Chameleon Christian.

[The Glory Unveiled]

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. [ Matthew 5:16 NIV ]

In verse 14 of our anchor text, the Lord Jesus calls us “the light of the world.” This helps us better understand the people referred to as “others” in our focal text, verse 16. The “others” mentioned are the people of the “world,” the place of darkness under Satan’s influence. This is why Jesus said we should let our light shine, so those under the influence of darkness can see it. Obviously, light is needed wherever there is darkness. Where there is no darkness, people have no need of light. Unfortunately, in our day, many believers who carry the light only let it shine in the gathering of other believers (fellow light-bearers) where light is not “needed.” But if our light only shines in the gatherings of believers and not among unbelievers, then we are hypocrites and pretenders. Our light is needed more in the world (among people) than in the gathering of believers where light already dwells.
Daniel let his light shine before the pagan worshippers and the king of Babylon, who were in darkness. After they saw the light of God, they glorified the God of Daniel. Daniel did not try to impress his fellow Hebrew friends. Instead, he lived in such a way that the pagans themselves began to declare that the God of Daniel was the true God. Some people’s light is turning to darkness because they have a habit of changing. Rather than changing and pretending from one group of people to another like a chameleon, our light must shine consistently. Wherever we find ourselves, we must let our light remain light. Beloved, we have been called to a consistent life of light. Let’s reveal the nature of Christ in us to the world.

Prayer_Bead: Lord, Jesus, Light of the world, thank you for sending us into this world to be it’s light. Help us to not relent or compromise. In Jesus name.

Wisdom_Quote: Consistency in our walk with God increases our reachability and influence in the world.

GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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