Fish and Bread.

[The Glory Unveiled]

When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread. [ John 21:9 NIV ]

After the death of Jesus, the disciples returned to their old ways. One day, Peter told the rest that he was going out to fish, and they followed him. They went out in search of fish, but they caught none. After toiling all night and feeling despair, the Lord Jesus, who had just overpowered death, came to their rescue. He directed them on how to catch the fish. Here again, he taught Peter a second time how to catch fish. The lesson is that you don’t catch fish because you are a fisherman or experienced in fishing; you catch fish with direction and discernment. Jesus wasn’t a fisherman, but he knew where the fish were in the water at a particular time. Meanwhile, a man who had been fishing all his life couldn’t tell. Fish are not attracted to nets; they are attracted to the directives of God. On the other hand, what the disciples had spent all night toiling for was already with Jesus. Not only that, but it had already been prepared and was ready for consumption. Many of our life struggles and toils are unnecessary. We struggle because we try to do life without Jesus, or because we feel certain things in our lives are exclusive to Jesus. Meanwhile, Jesus wants to help us in every area of our lives. Make Him Lord over everything in your life. When the disciples landed from the boat, bread and fish were already with Jesus, awaiting their return. Instead of going out to the tempestuous sea of life for answers, go to Jesus because He holds the answers waiting for your invitation. There is absolutely nothing impossible for God. All things were made by Him and for Him. Your fish and bread are ready in the presence of the master. Get out of your boat and go to Him.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for your care and provisions for me. Help me to trust you enough to depend on you solely for my livelihood. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: Your boat does not hold the answers you seek.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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