Don’t withdraw, go deeper

[The Glory Unveiled]

Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. [ Luke 5:4 KJV ]

Peter had always been fishing at a particular spot in the lake and had always caught fish. He was so familiar with that part of the lake that he was sure he would always find fish at that spot. But then, the Lord Jesus’ instructions suggested that He knew where the fish were at all times, not because He had prior experience with their whereabouts. Many of us have built altars around certain experiences and encounters and have religiously stayed with them, not wanting to let go so that God could bring us into newer experiences. Peter, at the mountain of transfiguration, after he had seen Moses and Elijah, suggested they should build tents in their honor. He didn’t want a progressive experience; he wanted to freeze the moment and keep returning to it, just as he had been doing with his fishing. God’s intention is for us to grow into the stature of the image of Jesus (Ephesians 4:13). This becoming is the result of not camping on one mountain of experience but using previous encounters and experiences as the stage for newer ones. Peter and the other disciples had wanted to withdraw after toiling all night, but Jesus came with a new revelation: to go deeper into the depths of the lake. He was used to shallow waters, but the thing about shallow waters is that they soon run dry of fish. As believers, we must move from the elementary principles and teachings toward the deeper waters. Let’s not give up, regardless of the pressure mounted on us by the world. Let us launch deep into the heart of our walk with God. There we will be set up for a great draught. Make intentional efforts to know Christ better than you presently know Him.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for your interest in the affairs of my life. Help me to launch into deep waters with you. In Jesus name.

Wisdom_Quote: Your fishes have moved to the deeper depths of the lake launch deeper.

# GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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