Chained views of God

[The Glory Unveiled]

Then the man who had received one bag of gold came. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. [ Matthew 25:24 NIV ]

The world is full of many people who think they’ve got God figured out, from Atheists to Christians. Unfortunately, we tend to define God by our individual experiences of God. But He is not defined by or confined to what we think of Him. Such experience based definition of God has made us respond to Him in ways that rob us of His true identity and goodness. This skewed attitude has deceived some people into being certain that God cannot help them, and so lean towards every other thing but God for the solution only God can give. They try out every other option available to them except God, even when they are stranded. May you not join that group of people. Instead of ruling God out because of our prejudices, let us trust His word for every promise because He is faithful. The problem with those who think they are right and God is wrong is that, they expect God to act a certain way and if He does not, then they feel and conclude He does not deserve their trust. Whereas, as humans, we can only see a tiny fragment of the whole plan. And many times, we see through a faulty lens coloured by our hatred and bitterness. The man who had received one bag of gold from our scripture text, said that his master was a hard man, who harvested where he did not sow. This ungrateful man, felt his action [hiding the master’s gold, instead of investing it] was justified because of his perception of the master. But when the time of accountability came, his excuses were not admitted. The same thing will play out for us soon. We cannot excuse ourselves from the reality of God’s justice and impartiality because we think God is not fair, or because we think He doesn’t exist (to those who may think so). We cannot change God with our skewed views of Him, which have become like chains around our necks. We must humble ourselves to be changed instead by submitting to His word and His ways.

Prayer_Bead: Almighty God, we thank You because there is none like you. Please change us to conform to your ways.

Wisdom_Quote: God is not changed by our chains.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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