Choose Joy

17 Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls,18 yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior.( Habakkuk 3:17-18 )

To many people including Believers, their joy is dependent on the events surrounding them. Many people feel and express joy only when something happens around them that appeals to their sense of joy. But this scripture says that though all the bad things that could affect the livelihood of the speaker may happen, he will still be joyous. This exposes what true joy is: it is not dependent on what is happening around us. No external power holds an exclusive rights to our joy. Another statement worth noting is “yet I will rejoice….”. This gives a notion of choice. As to many things, our joy or happiness is a choice we have to make. Nobody can force us to be happy when we don’t want to. That choice is left solely for us to make. In a time like this, the need to make that choice on a daily basis is very important. Choose happiness, choose joy.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

God's plan will not fail but will you?

The LORD Almighty has sworn, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand. ( Isaiah 14:24 )

The future of every human being is actually the past of God; God had been in that future long ago. Whatever God has purposed for us is certain and sure but getting to that purpose is dependent on us. We need to make the right decisions and choices in order to align with our predestined destiny. God doesn’t prepare blessings for us, He always prepare us for the blessings. Our purpose or destinations are always prepared and equipped to bless us but it takes a prepared version of us to reach that destination. So that all the good in the land of Canaan didn’t enter the land after the Israelites got in, the good had always been there. But it took a certain mental attitude to reach the good in the land. It is the same with our personal goals and dreams. Be intentional with regards to your purpose and dreams because God has finished your end from the beginning. Our inability to reach our destination is not a defect in God’s grace or program but disobedience on our path to God’s principles and will. Your future awaits you.

#GNews: Uncovering the glory of God.

The Love of God

After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life. ( Genesis 3:24 )

This is one of the greatest expressions of love man ever had. After man sinned by disobeying God, they became corrupt but they were not having eternal life yet, thanks to God. Imagine, if God had allowed them to the tree of life after they corrupted themselves, we would eternally be condemned like the devil without the possibility of redemption. We would have had to live forever in that condemned state. But because God so loved us regardless, He prevented us from living forever in a state of hopeless helplessness. God’s love prevented us from worsening our situation. A blessing given too soon may seem like a curse. A knife given to a baby is not a blessing but the same knife given to an adult is a blessing that can help peel, cut and slice things. God’s love may seem like hatred or injustice only when we don’t see the big picture or when we want something too soon but denied. Ultimately, God’s love is unconditional and we need to be reminded of that always.

#GNews: Uncovering the glory of God.


But those who wait for the LORD, Will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings like eagles; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired. ( Isaiah 40:31 )

When we choose God, we discover that He chose us first and our decision is an opportunity to actually realize and live out who we truly are. When we invest our hopes and expectations in God, He makes tremendous power available to us to soar like the Eagle to places other birds [people] dare not tread. He causes ordinary acts to yield extraordinary results. We may for instance do what everyone else does but our result will be astonishing to onlookers. Our lifestyle becomes forward and upward at all times even in the middle of a crisis. *When we rely solely on God as if  we do not have a life without Him because that is actually true, we create a niche for ourselves, where we dominate and reveal the nature of God’s glory*. When the economy around us says there’s a casting down, we say there’s a lifting up. And whatever goes on around us doesn’t affect us. We tend to be living in a different zone; the God zone. Where we have the confidence of God—A friend of mine calls it “Godfidence”—that all things are possible.

#GNews: Uncovering the glory of God.

The Supernatural dealings of God

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. ( 2 Chronicles 16:9a )

The Lord looks through the whole earth at all times because He is Omniscient and Omnipresent. He is at all places at all times. But even though that is true, the scripture says He  shows Himself strong (favours, graces, helps, attends to, support, deliver, manifest His glory) only to those who are committed to Him. It is like the relationship between God and the Israelites, and God and Moses. The Israelites were not devoted to God at heart, they were only in for the miracles and blessings without real commitments. But Moses was in a real committed relationship with God so that God could do the things Moses desired but not what the Israelites grumbled for. God was God over both Moses and the Israelites but the outcome of their relationships were different because of commitment and loyalty. God is not partial but He is principled and faithful to His words. If we want to experience real fellowship with God, our hearts must be in tune to the ways of God. We must consciously let out our hearts to God.

#GNews: Uncovering the glory of God.