Jesus, our every help

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.” ( John 5:7 )

The question which prompted this response—in the preceeding verse—is not in any way suggestive of a helper. Jesus had just asked an invalid whether he wanted to get well? [Our focal verse was his response]. He said he had no one to help him. In this life, everything is dependent on something or someone. In 1 Corinthians 11:11, the apostle Paul says that man is not independent of woman nor is woman independent of man. They all need one another. The invalid at the pool in our devotional text, like any one of us was also not independent of other people, he needed help which unfortunately didn’t come for him for thirty eight years. You see, even though the solution to his problem was just close by, he couldn’t reach it because he needed help to reach the solution. It was not good for Adam to be alone, God said, “I will make a help mate suitable for him”. If the first Adam (man) needed someone to help him, [Eve] and the second Adam, our Lord Jesus was helped with the cross to golgotha, then we all need help. Even though the water of favour may be stirred, we need help to engage it. The stirring symbolizes the moment or opportunity for divine intervention. But when that moment comes, sometimes we still need help. For the invalid, Jesus showed up and that day was the end of his predicament. May Jesus show up for us in every crisis.

Prayer_Bead: Jehovah Jireh, the LORD my provider. Send help to me on every side.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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