Submission to God

[The Glory Unveiled]

Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” [ Luke 22:42 NIV ]

Submission is often mistaken for slavery by many people. However, to submit to another person actually speaks volumes about the one submitting him/herself. To submit to another person shows meekness and total control over oneself. It is a sign of great discipline and self-control. The Lord Jesus, while on earth, was fully God and fully man. He had access to the resources of the Deity, to command and change, to make and unmake, to build or destroy. Yet, He chose not to exercise any of those powers. He hid everything under the will of the Father. We will notice that Jesus almost always called God “Father.” He called Him by His positional name, meaning that Jesus was always conscious of His own position and the responsibility of that office. So, even though He was God, He did not abuse His Godship. He wrapped up His desires in God’s will. He demonstrated meekness in that He could defend His desires but didn’t, instead submitting them to God’s will. He took His power and submitted it under God. He trusted God with His designated earthly life, not loving His life so much as to avoid losing it. Jesus, as our example, is calling us to trust God with our everything: our will and life itself. Jesus sacrificed His desires for the will of God to find expression on earth. The choices we make and the sacrifices we make have eternal consequences. If Jesus had not submitted His will to God, we would not have had salvation. Perhaps someone around us is deprived of something because we have chosen to follow our will and desires rather than the will of God. It is a sacrifice we must make for the greater good. If there is something you must endure for the good of others but have an easier alternative for your selfish enjoyment or to preserve your personal interests, we can make the choice Jesus made: “not my will but yours be done.”

Prayer_Bead: Father, thank you for the grace to submit my will to you. Help me not to preserve my life but to spend it on your purposes. In Jesus’ name.

Wisdom_Quote: Submission is a sign of great control over oneself.

#GNews: Unveiling the glory of God.

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