[The Glory Unveiled]
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, [ Colossians 2:6 NIV ]
Consistency is the hallmark of champions. Nobody is celebrated for starting something but failing to finish it. Likewise, no one is called an expert unless they are known for practicing and achieving results in the area attributed to them. Many people think they are believers simply because they once believed. However, it is not enough to acknowledge Jesus as your Lord and Savior on paper. Is He also your Shepherd? Are you walking with Him daily? The reality is that we enter into union with Jesus when we diligently continue in our walk with Him. No one accepts Christ and instantly comes into complete union (oneness) with Him. It requires journeying with Him to understand His heart and align with His will. Moses, the prophet of God, was an Israelite like any other ordinary Israelite. He studied the basic doctrines as they all did. However, he was set apart when he began walking with God. As he deliberately journeyed with God into the deep secrets of His will, Moses came to know more than anyone else. This did not happen merely because he chose to accept God as his Savior and then became passive. He made a conscious effort to walk with God. This effort is reflected in our actions and words—the choices we make that draw others away from sin. As we are drawn deeper into union with Christ, we reach a point where it becomes difficult to distinguish between Christ and ourselves. This is when we and others can say we are in union with Christ.
Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the grace to continue walking with you diligently until I’m lost in You.
Wisdom_Quote: Consistency is the trademark of championsÂ
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.