The adhesive of love

[The Glory Unveiled]

And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. ( Colossians 3:14 )

Love is probably the most talked about subject in all genres of music, books and most art works. Even nature has its own narrative of love. And yes, love is a great virtue that should not be traded for anything else, because without love; genuine unconditional love, other virtues such as kindness, humility, patience, self control, lose their true essence and value. Love, in the verse of scripture is metaphorically used as a binding tape or substance. And just as glue or any adhesive tape keeps two or more things together, we need to bind all the virtues we have with love. Before this very verse, the apostle Peter mentions virtues that a believer should possess. But then we discover in our verse of reference that those virtues in isolation are not enough. The profile of love, recorded in 1 Corinthians 13 tells us from the various descriptions that true love is unconditional. If anyone claims to love, they should not be held back by anything or anyone. Their resolve is and should be hinged on nothing but Christ. The other virtues we crave and pray for get their value from love. Let love bind together the nature of God in us.

Prayer_Bead: Thank you Father for your Love and the grace to love as Christ does. Bind all my virtues together in the unity of love.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Power of prayer

[The Glory Unveiled]

When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and everything in them. ( Acts 4:24 )

The tremendous power made available to the praying man or woman cannot be ignored. But it seems that we are not exposed to the full artillery of prayer. Prayer is said to be the master key in the famous Sunday school hymn. And we cannot agree more because each time situations make us feel locked up or stucked, prayer always brought the rescue. Nothing unnatural and significant ever happened in the Bible without prayer being made to heaven first. Any and every time something happened on earth that God had something to do with, men had to pray first. Like the Lord Jesus, anyone who meant business with God should not and cannot be separated from prayer. Prayer must become part of their very human fabric. We are born with the inherent nature to connect to the supernatural. Scattered in the verses of the Bible are records of God communing or wanting to commune with man. And the medium of interaction is prayer. Jesus, while on earth prayed constantly because He had to communicate with the Father; setting an example for us to follow. In the verse above, the church was hindered by the Sadducees and so the Believers had to communicate to the headquarters in Heaven for deliverance.

Prayer_Bead: Thank you Father for lending Your ears to our prayers. We ask that you protect the Church from unreasonable men.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Submission to God’s plan

[The Glory Unveiled]

Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life. ( Genesis 45:5)

This single verse of Scripture exposes so much about Joseph. One of which is his mental attitude. Joseph has a kind of mental attitude that allows for God to use him and do through him what He did. The statement was made by Joseph after his brothers came to know that the brother they had sold some years earlier was the very person they were standing before. And not just that, he had saved them from starvation. His siblings didn’t have the understanding he had. So they felt they had done a great evil against their brother but Joseph thought that it was God who had sent him [through slavery] ahead of his brothers to secure for them what they would need. Joseph’s conviction on the matter was deepened by the fact that he had seen in his boyhood, a vision of what God would do in his life. Beloved, whatever God told us in the most ridiculous places or circumstances, let us hold unto it with our very last breath because God is not a man to lie. He will honour his promises and confirm His words to us. So that after we have known the will of God for us, we need to develop the conviction that everything, including the bad, the ugly and the meaningless things will work for our good. Everything was staged to bring Joseph to where he finally was. Likewise, with a firm resolve to hold unto God’s word, we will be brought to our place of rest.

Prayer_Bead: God of infallible words, thank you for your promises to me. Strengthen my resolve to trust your plans for me.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Forgiveness of love

[The Glory Unveiled]

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. ( Colossians 3:13)

The question to ask with respect to this verse of scripture is, how did Christ forgive me? Jesus forgave us all our past, present and future sins, by taking them upon Himself and nailing them to the cross. This He did without our persuasion or effort or input of any sort. Jesus did not even forgive us with the guarantee that we would not do wrong again. He did what He did out of love. Forgiveness cannot be extended to anyone without love. Love is the only platform that gives us the opportunity to truly forgive anyone because love keeps no record of wrong. Matthew 6:15 says if we do not forgive others, our heavenly Father would not forgive us. Often, we pray that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So if we fail to forgive other people for their wrongs, we are actually giving God permission not to forgive us as well. God permits in our lives what we allow in the lives of our neighbours and friends. So the golden rule says we should do to others what we want done to us. If we really want to be forgiven of God for our sins, we should first forgive those who sin against us. Now, some people say they will not be the first to extend the arm of love in a hate relationship but if we are truly co-heirs with Christ Jesus, then we must do as He did. While we were still sinners, He died for us and took away our sins. Forgive people even before they ask for forgiveness and let the forgiveness surge from the heart of your love which is established on the truth of God’s word.

Prayer_Bead: Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name. Forgive us our trespasses as you give us the grace to forgive others genuinely.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Honour your mother

[The Glory Unveiled ]

“Honour your father and mother”–which is the first commandment with a promise– ( Ephesians 6:2 )

The attitude of honouring people must be intentionally cultivated especially in a culture where credit is not given for good deeds. We can fast track this by recognizing and acknowledging the importance and contributions of other people in our lives. Honour must be given to whom it is due. Today marks a special day set aside to honour our mothers and it is only wise that we intentionally recognise our mothers for their sacrifices and long suffering at least once in three hundred and sixty five days. Many of us may not have our biological mothers with us but we could still identify and honour one or two women who continue to carry us in the womb of their affection and love. One may ask what about the mothers who never, even ever thought of their children, mothers who abandon their children? The scripture above is clear without mincing words, “honour your father and mother…” It didn’t say honour them only if they are good to you. So, we honour them nonetheless. Once they are our mothers [as a result of ushering us into the world] we must honour them. Our spiritual mothers should not be left out on a day like today. Call a mother today, say something uplifting to them; Honour a mother today.

Prayer_Bead: Thank you Lord for our mothers. We pray for long life and good health for them. We ask for more grace and favour. Bless the children of their womb and any child under their care, including spiritual children.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.