul complained of a thorn in his flesh, God, who could have taken it away, didn’t. Instead, He said His grace was sufficient for Paul and that His strength is made perfect in weakness. God didn’t remove the thorn because it was serving a purpose in Paul’s life. So, when we walk through fire, we must understand that God is taking us on an assignment. You will come out with a glorious testimony.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for your love for me. Thank you for the fire you allow into my life to refine me and prepare me for what you are about to do. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Many life assignments are discovered after taking the walk through fire.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The good we don’t see

[The Glory Unveiled ]

And Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.” [ John 1:46 NKJV ]

There is so much the ordinary eye cannot perceive. As humans, we do not see the end of things from the beginning—but God does. He sees the end from the beginning and from ancient times what is yet to come (Isaiah 46:10). This is why His counsel always stands. Humans, on the other hand, are limited and make decisions based on the incomplete information they have. As a result, we are often quick to judge people and situations because of our short-sightedness. But because God sees all things and knows all things, His judgments and decrees are perfect. When we feel overwhelmed by our struggles, we tend to give up. We shut every door of hope, thinking there is no help for us. Yet, if we leave the door of hope open, we would learn that the challenges we face often carry some good within them—even if we don’t immediately see it. There is a purpose for everything God permits in our lives. Some of those purposes may not align with our plans or feel good at the moment, but they undoubtedly have an intended purpose. Nathanael once thought that nothing good could come from Nazareth. Yet, in what seemed like insignificance and mess, God hid the Savior in Nazareth. In the crucibles of your struggles and hardships, God has hidden untapped resources—a blessing for many. Jesus endured the suffering of the cross because of the joy set before Him. There is glory ahead of your suffering. Your struggles may become the ladder someone else needs to cross over into joy and peace. Someone’s burdens may be lifted because you endured and overcame in that area. There is good you cannot yet see in what you are going through. Stick with Jesus through it all until your only hope is in Him.

Prayer_Bead: Precious Jesus, thank you for the good you have hidden in my nothingness. Help me to see the good, so that I may have hope. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: There is good behind everything God permits.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.