Play your part

[The Glory Unveiled]

When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” [ John 2:3 NIV ]

Every cast in a drama has a part to play to make a complete story. If a character refuses to play their part, it will affect the plot. In life, we have all been assigned certain roles to carry out in displaying the beauty of God’s love story. This story has been playing out for many generations and through many centuries. Everyone who walked the earth had a role to play. But whether or not they embraced their mission and carried it out is another story. In our anchor chapter, we read about a wedding feast where the people had run out of wine. Jesus was in attendance, and so was Mary, his mother. Mary understood that she had a role to play in solving the problem at hand. So, she tells Jesus that the people needed wine. Even though Jesus gave an initial response that was supposed to discourage her, she wasn’t discouraged because she understood that Jesus had a role to play in the matter too. She then went to the servants and instructed them to do whatever Jesus asked them to do. This means the servants also had a role to play in making the new wine. Finally, the master of ceremonies had his part to play, in announcing the glory of what had transpired. Even though he didn’t fully know what had happened (verse 9), he played his part regardless. Reading the account carefully, we discover that everyone played their part so well even though they did not each know what their part had to do with the carrying out of another person’s part. But because everyone did their part without allowing others’ roles to influence them, the end was a beautiful testimony; the choicest wine was made from ordinary water. You have a part to play in the story God is telling through humanity. Don’t abandon your role. Let the world see God’s glory through the story of your life.

Prayer_Bead: Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing me to play a part in your story by your mercy. I yield to your script. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Everyone has a part in the story of God.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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