[The Glory Unveiled]
As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man. (Proverbs 27:19 KJV )
In the world of your mind, who are you? The mind is a realm of an alternate reality that shapes our physical reality. It serves as the backend of the coding of our lives, while the frontend is how we live and interact in the world. What happens behind the scenes in our hearts drives what happens on the frontend—the stage of our lives. Therefore, we cannot change what happens on the stage without first adjusting the settings that create those outcomes. Often, we focus on addressing people’s actions, attempting to change their behaviour, rather than addressing the root cause—the underlying factors that drive their actions. In reality, people are merely expressing who they are in the world of their minds. Unless they redefine their identity within their mental world, they cannot transform who they are in the physical world. This side of reality acts as a mirror, reflecting what exists on the other side. The scripture says that just as water reflects the face of the person staring into it, so a man’s heart reflects who he truly is. If you don’t like the face you see in the mirror, don’t get angry at the mirror or attempt to alter the reflection itself. The mirror only reveals what is placed before it. Instead, deal with what stands before the mirror. Similarly, if you don’t like who you or someone else is, focus on changing the posture of the heart, and the external reality will follow suit. A person moves in the direction their heart leads. Guide your heart, and your life will be guided accordingly.
Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for the world of my heart. Help me to submit to you in all things. Amen.
Wisdom_Quote: A man is not different from the identity they have in their hearts.
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.