Our entry point

[The Glory Unveiled]

Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. [ 2 Peter 1:4 NIV ]

Our participation in the divine nature hinges on promises. These promises are given through our knowledge of the Son of God—they are in Christ, revealed to us through our intimacy with Him. Hence, our knowledge of the Lord is the bait with which we draw the divine nature. All the blessings and opportunities in God are locked up in our knowledge of Jesus, tied to His promises. The divine nature is so close but only accessible to those who have the promises. Abraham lived such a supernatural life; the divine nature was at work in him because his life was a portrait of the promises of God. His life detailed the purposes of God through the promises made to him and the role he played in it. He was a man who lived by covenants and promises. His entire life revolved around the promises of God. So much so that, at every point, God had a word for him, unlike Lot. The difference between Abraham and Lot was clear. Abraham, as a result of the knowledge he had of God, escaped the corruption of his time caused by evil desires. But Lot, on the other hand, made a choice based on his desires. In the end, he found himself in the heart of ungodliness, tormenting the divine nature in him. The divine nature is a life we can participate in or a life we could wish for. It boils down to accessing knowledge. And whenever that knowledge is gained, the promises made to us translate into the life that God has for us. God is not partial; He is faithful to His every word. And anyone who applies them receives their due reward.

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the promises you have given me through Christ Jesus. I participate actively in them by my knowledge of Him. Amen.

Wisdom_Quote: The divine nature is hidden in Christ.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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