Purity is possible

[The Glory Unveiled] .

“How can a young man stay pure? Only by living in the Word of God and walking in its truth.” [ Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭9‭TPT‬‬ ]

The world seems to provide many solutions or approaches to dealing with situations and problems in life. As a result we have developed this culture of “alternatives”. But when it comes to purity—our walk of holiness, the Bible prescribes only one solution—living in the word of God and walking in its truth. This is so precise and unambiguous. So that we can have the solution it suggests when we do exactly what the Bible says. The simplicity of this solution reinforces its weight and truth. Sometimes we begin our purity journey with hope and zeal but then after a few strides, we begin to retrogress even to the point of undoing all previous efforts. The reason why this happens is still because we do not remain living in the word of God. One can only stay pure for as long as they stay in the word of God and walk in its truth for it is the word that washes us (Ephesians 5:26). Walking in the truth of God’s word means intentionally applying the word to our everyday life; being obedient to the instructions from God’s word. There is no other way around this truth. Some of us have literally tried many things to stay on the path of purity but to no avail. Our fruitless attempts have convinced some of us to think that a walk in purity is impossible. But the truth is that, it is possible! The only stumbling reality is that we cannot create our own formula for purity. If we want to stay (remain) pure and not have relapses in our walk, we need to live in the word. We need to be governed by the word of God for every decision we make. And then we wouldn’t have to think of consciously living in purity anymore. It will just become a second nature.

Prayer_Bead: Holy Father, thank you for showing me the only way to living a life of purity. Help me to live in the word and to walk in its truth at all times. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: The word of God is all you need to have all your needs met.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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