Find Jesus

[The Glory Unveiled]

For those who find me [wisdom] find life
and receive favour from the LORD. [ Proverbs 8:35 NIV ]

The Lord Jesus in this verse is personified as Wisdom. In verse 22, the scripture says, “The LORD brought me [Wisdom] forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old.” Similarly, in John 1:1, He is referred to as the Word—the same person described as the first of God’s works. We are presented with a vivid picture of Jesus as the giver of life and favour. However, a keen observation reveals that favour is preceded by wisdom. The Lord grants favour to those who have received wisdom. This is why the Bible describes Jesus’ growth as increasing in wisdom and favoyr with God and men (Luke 2:52). Notice that the scripture does not say Jesus increased in favor with God and men and then increased in wisdom. Instead, He first increased in wisdom, and then favor followed. This sequence is deliberate: wisdom comes first, followed by favour. However, wisdom does not come automatically; it must be sought, which implies a deliberate search or an intentional effort to find it. For this reason, even though wisdom is available to all, not everyone perceives it. Since many people cannot recognize wisdom, few truly experience life and favour, which are its offspring. In our pursuit of material and temporary things in this world, we must prioritize finding wisdom. And Jesus is the Spirit of wisdom. So, find Jesus, encounter His person, and walk in His word. The result of that encounter will be wisdom, life, and favour.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for your wisdom at work in me, producing life and favour.

Wisdom_Quote: Favour stems from wisdom.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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