It’s our choice

[The Glory Unveiled]

I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; ( Deuteronomy 30:19 )

Everyday of our lives, we are confronted with the privilege or challenge of making choices. Depending on how we see and understand choices, we respond accordingly. Under normal circumstances, whenever options are given, choices are intended to be made without any external influence or guide. But here in this verse of Scripture, we see something rather unusual. God presents options to His people through the lips of His prophet, Moses but then in addition to the options presented, God tells His people what to choose. This is a big sign of love. It is just like setting an exams for a group of pupils and then showing them the best option to pick. God loves us so much that He would show us what to choose but because of His sovereignty, He will not take away the consequences of what He has set in place. And because the consequence of making the wrong choice is dire, He entreats us to choose the best option so that our descendants together with us may live. After we have known the desire of God for us and still make the wrong choice, we wouldn’t have God to blame but ourselves. The choice is ours to make. Life and death, blessings and curses are on display in the shelf of time, choose life and blessings because that is what God wants for us.

Prayer_Bead: Faithful God, Loving King, thank you for your unconditional love for me. I choose life today. I refuse to allow death and all its consequences into my life. My descendants and I are preserved by the word of God’s mouth.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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