Mental attitude.

[The Glory Unveiled]

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, ( Romans 15:5 )

Actions are not self driven. Whatever actions are taken by a person is almost always as a result of their attitude of mind. The man goes where their mind goes. The mind drives our actions. We do only those things that our minds have permitted us to do. The Lord Jesus was not identified by the many things He did while on earth. Even though Jesus did so many miracles and manifested the power of God to a degree that no one in His time was able to match. But the Bible didn’t identify Him with all those things. Instead, He was identified with the attitude of his mind. So the Bible says that we should let this mindset be in us which was also in Christ Jesus (Philippians 2:5). What is that mindset? It is the attitude that made Christ endure the suffering of a bondservant even though He was God, He humbled Himself in utter obedience to God to live as man. And through His obedience and humility, He has made a way for us to the Father. And now, we are asked to follow the example of Christ by cultivating His mental attitude because He did all that we know and more because of the attitude of His mind. May the attitude of love fill our hearts so that we can express the life of Christ.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for showing me the mind of Christ. Through the encouragement of your word and endurance, help me to cultivate that mental attitude of Christ to the praise of your name.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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