Cross examine the world

[The Glory Unveiled]

In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right,
until someone comes forward and cross-examines. ( Proverbs 18:17 )

Wisdom speaks to us through the voice of today’s scripture. There are so many speakers today, and everyday we are challenged with so many words we have to carefully judge before we accept or reject them. The world and its system has created for itself so many speakers and storytellers. So that in our dealings in the world and with the world, there is the need to be circumspect. The systems of the world have been built on the experiences of the past and the standards of the world that seem right. That may actually be the case until they are cross-examined. But how can we cross-examine something if we do not know better. There is therefore then the need for a higher and better body of knowledge, one that is independent of this world’s and is not taught by this world. That body of knowledge is the knowledge of the Most High. The former can only be corrected by the later if the later is superior to the former. Praise be to God, the word of God is parent to everything in existence and outside it. Anytime the world brings its lawsuits [troubles, issues, accusations and challenges], we need to cross examine them with the word of God and ask ourselves whether they are in sync with the word of God before we open up to them. Anything outside the span of the word of God is eternally useless and destructive. The word is all we need to have all our needs met or changed.

Prayer_Bead: Holy Spirit, the Counselor and guide, thank you for your witness in my spirit and the ability to judge between your ways and will and those of the world.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Boundless love

[The Glory Unveiled]

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. ( 1 John 3:1 )

The love of God is revealed to us in many different forms and through many different situations. Sometimes the object or subject through which God reveals His love to us is too deep to comprehend. Other times, God uses simple acts and drama to expose this depthless love. This is why one singer calls it “reckless love”. The love of God must have been revealed to her in the paintings of reckless abandonment (attachment) to something. That is how strong the love of God is and stronger even it is. In this verse of scripture the love of God is revealed through our adoption into the family of God…GLORY! So that we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. We share in the DNA of God. We have the supernatural life of God. In us, just as in Christ dwells the mysteries of the Deity. So that the divine life is resident in us and can be expressed to suppress the mundane life of the flesh. Now, the world does not know this because it does not know Christ. Christ is the hidden, yet public archive of God; hidden from the civilization of the world but revealed in the recreated human spirit and expressed through the life of one who is a child of God. Glory!

Prayer_Bead: My Father, My Lover, thank you for your boundless love. Thank you for calling me into your family and inheritance.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

See to it

[The Glory Unveiled]

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ. ( Colossians 2:8 )

Today, the world seems to have too many teachers and guides. Religion has entered the hall of philosophy so that it is difficult to tell the difference between the two. Spirituality is estranged from the consciousness and association of many. Human traditions and customs birthed from many years of experience and interactions with the world systems has eaten into our human fiber. So deep that the gospel of Jesus sounds strange and alien to the heart of many. Our anchor scripture begins thus, “see to it” to mean that we should consciously guard our hearts from deviating into what we are cautioned against. The word of God helps us to safeguard our hearts against the captivity of human philosophy and deception. We need to study the word of God daily. To the believer, it’s a must, if we would look different from the world. Let us study to show ourselves approved.

Prayer_Bead: Lord of all hearts, spirit teacher, teach our hearts to know your truth and cling to it. Deliver us from the philosophy of men, incline our hearts to your truth and your ways.

#GNews: Unveiling hearts to Christ.

The new life is in Christ.

[The Glory Unveiled]

For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. ( Romans 7:18 )

The natural man is robbed of all the essence of God resident in Christ. The man without a recreated spirit; the man who is not born again cannot express the original life because they do not have it. This is why as much as a fallen man tries to do good or does good. Their efforts are not recognized because they do not have the basic coding in themselves to live out the life of God. The sinful nature overrule their God nature, so that the only life they can express is a life of enmity to God, at best. The natural man may have a desire to do what is good but they cannot carry it out. On the other hand, a man with a recreated spirit may find themselves in a similar quagmire if their soul is not acquainted with that new life. There is the need to familiarize one’s soul (mind, will and emotions) with the new found life through the study of the word of God. So that one has accepted Christ, they must continue to transform their minds with the word of God. The word of God which is the image of God is the Believer’s agency for transformation even though their spirits are transformed and saved. But for that transformation to be seen on the earth scene, there is the need for careful study and practice of the word.

Prayer_Bead: Thank you Jesus, thank you Father, thank you Holy Spirit for my recreated spirit. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share your life. Make me an agency for change in my world.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Don’t build on sand.

[The Glory Unveiled]

But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. ( Matthew 7:26 )

Building a house isn’t an easy task as it involves many processes and activities. For this reason, anyone who intends to build is sure their house is well built, having the right foundation that can withstand the pressures and external forces. In our anchor verse of scripture, Jesus explains to His listeners that it was good to listen to the word of God but that alone is not enough. We need to go further to practice what we heard. In fact, the evidence that we heard the word is when we practice it. So, telling everyone that we fellowship somewhere or we have heard a sermon is not as important to God as practicing it. The matter of being practitioners of the word is so important that Jesus compares a practitioner of the word to a wise builder and non practitioners to foolish men who build on the sand. If we indeed heard the word of God, it will show in our attitude, what we build. If we don’t practice it, then we will build on grounds that cannot hold the building. We must not only be hearers of the word but doers also.

Prayer_Bead: Gracious Lord, thank you for your sweet word of life, give me the grace and attitude to practice it. May I not only hear but also practice what I hear. In Jesus’ name.

#GNews: Unveiling hearts to Christ.

Faith and Patience

[The Glory Unveiled]

We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. ( Hebrews 6:12 )

God makes promises to men so that we could be lured to the secret place and the realm of God. The promises of God will not fail nor be cut short. God promised Abraham that He will make his children like the stars of the sky. Now it would seem that God didn’t honour that promise because Abraham only had one legitimate child. Yet, because God is faithful, He honored that promise through the children of Abraham. Today, the descendants of Abraham, Israel is a great nation with innumerable people. God’s time is not synchronous with our earthly time. And because His time is different from ours, there is the need for patience. God’s promises are “yes” and “amen” but can we wait for it’s manifestation in the spirit of patience and absolute trust in the faithfulness of God? Waiting patiently for God’s word is prove that we trust what God says He will do. If we can wait, we can have whatever is promised us, of God.

Prayer_Bead: O, God, come and make me so that there is not a possibility for me to ever doubt you but to have a quenchless thirst for the Living God. Give me the tenacity to wait patiently in faith for your promises.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Gaining Christ, losing the world

[ The Glory Unveiled ]

What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ. ( Philippians 3:8 )

Everyday, many things chase after our minds and heart. New desires are draw to us each and every moment. But some of these things come usually to blind us from seeing the important things and attaching to the irrelevant ones. Unless we have a well defined set of priorities of what we deem important and or urgent, we cannot truly see the things that matter in our walk with Christ. There is only one slot for knowing Christ, we cannot seek to know Christ and the world. In other words, we cannot live for the world and still desire that we know Christ as much as other people know Him. In Jesus’ own words, no man can serve two masters. The apostle Paul says he considers every other thing garbage so that he could gain Christ. All material things that could be counted gain was considered loss so that he wouldn’t give them much attention. If we would imitate the apostle, we need to see the value of Christ as far above all else and then we will have real love and passion for the knowledge of Christ. Do we want to know Christ? A pattern is laid for us to follow. Count everything loss and Christ will be magnified as gain and most important. That way, our hearts are linked to heaven at any point in time.

Prayer_Bead: Father and Lord, King of all kings and master of the universe, thank you for the opportunity to choose you amidst all the things that call for my attention. Thank you for helping me to prioritize right.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

What do you really want?

[The Glory Unveiled]

Jesus stopped and called them. “What do you want me to do for you?” he asked. ( Matthew 20:32 )

Two blind men heard that Jesus was passing by and they knew that Jesus could restore their sight. So they began to call out to him disregarding all else and keeping their mind and attention on Jesus. Even when the crowd wanted to shut them up; deny them the opportunity to access their breakthrough, they didn’t give in. The story of these two blind men is like the story of most of us. Jesus is the solution to every life problem and most of us are not oblivious to that. But sometimes the reason why our answers seem to hang over our heads is the fact that, we are unable to answer the question that makes our anchor scripture above. “What do you want me to do for you?” is a question that is difficult to answer because many people have misplaced priorities. What do you really want or need amidst all the shadows of the needs you think you have? What is that real need you want God to help with? When we go to pray, we need to make our needs specific. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “give us this day our daily bread”. That was so specific and straight to the point. We need to inculcate this attitude of asking and answering questions right.

Prayer_Bead: Jehovah Jireh, God our provider and sustainer, thank you for showing me the pathway into making requests. Help me to prioritize well and to acknowledge you in all things.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

Life modules

[ The Glory Unveiled]

For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. ( Romans 8:13 )

There are only two modules for living in the world. And everyone alive subscribes to one of these two agencies; namely living according to the flesh and living by the Spirit. Adam and Eve were attacked in their flesh by what they saw and desired. The devil didn’t come to Eve in the spirit, he came in the visible flesh. And because they lived according to the laws of the flesh [in that moment], they and everyone who came through them died. But God, through Jesus has created a better avenue for us through the body [death of Jesus]. By subscribing to the death of Jesus, we put to death the misdeeds of the body. And then we can live because we would have stumbled into the life of God by that act of submitting to the Spirit of God. The Spirit life is real; it is tangible but it will take more than just acquainting ourselves with a few scriptures. The Spirit life is intentional and very deliberate. We need to demonstrate this life by subscribing to the dictates and ways of the Spirit. We cannot afford to live according to the flesh, especially in these times and seasons of the Lord’s great move in the earth.

Prayer_Bead: Spirit of all spirits and Father of the fatherless, thank you for the opportunity to walk by the Spirit. Please order my steps and teach me to walk in the confines of your word.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

More than bread

[The Glory Unveiled]

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’” ( Luke 4:4 )

The word of God is light and life. It is living water and manna to the soul. Without food or water, the flesh dissipates and growth becomes impossible. The word of God says that God’s word is light and lamp to us, without which we walk in darkness. Unless you have ever walked in darkness, you may not appreciate light. But whatever it takes, every living thing understands the need for food or whatever food means to them. So that there are no living things that continue to grow without feeding on something. In the above scripture, Jesus said, man shall not live on bread alone [but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God]. This is because we are spirit beings and spirit is not sustained by flesh nor does flesh lean on the spirit to grow. Without the word of God, the spirit of man cannot grow; the spirit of man starves without the word of God. And if we cannot starve our flesh, then we surely cannot starve our spirits. Let us consciously feed our spirits with the word of God. Let us drag our spirit to the Lord’s table. Let us pray and fast if we must, to shed off every weight so that we can submit our spirit to the tutelage of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer_Bead: Spirit to spirit, Heart to heart, Lover of my soul, thank you for the bread of life and feeding my spirit with your word. Guide me into constructive growth._

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.