[The Glory Unveiled]
Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. ( Galatians 4:7 )
Identity is very important in the realization of purpose. We were enslaved by sin through disobedience. And as we already know, slavery gives no room for inheritance, rights or privileges. Slaves do not have rights to anything. Whatever they have the opportunity to experience can only be considered an act of mercy and kindness. Something, happened when Jesus hanged on the cross as a payment for our debt. He changed our status. From that moment forward, we were translated from the status of slaves to sons (males and females). And the man who adopted us into His family through Christ is God. So if we are sons, then we are heirs of God by that purchase power of the blood of Jesus. You are not a mere man or woman. You share in the inheritance of Jesus. We are joint heirs with Him. John 1:14, explains that our lineage is heavenly. We became born again not of the will of man but God. Therefore, this world and its systems cannot hold us down. We are up and above.
Prayer_Bead: Abba Father, my source and my Lord, thank you for redeeming me from the curse of the law and translating me into the kingdom of your marvelous Light. I share in the inheritance of Jesus. I am born of God. His blood runs through my veins. Glory!
#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.