The way of escape

[The Glory Unveiled]

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. [ Matthew 26:41 KJV ]

Watching [being alert] goes hand in hand with praying. Either is insufficient to deal with temptations that aim at our humanity. Whenever temptation or tests come our way, we should not depend only on either prayer alone or watching alone. Dwelling on just either of these for help in times of temptation will only end in surprising disappointment. There are very prayerful believers who fall every time into the arms of temptations, sometimes immediately after prayers. Did you realize that Jesus was tempted immediately after His 40 days of fasting and prayers. His prayers didn’t stop the temptation, but what gave Him victory was both prayers and his ability to watch (discern). Watching is a spiritual skill of looking through the eyes of Scripture to judge or interpret our world and experiences. Watching without praying means that we can recognize/identify the temptation but still fall in it as the capacity to escape it is unavailable. Yet praying without watching is just like being blindfolded but having a very sharp machete. No matter how skillfully you brandish it, you will mostly miss the target. This is why they go together and Jesus being aware of this instructed the disciples who were with Him to watch and pray. This recipe is particularly because of the weaknesses of our humanity. Jesus said that the spirits of the disciples were willing but their flesh were weak. Hence, watching and praying helps our spirit to superimpose the flesh. And with temptations all around us, sensitivity through the word of God and prayer is a necessity.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for showing me the way out of temptation. Help me to always watch and pray.

Wisdom_Quote: Praying and watching go hand in hand for the way of escape to manifest.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

The seeker’s signpost

[The Glory Unveiled]

You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, [ John 5:39 NIV ]

There is a deception in our world that makes people think that because they have access to the Bible, they can get whatever they want out of it. And because of that, everyone seem to have their own opinions of what the Bible says based on what they may be looking for. The solution however, is not in the text but in whom the text speaks about. The scriptures are like a signpost that point to someone, Jesus. And so, if we want to have what the Scriptures promise but don’t want to see Jesus or meet Him, then we would be running a lost race. No matter the seriousness or diligence we involve in our search, it would yield no results. This is why people of other faith, can take the Bible and read it, analyze it, and yet, not see Jesus, who the scriptures point to. They read and argue out the scriptures but cannot see the only person in the text. Some of these people are convinced that they will find eternal life because they know a lot. But truth is, salvation is not in what you know but who you know; namely Christ Jesus. May we not be caught in the habit of always analyzing the scriptures but not following it’s directions thinking that eternal life comes from the texts themselves, when we should be pursuing a relationship with the person about whom the Scriptures testify—Jesus. If we can see the testimony of the scriptures and believe them, salvation will be guaranteed. The texts by themselves kill but the Spirit of the text, the testimony of it, gives life (2 Corinthians 3:6). So, instead of trying to impress our flesh by analyzing the texts to prove anything apart from the deity of Christ, we should rather humble ourselves to come to Jesus for life.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Jesus, thank you for the scriptures that point to you. Help me by your Spirit to see you alone every time I study the scriptures.

Wisdom_Quote: Scripture is the signpost that points us to Jesus.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

What’s your business about?

[The Glory Unveiled]

And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business? [ Luke 2:49 KJV ]

Almost everyone is busy with something these days. Many of us have become so busy about every other thing but the important things. Like Martha, who was busy with the unessentials when Jesus visited them. Many of us have become used to being so preoccupied with activities and we confuse being busy with being productive. In our anchor text, the Lord Jesus was taken to Jerusalem for the Passover festival at age twelve. At this event, Mary and Joseph lost him because they assumed he was somewhere among their entourage. They were busy with the festival while their Son was busy about the real business of the day; the father’s business. At that ceremony, it would seem that those who were busy with the Passover celebration were the most hardworking or most busy. But their busyness was towards the wrong thing for that season. Jesus was busy about the need on the Father’s heart in that season. And so, He was almost surprised when they were looking for Him. The question now is, what are you busy about? The world has preoccupied us with so many nothings. Jesus asks a question here expecting an answer? It’s a question about purpose recognition. We need to discern our purpose and the seasons allotted to its execution. And if we are able to do that, our busyness will be meaningful and productive in the face of God, even if the world does not see its relevance. Because our aim is to please our commanding Officer, the Lord Jesus Christ and not the world. Let’s get busy about the Father’s business.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for your precious word. Give me the urgency of purpose and help me to be busy about your business alone.

Wisdom_Quote: Real busyness is being busy about the Father’s business.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Feelings, desires and the Word

[The Glory Unveiled]

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. [ Genesis 3:6 NIV ]

When our feelings and desires take the lead from God’s word, sin begins. Our feelings and desires are not authorities over us, God’s word is. But when we allow our feelings to dictate what is right, then sin becomes our culture. When Moses left the Israelites in the wilderness for a brief moment to go and seek the face of God, they could not wait patiently for the word of God. And so, they gave room to their feelings and emotions to become authority. And then sin began to reign in their camp. They made idols for themselves and did every other thing God was not in support of. If Eve had trusted God’s word as the only authority in her life, she would not have invited sin and death into the human race. Reading our anchor text, we will notice that after Eve saw (recognized) that the fruit was pleasing to the eyes, she acted impulsively—she took some and ate. Whereas she should have gone back to the word of God as the basis and reference point of her existence and livelihood. The Israelites in the wilderness did same. They didn’t return to the manual, the reference point, which was God’s word for them. Instead, they acted impulsively on what they felt and desired. Our generation and the generations before us, were trapped and are still being trapped into this old algorithm of the flesh. But we can break the algorithm with the word of God. Whenever we see what God’s word says is not there, it’s a warning and a sign that our veil is broken; our spiritual lens is destroyed and we must return quickly to the word of Life. Desires and feelings are not bad in themselves as they were put in us by God. But when they draw us away from the word of God then they are being manipulated by the devil to mislead us, and we must quickly go for the word.

Prayer_Bead: Our eternal true Love, thank you for showing us that we should not allow our feelings to have authority over us when God’s word should rather be Lord. Help us to submit to your word everyday.

Wisdom_Quote: Sin begins where feelings and emotions become authority.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

A different war game

[The Glory Unveiled]

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. [ 2 Corinthians 10:3 NIV ]

The kind of weapons used in a battle defines the type of battle or fight it is. A fight is called a “knife-fight” because knives are used as weapons. Likewise, it will be referred to as a gun fight where guns are being used. But for the believer, even though we live in the world, we use weapons from another world, hence redefining the battle as well. Our weaponry is from above and the believer needs to recognize this fact. That although we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. So, if you’re facing a challenging situation but the solution seems not to be forthcoming, it maybe that you are using the wrong weapon that’s why the expected results are far. From the verse of the Bible above, we learnt that the believer is not excused from battles. Being a believer does not exempt us from war. But it gives us an advantage of victory before the war begins and saves us from unnecessary weariness. In reality, our victory is not ours, we glory in the victory of Jesus. This is why we do not wage war as the world does. The world does the fighting but we do the “victory claims,” Jesus did all the hard work for us. All we need to do is to remain in Him through our unwavering faith. The weapons of our warfare are indeed not carnal but they are mighty through God for pulling down strong holds (verse 4). And then by the power of Jesus’ name, we can glory in His victory and triumph through the weaponry of faith.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for showing me that, as a kingdom citizen, I do not wage war as the people in the world. I put my trust in Jesus and I glory in His victory.

Wisdom_Quote: The world does the fighting but we do the victory claims.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

What did God say?

[The Glory Unveiled]

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’? ” [ Genesis 3:1 NIV ]

The most dangerous thing that could happen to a believer is being ignorant of the word of God. The word of God creates the believer’s world. So ignorance of the word means a destruction of their world. No wonder the world of Adam and Eve was destroyed when they [Eve] could not defend her knowledge of the word. She misquoted God’s very word. And so, the new word, her own gospel, could not hold her world together. And they lost paradise in the process. The believer has only one business, being in the word of God, and only one constitution, the word of God. The word of God is the blueprint for the life we ought to live. We have been adopted into the family of God. And the only way we could know the family business is through the scriptures. The Lord Jesus, the first of many brethren is our pattern for imitation. God wants to reproduce heaven on earth through Jesus Christ—His word, and our transformation through the word is His means of colonization. The word of God is essential for our survival here on earth and here after. When the devil tempted Jesus, He went for one thing, the word. The temptation was an attack on his world, and so Jesus went straight for the word, our defense system. The Word of God as the way, truth and life was His only way out. Anytime, you hear, or feel “did God really say, mean, imply so and so……” your world is under an attack. Psalms 119:9, shows us the only way to stay free from the impurities of the world and the enemy; by staying in the word of God. Is your word life under threat? Get a new dose of the word. The word is the solution for our private world and the public world. So, let us study to show ourselves approved unto God.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Father, thank you for the assurance of your word. Help me to ever dwell in your word so that my world will not crush. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: The word of God is the believer’s world.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Suffering and Glory

[The Glory Unveiled]

“I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us.” [ Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭18 ‭TPT‬‬ ]

In life, we all take some form of risks, but the kind of risk a person is willing to take is usually influenced by what is important to the person. Also in life, everything has an alternative and a price tag to it. If you’re willing to pay the price, you’ll have what it offers. So, what price are you willing to pay without bargaining? Because the path each person takes even in the face of fierce challenges is influenced by their willingness or conviction. As believers, are we convinced about the scriptures? Are we willing to obey its truth? Because if we obey the scriptures and suffer for it, that suffering will be unveiled within us as glory, according to the word of God. So, for the believer, just as the athlete, there is suffering and glory. But suffering always precedes glory. There is no glory without suffering. This is why suffering can be the indices of a future glory. When we face suffering for the sake of Jesus, we should not be discouraged. It is a sign that sooner we will enjoy the due glory. The beauty is that, the glory does not match symmetrically with the sufferings; the glory far outweighs the suffering. The apostle Paul could endure all the sufferings he endured in his ministry for the sake of Jesus because of his conviction. He came to that point where he was fully persuaded that his sufferings will pay off in the currency of glory. Whatever you’re going through cannot be compared to the manner of glory it will bring. After all is said and done, what are your convictions? What drives your actions, what informs your decisions and beliefs?

Prayer_Bead: Father, we will praise you forever for your marvelous words and truth. Help us to suffer joyfully for your name sake.

Wisdom_Quote: Suffering for Christ is the indices of a future glory.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

What does the Scriptures say?

[The Glory Unveiled]

“Once again Jesus said to him, “The Scriptures say: You must never put the Lord your God to a test.” [ Matthew‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬ ‭TPT‬‬ ]

The scriptures have adequate solution for everything under the sun. But unless we know what is written and engage its provisions, life will just be ordinary. Many of the battles we fight in the natural life and in the spiritual realm are battles that would have been won if we had the right weapons. Families, marriages and institutions are breaking because we keep using the wrong weapons for the right battles. We try to change or “improve” upon our weapons and battle strategies because we feel we are in a new era, while the battles are still the same. When we study the accounts in Matthew and Luke chapter 4 carefully, we will discover that Jesus, who was God in flesh did not use his “own” words or opinions when he was on the battle field [tempted]. For all the missiles that the enemy threw at Him, He always used the scriptures. In fact, our verse for meditation begins, thus “once again, Jesus said to him, the Scriptures say”. He didn’t stop using the word of God. He kept using the word until the enemy fled. The victory is in the Word, not in our opinions or smartness. Unfortunately, for many of us, we do not have the word of God in us, so we are unable to use it in the face of challenges and battles. Imagine if Jesus had to go around looking for a scroll to find the right scriptures to quote to the devil. It would have been too late. Jesus was living in the word of God, and so must we. He could speak the word in season and out of season, victoriously. Likewise, if we become students of God’s word, we will live consistently in victory. Let’s make it a habit to study the scriptures and to commit them to heart.

Prayer_Bead: Lord Jesus, thank you for loving your life as an example for us to imitate. Help us by the power of your word to stay in line.

Wisdom_Quote: The Word of God is all you need to have all your needs met.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Where are you investing?

[The Glory Unveiled]

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. [ 1 Timothy 4:8 NIV ]

Physical training is good. But some people invest everything into physical training as if it would save them from all their troubles. There are those who have made physical fitness the sole purpose of their livelihood. They want to be in shape either for themselves or [mostly] others. Now we will be quick to admit that physical exercise is not a bad thing. It has its many benefits too. But the point is that, godliness [righteousness] has value for all things. So that we are given promises of both the present life and the life to come. Physical training can only meet the needs of our present life but not the needs of the life after this earthly one. If two different banks promise profit on your investment with them but one says they will pay you twice as much as the first bank is offering, with every other conditions the same. You will undoubtedly invest with the bank that promise twice the amount on investment. Now, spiritual exercise is promising us more than twice. Spiritual exercise has to do with commitment to and the practice of righteousness. It is the practice of imitating God, becoming His student and looking steadily into His word until we are changed into His image and our lives shining with the brilliance of God’s glory. And if spiritual exercise profits unto all things would we rather not give more of our attention and time to that? In our commitment to exercising spiritually, we become workmen who have no fear nor shame, rightly dividing the word of truth. May we passionately pursue spiritual training but not ignoring the physical.

Prayer_Bead: Dear Lord, thank you for showing us the benefits of spiritual exercise and why we need to invest more there. Help us to be committed to this discipline.

Wisdom_Quote: The purpose of every investment is profit.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

A God encounter

[The Glory Unveiled]

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD. [ Exodus 34:29 NIV ]

Nobody ever encountered God and remained the same. Everyman who had encountered the Lord took away a piece of God that made them different from who they were. Moses was with God in the mountain and then the Shekinah glory rubbed off on him. He began to radiate the glory [nature] of God. Whenever we come into contact with God, His nature and glory rubs on us. This was why a blind person meets Jesus and they turn to leave seeing, a lame man met him and he walked, the deaf saw him and they began to hear. Paul and Jacob met God and were changed into new men, in fact, Jacob became a nation. God gives us His presence so that we can represent Him. In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were in the presence of God, fellowshipping and absorbing His glory. And so, just by being in the presence of God they were becoming like God in expression. But the devil lied to them that they needed the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to express God (Genesis 3:5). While in fact, the solution was just a matter of communion—continuous fellowship with God. God visited them frequently, so that they could become so in-tuned with Him that they would reflect His majestic glory. When we stay in close proximity with God or His word, we become like the word or the attribute of God that rubs on us. Every encounter with God brings to bear a tangible expression of an attribute of God. Interestingly, sometimes we may not notice the change when we encounter the Lord, but its effect on our world cannot be ignored. In the end, the world will only see Jesus in and through us when we stay with God in His word. Nothing else will suffice; an instant remedy, namely the fruit didn’t work in the garden and it wouldn’t work outside the garden, today.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for your wonderful presence and glory. Let the world see the radiant beauty of Jesus.

Wisdom_Quote: Real change happens when we encounter God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.