
[The Glory Unveiled]

“Did you bring me sacrifices and offerings forty years in the wilderness, people of Israel? ( Amos 5:25 NIV )

There is a hefty price for everything under the sun. Sacrifices and offerings began in the Old Testament as instructions from God and as a principle that makes things happen even when they seem impossible. Different kingdoms, including the kingdom of darkness, operate through sacrifices. For something new to happen, something must be sacrificed—something must be given. When a grain of wheat is placed in the ground, it breaks down and dies. Yet, it is from that place of death that new life emerges, and it multiplies. For God to have many sons and daughters, He had to sacrifice His only begotten Son. Even God had to make a sacrifice to gain many in return. Sacrifices are essential for anything meaningful to happen. Often, when people do good, it comes from a position of sacrifice. It is easy to do wrong or withhold good from others, but helping others often requires sacrifice. You have to let go of alternatives to meet a need—that is sacrifice. God said that in the wilderness, the Israelites did not bring Him sacrifices or offerings. Yet, in reality, they lived at the expense of someone or something. They may have thought it was free, but someone always paid the price. Moses often stood in the gap for them, interceding on their behalf without their knowledge. Through his sacrifices, God showed mercy to the nation. Everything comes at the cost of a sacrifice. What are you willing to sacrifice for the glorious life awaiting you? Unless the price is paid in full, the delivery cannot be made.

Prayer_Bead: Mighty God, thank you for the privilege to experience a new life by the sacrifice of Jesus. Help me to also sacrifice for the new things waiting for me.

Wisdom_Quote: Sacrifice is the price for the new thing.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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